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userGuideRTxMapEditor-en, Peugeot [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
RTxMapEditor User’s guide
© Janfi67, 2006, 2008
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The Navteq license for RT3 and RT4 maps on CD-ROM forbids database modification, e.g. the data contained in the CD.
RT4 maps delivered on hard disk only don’t have associated license, then they depends only on the law of the delivery
In France, and probably in all the countries with a law based on the “droit d’auteur” it means you are not allowed to
modify a map to add your own POI. In countries using the copyright like UK, the situation may be different. The “fair-
dealing” and “public interest” notion are far more permissive than exceptions to the “droit d’auteur”. Please check by
yourself the law for countries other than France.
Despite the modification is forbidden, RTxMapEditor which lets you modify a map is a legal program because it does not
bypass any protection measure. That’s why it has been distributed since December 2006 in the whole Europe without any
problem. Neither Navteq, PSA nor Magneti-Marelli ever made any complaint about it.
You are now able with RTxMapEditor, a legal program to modify a Navteq map, action forbidden by the Navteq license.
Is there a risk for you to be sued by Navteq? The answer seems to be yes. But is it so simple? If you modify a map for
your strictly private usage only, where is the harm?
If the usage is strictly private, there is no harm at all for Navteq. Will they earn less money because you’ve added your
own POI to a map? Are you an unfair competitor? No. On the contrary, you may have purchase a RTx and Navteq maps
because it is now possible to add your own POI.
I’m sure Navteq will never sue a RTxMapEditor user who has added, for his personal use LPG gas station, his favorite
restaurants or any POI to his map. Imagine the negative image impact it would have for Navteq without any benefit. You
can use RTxMapEditor without any fear or risk if you respect its license, which protects my rights, but also your rights.
Nevertheless, some usages of RTxMapEditor are illegal, your responsibility is engaged and you may be sued if you do
them. For example:

To sell or distribute maps patched with RTxMapEditor

To extract and make publicly available a significant part of the POI contained in a map.

To add Swiss speed trap then to sell or to use it.
These actions harm Navteq financially speaking or break the laws of some countries.
Like burning software or a MP3 encoder, RTxMapEditor is a legal tool, but the usage you’re doing with it may be not.
And of course, the author of legal software cannot endorse responsibility for
At best, I can explain
you what you can and cannot do with RTxMapEditor.
© Janfi67, 2006, 2008
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This Chapter is a tutorial for beginners. It explains step by step how to make your first map with speed traps from
alertegps, gpspassion or any other list.
, adding POI (speed traps or others) to a map is very easy and requires only few steps,
all accessible from the toolbar’s buttons:
it during the first launch (select if you own a RT3 or a RT4, chose some options…) and copy on map
in a working directory.
by giving the file containing them and the icon to be displayed
to update the RT4 map with a USB key or
of the patch map and
for a RT3 or a RT4
To update POI of a map all that is necessary is to reload the map
(if it is not done automatically) and to do again steps
To use RTxMapEditor advanced features, please read chapter
Do not forget if you need help the “
in the upper right corner of most windows. Use it before asking something in
a forum please.
2.1. INSTALL RTxMapEditor
RTxMapEditor is freely available at:
If you have installed a previous version of RT3MapEditor, do not uninstall it before installing the new one!
Keeping the previous version allows the new one to use the previous configuration and if needed, to restore the old
version (using Add/Remove software in the control panel). Don’t worry about disk space, only 2 versions are kept.
The first thing to do is to install RTxMapEditor. Simply download the setup program,
RTxMapEditor0407.exe and
launch it
. Installation is straightforward; you just have to answer yes to some questions
Once installed, RTxMapEditor is automatically launched:

In French on a French Windows, in Portuguese on Portuguese Windows

In English on all other versions of Windows
It is possible to change the language with the “
menu of the main Window
At the first launch, you have to read the end user licence contract (telling you what you’re allowed and not allowed
to do with RTxMapEditor). If you don’t accept it, RTxMapEditor will not launch and you’ll have to uninstall it.
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If it’s the first installation, the only thing you can do is to configure RTxMapEditor. The only active button is the

” button and the status bar at the window bottom tells you what to do. Other buttons will become active once
the configuration done.
Before going further, take you original map and insert it in your CD-ROM drive.
If you own a RT4, you can copy the maps from the RT4 hard-drive to modify them using RTxMapEditor (see
Always keep a copy of your original map to put it back in your RT4 in case of problem with the patched one.
RTxMapEditor deals only with maps published in 2005 and more. If an older map is detected, RTxMapEditor will
warn you it cannot modify it. It would take me too much time to reverse engineered old format and implement it.
In such a case, You may need to find a newer map, and perhaps to upgrade your RT3 software with a 5.5X version
for VAN RT3 and 6.6X for CAN RT3. Version 7.10 or more is advised for RT4.
To work, RTxMapEditor needs to create a
working folder
in which it will copy your original map and build the modified
(patched) one with your POI or speed traps. Do not modify by yourself the content of this folder. RTxMapEditor may run
incorrectly or generate map which will crash your RTx.
If you want to patch several maps (for several countries for example) you’ll need to copy each map in a separate working
folder using the “
” button.
If you plan to patch several times the same map (to have an up-to-date speed trap list), keep the working folder.
RTxMapEditor will reuse it without needing to copy again your original map using the “
Load a map
” button.
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 The “
” tab of the Configuration window appears after clicking on the “
” button:
Start by choosing the RT3 mode (by default) or RT4 mode depending on the model you own.
In RT4 mode icons displayed by RTxMapEditor will be the RT4 ones, in RT3 mode, it will be the RT3 ones.
This setting doesn’t modify the map copy, you’ll be able change it when you want and patch a map in the RT3
mode then later in RT4 mode, but RTxMapEditor will optimize menus, icons and patched map for the selected
It is inadvisable to use a map patched in RT3 mode for a RT4 and conversely. Some options available in RT3
mode may crash your RT4.
A mode change needs to stop and launch again RTxMapEditor and previous configuration changes will be lost.
That’s the reason why it is better to start by configuring this setting.
If you select “
Loading at startup
”, the last loaded map will be automatically loaded at the next RTxMapEditor
Choose a
working folder
if you’re not satisfied with the default one using the “
” button. If you select a
folder containing a map, it will be displayed and the copy won’t be necessary.
Copy your original map by clicking the “
” button and selecting the root of the drive where you map is. See
RTxMapEditor it will copy all necessary data and the map CD won’t
be needed anymore. Warning, it takes several minutes and you need
free disk space (at least 900 MB for a French map).
© Janfi67, 2006, 2008
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