understanding m values, Nurkowanie, Teoria dekompresji
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Understanding M-values By Erik C. Baker, P.E. In conjunction with an array of hypothetical "tissue" compartments, gas loading calculations and M-values compose the major elements of the dissolved gas or "Haldanian" decompression model. Through the use of widely-available desktop computer programs, technical divers rely on this model for their decompression safety. A good understanding of M-values can help divers to determine appropriate conservatism factors and evaluate the adequacy of various decompression profiles for a particular dive. hat are M-values? The term "M-value" was coined by Robert D. Workman in the mid-1960's when he was doing decompression research for the U.S. Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU). Workman was a medical doctor with the rank of Captain in the Medical Corps of the U.S. Navy. The "M" in M-value stands for "Maximum." For a given ambient pressure, an M-value is defined as the maximum value of inert gas pressure (absolute) that a hypothetical "tissue" compartment can "tolerate" without presenting overt symptoms of decompression sickness (DCS). M- values are representative limits for the tolerated gradient between inert gas pressure and ambient pressure in each compartment. Other terms used for M-values are "limits for tolerated overpressure," "critical tensions," and "supersaturation limits." The term M- value is commonly used by decompression modelers. without experiencing symptoms of DCS. Because the ambient pressure at 33 fsw depth is twice that at sea level, Haldane concluded that a ratio of 2:1 for tolerated overpressure above ambient could be used as the ascent limiting criteria. This approximate ratio was used by Haldane to develop the first decompression tables. In later years, and up until the 1960's, other ratios were used by various modelers for the different half-time compartments. Most of the U.S. Navy decompression tables were calculated using this supersaturation ratio method. However, there was a problem. Many of the tables produced by this method were deficient when it came to deeper and longer dives. Robert Workman began a systematic review of the decompression model including previous research that had been performed by the U.S. Navy. He arrived at some important conclusions. First of all, he recognized that Haldane's original ratio of 2:1 (based on air) was really a ratio of 1.58:1 if you considered only the partial pressure of the inert gas in air - nitrogen. [By that time in decompression research it was known that oxygen was not a significant factor in DCS; it was the inert gases like nitrogen and helium that were the culprits.] In his review of the research data, Workman found that the "tissue ratios" for tolerated overpressure varied by half-time compartment and by depth. The data showed that the faster half-time compartments tolerated a greater overpressure ratio than the slower compartments, and that for all compartments the tolerated ratios became less with increasing depth. Then, instead of using ratios, Workman described the maximum tolerated partial pressure of nitrogen and helium for each compartment at each depth as the "M- value." Next, he made a "linear projection" of these M-values as a function of depth and found that it was a reasonably close match to the actual data. He made the observation that "a linear projection of M-values is useful for computer programming as well." THE WORKMAN M-VALUES Workman's presentation of M-values in the form of a linear equation was a significant step in the evolution of the dissolved gas decompression model. His M-values established the concept of a linear relationship between depth pressure [or ambient pressure] and the tolerated inert gas pressure in each "tissue" compartment. This concept is an important element of the present-day dissolved gas model as applied by a variety of modelers. Workman expressed his M-values in the slope-intercept form of a linear equation (see Figure 1). His surfacing value was designated M O [pronounced "M naught"]. This was the intercept value in the linear equation at zero depth pressure (gauge) at sea level. The slope in the linear equation was designated HISTORICAL BACKGROUND In the dissolved gas or "Haldanian" decompression model, gas loading calculations for each hypothetical "tissue" compartment are compared against "ascent limiting criteria" to determine the safe profile for ascent. In the early years of the model, including the method developed by John S. Haldane in 1908, the ascent limiting criteria was in the form of "supersaturation ratios." For example, Haldane found that a diver whose "tissues" were saturated by breathing air at a depth of 33 fsw could ascend directly to the surface (sea level) M [pronounced "delta M"] and represented the change in M-value with change in depth pressure. THE BÜHLMANN M-VALUES Professor Albert A. Bühlmann, M.D., began doing decompression research in 1959 in the Laboratory of Hyperbaric Physiology at the University Hospital in Zürich, Switzerland. Bühlmann 1 continued his research for over thirty years and made a number of important contributions to decompression science. In 1983 he published the first edition (in German) of a successful book entitled Decompression - Decompression Sickness . An English translation of the book was published in 1984. Bühlmann’s book was the first nearly complete reference on making decompression calculations that was widely-available to the diving public. As a result, the "Bühlmann algorithm" became the basis for most of the world’s in-water decompression computers and do-it-yourself desktop computer programs. Three more editions of the book were published in German in 1990, 1993, and 1995 under the name Tauchmedizin or "Diving Medicine." [An English translation of the 4th Edition of the book (1995) is in preparation for publication]. Bühlmann’s method for decompression calculations was similar to the one that Workman had prescribed. This included M-values which expressed a linear relationship between ambient pressure and tolerated inert gas pressure in the hypothetical "tissue" compartments. The major difference between the two approaches was that Workman’s M-values were based on depth pressure (i.e. diving from sea level) and Bühlmann’s M-values were based on absolute pressure (i.e. for diving at altitude). This makes sense, of course, since Workman was concerned with the diving activities of the U.S. Navy (presumably performed at sea level) while Bühlmann was concerned with diving activities in the high mountain lakes of Switzerland. Bühlmann published two sets of M- values which have become well-known in diving circles; the ZH-L 12 set from the 1983 book, and the ZH-L16 set(s) from the 1990 book (and later editions). The "ZH" in these designations stands for "Zürich" (named after his hometown), the "L" stands for "linear," and the "12" or "16" represents the number of pairs of coefficients (M-values) for the array of half-time compartments for helium and nitrogen. The ZH-L 12 set has twelve pairs of coefficients for sixteen half-time compartments and these M-values were determined empirically (i.e. with actual Pressure Graph: Workman-style M-values versus Bühlmann-style M-values y y y x x slope = 1.0 Workman M = slope Workman M = intercept at zero depth pressure (gauge) O y x Bühlmann Coefficient b = reciprocal of slope (1/b = slope) Bühlmann Coefficient a = intercept at zero ambient pressure (absolute) 0 0 x Ambient Pressure, absolute Figure 1 decompression trials). The ZH-L16A set has sixteen pairs of coefficients for sixteen half-time compartments and these M-values were mathematically-derived from the half-times based on the tolerated surplus volumes and solubilities of the inert gases. The ZH-L16A set of M- values for nitrogen is further divided into subsets B and C because the mathematically-derived set A was found empirically not to be conservative enough in the middle compartments. The modified set B (slightly more conservative) is suggested for table calculations and the modified set C (somewhat more conservative) is suggested for use with in-water decompression computers which calculate in real-time. Similar to the Workman M-values, the Bühlmann M-values are expressed in the slope-intercept form of a linear equation (see Figure 1). The Coefficient a is the intercept at zero ambient pressure (absolute) and the Coefficient b is the reciprocal of the slope. [Note: the Coefficient a does not imply that humans can withstand zero absolute pressure! This is simply a mathematical requirement for the equation. The lower limit for ambient pressure in the application of the Bühlmann M-values is on the order of 0.5 atm/bar.] DCAP AND DSAT M-VALUES Many technical divers will recognize the 11F6 set of M-values used by Hamilton Research’s Decompression Computation and Analysis Program (DCAP). This set or "matrix" of M-values was determined by Dr. Bill Hamilton and colleagues during development of new air decompression tables for the Swedish Navy. In addition to air diving, the 11F6 M-values have worked well for trimix diving and are the basis for many custom decompression tables in use by technical divers. Many sport divers are familiar with 2 the Recreational Dive Planner (RDP) distributed by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). The M-values used for the RDP were developed and tested by Dr. Raymond E. Rogers, Dr. Michael R. Powell, and colleagues with Diving Science and Technology Corp. (DSAT), a corporate affiliate of PADI. The DSAT M-values were empirically verified with extensive in-water diver testing and Doppler monitoring. determined by various independent researchers around the globe. This is a good sign as it indicates that the science has determined a relatively consistent threshold for symptoms of decompression sickness across the human population. Workman Definitions: M = tolerated inert gas pressure (absolute) in hypothetical "tissue" compartment Depth = depth pressure (gauge) measured from surface at sea level Tolerated Depth = tolerated depth pressure (gauge) measured from surface at sea level FORMAT FOR M-VALUES M-values are often expressed in the form of a linear equation as in the Workman- style or the Bühlmann-style. This format is ideal for computer programming since it allows the M-values to be calculated "on-the-fly" as they are needed. The linear format permits the display of M- value lines on the pressure graph as well. M-values can also be expressed in the form of a "matrix" or table. This is simply where the M-values for each half- time compartment and each stop depth are pre-calculated and arranged in columns and rows. This format is useful for detailed comparisons and analysis. Some of the early dive computers and desktop computer programs used the table format to "look up" M-values for each stop during the calculation process. M = intercept at zero depth pressure (gauge); surfacing M-value M = slope of M-value line O COMPARISON OF M-VALUES Tables 1 thru 4 present a comparison of M-values for nitrogen and helium between the various Haldanian decompression algorithms discussed in this article. All M-values are presented in Workman-style format. An evolution or refinement in the M-values is evident from Workman (1965) to Bühlmann (1990). The general trend has been to become slightly more conservative. This trend reflects a more intensive validation process (empirical testing) and includes the use of Doppler ultrasound monitoring for the presence and quantity of "silent bubbles" (bubbles which are detectable in the circulation but are not associated with overt symptoms of decompression sickness). Bühlmann Definitions: P i.g. = tolerated inert gas pressure (absolute) in hypothetical "tissue" compartment t.tol. P i.g. = inert gas pressure (absolute) in hypothetical "tissue" compartment t. P = ambient pressure (absolute) amb. P = tolerated ambient amb.tol. pressure (absolute) a = intercept at zero ambient pressure (absolute) b = reciprocal of slope of M-value line M-VALUE CHARACTERISTICS M-value sets can be classified into two categories, no-decompression sets and decompression sets. No-decompression M-values are surfacing values only. The DSAT RDP M-values are an example. No-stop dive profiles are designed so that the calculated gas loadings in the compartments do not exceed the surfacing M-values. This allows for direct ascent to the surface at any time during the dive. Some no-decompression CONSISTENCY OF M-VALUES algorithms account for ascent and descent rates in the calculations. One observation that can be made about the comparison between the M-values of the various algorithms is that there is not a great difference between them. In other words, there appears to be a certain consistency between the values 3 Table 1: Comparison of M-values for Nitrogen Between Various Haldanian Decompression Algorithms American System of Pressure Units - feet of sea water (fsw) Workman M-values (1965) Bühlmann ZH-L M-values (1983) DSAT RDP M-values (1987) DCAP MF11F6 M-values (1988) Bühlmann ZH-L16 M-values (1990) 12 A B C Cpt No. HT min M fs O M Cpt No. HT min M fs O M t No. HT min M fs O Cpt No. HT M fs O M slope Cpt No. HT min M fs O M M M O fsw O fsw slope slope min slope 1 2.65 111.9 1.2195 1 4.0 106.4 106.4 106.4 1.9082 1 5 104 1.8 1 5 99.08 1 2 5 10 104.0 80.5 1.30 1b 5.0 97.3 97.3 97.3 1.7928 2 10 88 1.6 2 7.94 89.1 1.2195 2 10 82.63 1.05 2 8.0 83.2 83.2 83.2 73.8 66.8 1.5352 3 4 12.2 18.5 75.2 68.8 1.2121 3 4 12.5 18.5 73.8 73.8 1.3847 3 20 72 1.5 1.1976 3 4 20 66.89 66.8 66.8 1.2780 5 26.5 63.5 1.1834 30 59.74 3 25 62.3 1.08 5 27.0 62.3 62.3 60.8 1.2306 4 40 56 1.4 6 37 57.3 1.1628 5 40 55.73 6 38.3 58.5 57.4 55.6 1.1857 7 8 53 79 53.2 51.9 1.1494 6 60 80 51.44 49.21 4 55 48.6 1.06 7 8 54.3 77.0 55.2 54.1 52.3 1.1504 5 80 54 1.3 1.1236 7 8 52.3 51.7 50.1 1.1223 100 47.85 5 95 45.4 1.04 9 109 49.9 49.9 48.5 1.0999 6 120 52 1.2 9 114 51.9 1.1236 9 120 46.93 7 8 160 200 51 1.15 1.1 10 11 146 185 50.2 50.2 1.0707 10 11 160 200 45.78 45.07 6 7 145 200 44.7 44.1 1.02 10 11 146 187 48.2 48.2 47.2 46.1 1.0844 51 1.0707 1.01 46.8 46.8 1.0731 9 240 50 1.1 12 238 47.3 1.0593 12 240 44.60 12 239 45.6 45.6 45.1 1.0635 13 304 42.6 1.0395 8 285 44.0 1.0 13 305 44.5 44.1 44.1 1.0552 14 15 397 503 42.6 42.6 1.0395 13 360 480 43.81 43.40 9 10 385 520 44.0 44.0 1.0 14 15 390 498 43.5 43.5 43.1 42.4 41.8 1.0478 1.0395 14 1.0 42.6 42.6 1.0414 16 635 42.6 1.0395 16 635 41.8 41.8 1.0359 670 43.5 1.0 11 Cpt = Compartment HT = Half-time M = Surfacing M-value (sea level = 1 atm = 33 fsw = 1.01325 bar) M = slope of M-value line O Table 2: Comparison of M-values for Nitrogen Between Various Haldanian Decompression Algorithms European System of Pressure Units - meters of sea water (msw) Workman Bühlmann ZH-L M-values (1983) DSAT RDP DCAP MM11F6 Bühlmann ZH-L16 12 M-values (1965) M-values (1987) M-values (1988) M-values (1990) A B C Cpt HT M M Cpt HT M M Cpt HT min M Cpt HT M M Cpt HT M M msw M M O O O O O O O No. min msw slope No. min 2.65 msw slope No. msw No. min msw slope No. min msw msw slope 1 34.2 1.2195 1 4.0 32.4 32.4 32.4 1.9082 1 5 31.7 1.8 1 5 30.42 1 5 31.90 1.30 1b 5.0 29.6 29.6 29.6 1.7928 2 10 26.8 1.6 27. 4 27.2 1.2195 2 10 25.37 2 10 24.65 1.05 2 .0 25.4 25.4 22.5 25.4 22.5 1.5352 3 12.2 22.9 1.2121 3 .5 22.5 1.3847 3 20 21.9 1.5 4 5 18.5 21.0 19.3 1.1976 1.1834 3 4 20 20.54 18.34 4 .5 5 7.0 20.3 19.0 20.3 20.3 1.2780 1.2306 26.5 30 3 25 19.04 1.08 19.0 18.5 4 40 17.0 1.4 6 37 17.4 1.1628 5 40 60 17.11 6 38.3 17.8 17.5 16.9 1.1857 7 53 79 16.2 1.1494 6 15.79 4 55 14.78 1.06 7 54.3 16.8 16.5 15.7 15.9 15.2 1.1504 5 80 16.4 1.3 8 15.8 1.1236 7 8 9 80 15.11 14.69 14.41 8 77.0 15.9 15.2 1.1223 100 5 95 13.92 1.04 9 109 15.2 14.7 1.0999 6 120 15.8 1.2 9 114 15.8 1.1236 120 7 160 200 15.5 1.15 1.1 10 11 146 15.3 1.0707 1.0707 10 11 160 14.06 13.84 6 7 145 200 13.66 1.02 1.01 10 146 14.6 14.2 14.6 14.2 14.3 14.0 1.0844 8 15.5 185 15.3 200 13.53 11 187 1.0731 9 240 15.2 1.1 12 13 238 14.4 12.9 1.0593 1.0395 12 240 13.69 12 239 13.9 13.5 13.9 13.7 1.0635 304 8 285 13.50 1.0 13 305 13.4 13.4 1.0552 14 397 12.9 1.0395 13 360 480 13.45 13.33 9 385 520 13.50 1.0 14 390 13.2 13.2 13.1 1.0478 15 503 635 12.9 1.0395 14 10 13.40 1.0 15 498 12.9 12.9 12.7 12.9 12.7 1.0414 16 12.9 1.0395 16 635 12.7 1.0359 11 670 13.30 1.0 Cpt = Compartment HT = Half-time M = Surfacing M-value (sea level = 10 msw = 1.0 bar) M = slope of M-value line O 4 Decompression M-values are characterized by having a slope parameter which determines the change in M-value with change in ambient pressure. The value of the slope parameter will vary depending on the half-time of the hypothetical "tissue" compartment. Generally, faster half-time compartments will have a greater slope than slower half-time compartments. This reflects the observation that faster compartments tolerate greater overpressure than slower compartments. If the slope is greater than 1.0 then the M-value line "expands" on the pressure graph and that compartment will tolerate greater overpressure gradients with increasing depth. A fixed slope of 1.0 means that the compartment will tolerate the same overpressure gradient regardless of depth. In all cases, the value of the slope can never be less than 1.0. Otherwise, the M-value line would cross under the ambient pressure line at some point and this would represent an "illogical" situation whereby the compartment could not tolerate even the ambient pressure. Table 3: Comparison of M-values for Helium Between Various Haldanian Decompression Algorithms American System of Pressure Units - feet of sea water (fsw) Workman M-values (1965) Bühlmann ZH-L M-values (1983) Bühlmann ZH-L16A M-values (1990) 12 Cpt No. HT min M fsw M Cpt No. HT min M fsw M t No. HT min M fsw M O O O slope slope slope 1 1.0 111.9 1.2195 1 1.51 134.5 2.3557 1b 1.88 121.9 2.0964 2 3.0 89.1 1.2195 2 3.02 102.5 1.7400 1 5 86 1.5 3 4 4.6 7.0 75.2 68.8 1.2121 3 4 4.72 6.99 89.4 1.5321 1.1976 79.7 1.3845 2 10 74 1.4 5 10 63.5 1.1834 5 10.21 73.6 1.3189 6 14 57.3 1.1628 6 14.48 68.2 1.2568 3 20 66 1.3 7 8 20 30 53.2 51.9 1.1494 7 8 20.53 29.11 63.7 1.2079 1.1236 59.8 1.1692 4 40 60 1.2 9 43 51.9 1.1236 9 10 11 41.20 55.19 70.69 57.1 1.1419 10 11 55 70 52.4 52.4 1.0799 55.1 1.1232 5 80 56 1.2 1.0799 1.0799 1.0799 1.0799 1.0799 1.0799 54.0 1.1115 12 90 52.4 12 90.34 53.3 1.1022 6 120 54 1.2 13 115 52.4 13 115.29 53.1 1.0963 7 8 160 200 54 1.1 1.0 14 15 150 190 52.4 52.4 14 15 147.42 188.24 52.8 1.0904 53 52.6 1.0850 9 240 53 1.0 16 240 52.4 16 240.03 52.3 1.0791 Cpt = Compartment HT = Half-time M = slope of M-value line M = Surfacing M-value (sea level = 1 atm = 33 fsw = 1.01325 bar) O THE AMBIENT PRESSURE LINE Table 4: Comparison of M-values for Helium Between Various Haldanian Decompression Algorithms The ambient pressure line is an all- important reference line on the pressure graph. Passing through the origin, it has a slope of 1.0 and simply represents the collection of points where the compartment inert gas loading will be equal to ambient pressure. This is important because when the inert gas loading in a compartment goes above the ambient pressure line, an overpressure gradient is created. An M-value line represents the established limit for tolerated overpressure gradient above the ambient pressure line. European System of Pressure Units - meters of sea water (msw) Workman Bühlmann ZH-L Bühlmann ZH-L16A M-values (1990) 12 M-values (1965) Cpt No. M-values (1983) HT min M O msw slope M Cpt No. HT M M t HT min M O M O min 1 .0 msw slope No. msw slope 34.2 1.2195 1 1.51 41.0 37.2 31.2 2.3557 1b 1.88 2.0964 2 .0 27.2 1.2195 1.2121 1.1976 2 3.02 1.7400 1 5 26.2 1.5 3 4.6 22.9 3 4.72 27.2 1.5321 4 .0 21.0 4 6.99 24.3 1.3845 1.3189 1.2568 1.2079 1.1692 1.1419 1.1232 1.1115 1.1022 1.0963 1.0904 1.0850 1.0791 2 10 22.5 1.4 5 0 6 4 19.3 17.4 1.1834 5 6 10.21 22.4 20.8 1.1628 1.1494 1.1236 14.48 3 20 20.1 1.3 7 20 16.2 7 20.53 19.4 THE DECOMPRESSION ZONE 8 0 15.8 8 29.11 18.2 4 40 18.3 1.2 9 3 15.8 15.9 1.1236 1.0799 1.0799 1.0799 1.0799 1.0799 1.0799 1.0799 9 41.20 17.4 The "decompression zone" is the region on the pressure graph between the ambient pressure line and the M-value line (see Figure 3). Within the context of the dissolved gas model, this zone represents the functional area in which decompression takes place. In theory, a positive gradient above ambient pressure is desireable in order for a compartment to "off-gas" or "decompress." In some 10 55 10 11 55.19 16.8 5 80 17.0 1.2 11 70 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 70.69 16.4 12 90 12 90.34 16.2 6 120 16.4 1.2 13 115 13 14 15 115.29 16.1 7 8 160 16.4 16.1 1.1 1.0 14 15 150 190 147.42 16.1 16.0 200 188.24 9 240 16.1 1.0 16 240 16 240.03 15.9 Cpt = Compartment HT = Half-time M = slope of M-value line M = Surfacing M-value (sea level = 10 msw = 1.0 bar) O 5
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