un-oios-20040823-01, Wikileaks, Compleat Wikileaks Archive, Misc
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES This report is protected under the provisions of ST/SGB/273, paragraph 18, of 7 September 1994" STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL OFFICE OF INTERNAL OVERSIGHT SERVICES INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION REDACTED REPORT OF INVESTIGATION ID CASE NOs. 0593/03 23 August 2004 R EPORT INTO DIVULGING OFFICIAL INFORMATION TO PERSONS EXTERNAL TO THE ORGANIZATION WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION ID C ASE N O . 0593/03 T ABLE OF C ONTENTS ___________________________________________________________________________ PAGE NO. I. I NTRODUCTION ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ 3 II. A PPLICABLE L AW ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ 3 III. M ETHODOLOGY ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ 3 IV. B ACKGROUND I NFORMATION ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ 4 V. I NVESTIGATIVE D ETAILS ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ 4 a. Unauthorized Submission of the Minutes of the Senior Management Team (SMT) by the staff member to the concerned individual 4 b. Email sent to British Prime Minister with an attachment on allegations of Sexual Harassment forwarded by the staff member to the concerned individual 5 c. Email sent to President Bush on 26 January 2003 forwarded by the staff member to the concerned individual on 27 January 2003 6 d. Email sent to a ÐMr. James BruceÑ by the staff member On 20 January 2003 7 e. Email with an attached ÐLetter to Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan and Meles ZenawiÑ sent to the concerned individual by the staff member on 1 August 2003 7 f. ÐECA TodayÑ Î A document dated 3 September 2003 and presented by the concerned individual to representatives of African Governments in Addis Ababa 8 g. Responses by the concerned individual when interviewed by OIOS 9 by OIOS 9 VI. E VIDENCE , F INDINGS OF F ACT ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ 10 VII. C ONCLUSION ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ 11 VIII. R ECOMMENDATIONS ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ 12 2 h. Responses made by the staff member when interviewed I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Investigations Division of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) received a number of emails that were sent to persons external to the Organization. The emails alleged that there were malpractices that were committed at the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) but no action was taken. One of the alleged authors of the said emails works at the Sustainable Development Division, ECA. 2. Consequently, an investigation was conducted that indicated that contrary to UN Rules and Regulations, a staff member communicated official UN matters without authorization to a concerned individual and other persons outside the Organization. II. APPLICABLE LAW 3. In accordance with Regulation 1.2 (i) of the Staff Regulations, ÐStaff members shall exercise the utmost discretion with regard to all matters of official business. They shall not communicate to any Government, entity, person or any other source any information known to them by reason of their official position that they know or ought to have known has not been made public, except as appropriate in the normal course of their duties or by authorization of the Secretary-General. These obligations do not cease upon separation from serviceÑ. 4. Regulation 1.2 (e) of the Staff Regulations provides that ÐBy accepting appointment, staff members pledge themselves to discharge their functions and regulate their conduct with the interests of the Organization only in view. Loyalty to the aims, principles and purposes of the United Nations, as set forth in its Charter, is a fundamental obligation of all staff members by virtue of their status as international civil servants.Ñ III. METHODOLOGY 5. OIOS investigation of this matter entailed obtaining and analyzing relevant documents and interviewing staff members 3 including the concerned staff member. A telephone interview was also conducted with the concerned individual. IV. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 6. The staff member started working for ECA in October 1992 and is currently a Team Leader at the Sustainable Development Division. He is at the P5 level. 7. The concerned individual was an ECA staff member and her services with the Organization were terminated on 12 March 2002. She was at the P3 level. V. INVESTIGATIVE DETAILS a. Unauthorized Submission of the Minutes of the Senior Management Team (SMT) by the staff member to the concerned individual 8. On 5 August 2003, the staff member was a participant at the Senior Management Team Meeting (SMT) that was held at the Operations Room, ECA. Subsequently, on 13 August 2003, along with the other participants, he received via email the draft minutes of the meeting for his comments from Mr. Ali Todaro, Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary. In the same email, Mr. Todaro also sent to the staff member the final version of the minutes of the SMT that was convened on 29 July 2003. 9. The two SMT minutes contained matters of official UN business such as status of programmes implementation, budget, management and corporate responsibility/accountability issues, recruitment, trade, debt and food sustainability issues in Africa. 10. On 16 August 2003, through a hotmail email address, the staff member without the authorization of ECA management sent the said SMT minutes to the concerned individual. As indicated above, the concerned individual was not a staff member at the time of submission of the SMT minutes by the staff member as she had ceased working for the UN on 12 March 2002. 11. During interviews with OIOS, Mr. Todaro confirmed that he had sent through email the minutes in question to the staff 4 member. He also stated that the staff member was one of the participants in the SMT meeting held on 5 August 2003. 12. When he was interviewed by OIOS, the staff member was shown an email dated 16 August 2003 that he had sent to the concerned individual. He was also shown an email dated 13 August 2003 that had been sent to him and other participants by Mr. Todaro forwarding minutes of the SMT meetings that were held on 29 July and 5 August 2003. When he was asked by OIOS why he sent the minutes to the concerned individual, a person external to the Organization, his response was that he merely had sent the minutes to the concerned individual for her information. The concerned individual was asked to confirm whether she had received the said minutes but declined to answer the question. b. Email sent to British Prime Minister with an attachment on allegations of Sexual Harassment forwarded by the staff member to the concerned individual 13. On 19 February 2003, an anonymous email was sent to the British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair by Ðhiwot abebeÑ. The subject of the email was ÐUnited Nations or United Devils????Ñ. The email was copied to the staff member and several other ECA and UN Headquarters officials. One of the recipients was the Executive Secretary of ECA. Attached to the email was also a document titled ÐSexual HarassmentÑ. 14. The contents of the email that was addressed to Mr. Blair alleged that the Executive Secretary and his management team were involved in illegal activities at ECA. The letter alleged that the Rules and Regulations of the Organization had been violated in areas such as recruitment and that theft was rampant in ECA. The author, therefore, appealed to Mr. Blair to contact the British Permanent Representative to the UN and the Prime Minister of Ethiopia to intervene on behalf of the aggrieved victims. The letter was purported to have been written by ÐWomen from ECAÑ. 15. The attached document sent to Mr. Blair alleged that there were criminal activities perpetrated at ECA including acts of sexual harassment but no action was taken by the management. For instance, it was alleged that Mr. Todaro sexually abused women staff members of ECA when they approached him for assistance. 5
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