unicycle readme, Soft, Wtyczki
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] unicycle v013by spacedad and mbregesunzip and keep the correct folder structure,wavs must be in unicycle/unicycle/301_orig.(oh and put it in your vstplugins folder of course)*********************************************************************************please note:unicycle was built using v1.017 of synthedit.there is a known bug with version 1.0xx of SynthEdit that affects some 'multicore processors',when loading more than one instance of the same plugin.a work-around is to copy the unicycle folder and rename it to 'unicycle-B'(or whatever you like),also rename the unicycle.dll and the unicycle folder that contains the files/samples to 'unicycle-B' too.this bug has been fixed in the latest synthedit betas,but not the stable version yet.*********************************************************************************inspired by nifflas' fourcycle synththe synth part is split into 4 parts;amp/pitch/filter/badness.each with ADSR,2xLFO's and a few extra controls;amp:adsr/lfo's/volume/glide/waveform selector/mono button.pitch:adsr/-lfo's/pitch env/bender/octave/semi/cents.filter:adsr/lfo's/filter env1/filter env2/rez/zing.bad:adsr/lfo's/bad env/rectify/quantize/bit+samplerate.sorry if some things seem to cut out at certain settings,the way it's wired means that not everything can work at all times.which can give wonderful but sometimes unexpected results.which is how i like it. ;)gui controls;most drawbars/sliders you can draw with left-mouse button and it will jump to position.with the adsr's you can draw 'shapes'.lfo's;amount+range=pink,and purple=free range;pink ones will revert to default when double-clicked.beat divisions for tempo-syncing can be left-clicked+dragged,(double click for default)waveshapes=double-click to scroll through or left-click+drag.when the square shape is selected you get the pulse width slider,double-click for default(regular square),i did guide markings to help get it to beat in time.black is 50%,white is 33.3% and 66.6%.octave+semi boxes left-click+drag to scroll.double-click to return to default.wave selector=left-click+drag,double-click for random selection.+,- buttons;hold down to scoll.bit+samplerate can be typed in.coloured buttons above sliders turn function on or bypass it.inspired by nifflas' fourcycle synth...................(a groovy standalone app that makes great 8bit 4xcycle wavs.)i thought i'd make a vst synth to play these sounds.(though i had to convert them to 16bit.cos the dh_waveplayer only reads 16 or 24 bit)i tried to go through most of the fourcycle synth controls and save them in blocks of 50,but i needed to keep it to about 300 files,so i had to miss some out,oh,and it got a bit confusingbut i tried to keep some sort of order;more or less repeated in blocks of 50.except the last 50 which was a free-for-all.here's a rough guide to what the samples are;000=square oct1001=square oct2002=square oct3003=square oct1+ring mod004=square oct2+ring mod005=square oct3+ring mod006=square oct1+ring mod2007=square oct2+ring mod2008=square oct3+ring mod2009=square oct1+ring mod3010=square oct2+ring mod3011=square oct3+ring mod3012=square oct1+ring mod4013=square oct2+ring mod4014=square oct3+ring mod4.......mad inverter.......mad inverter ultra+.......strange clipping device.......nearby sample shuffler.......lucky shuffle050=sine oct1 etc..........100=triangle oct1 etc.........150=noise oct1 etc.........200=saw oct1 etc.........250=random selection..........if you want to use your own sounds,just replace some or all files with your own.(you must keep the same names 0.wav etc to 300.wav)don't forget to keep a copy of the 301_orig folder incase you want to go back.i've not tested which files work,but i think any 16 or 24 bit wav should work ok.special thanks to mbreges for the amazing subcontrol prefabs,this couldn't have happened without him.we've both put many hours in to get this working.so we hope you enjoy it.this is freeware,do not sell.if you pass it round,please include the readme.disclaimer;as always,mind the volume,your ears+your speakers.unpredictable loud noise may and hopefully will emanate from this crazy machine.i am not responsible for any damage to you,your computer or your pets.(it's always good practice to put a limiter on the end of the chain,or on yourvst hosts master out,to capture any loud spikes.)copyright 2009 spacedad and mbreges.spacedad@spaceraiders.co.ukwww.spaceraiders.co.uk/spacedad.htmlnifflas original fourcycle synth can be found here;or here;many thanks for the great synthedit modules by;ASsynthedit.audioholik.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=85DHwww.dehaupt.comSCscp.web.elte.hu/syntheditKDL www.rubidiumhexafluorosilicate.com/synthedit/LPwww.uweb.ucsb.edu/~ljputnamOLwww.olilarkin.co.ukAPwww.hgsounds.commade in synthedit: ? 2009 by jeff mcclintock.all rights reserved.www.synthedit.com/vst and asio are trademarks of steinberg soft- und hardware gmbh.
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