unit 08 warmer, Angielski
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Leisure activities 1 Match the activities and words in the box with the verbs. go for a walk eat play read do watch 2 Choose six of the leisure activities in Exercise 1. Write six sentences using each activity and an adverb of frequency or day of the week. For example: I go for a walk on Sundays . a) ______________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________ c) ______________________________________________________ d) ______________________________________________________ e) ______________________________________________________ f) ______________________________________________________ 3 Look at the adjectives in the box. Describe each of the leisure activities you chose in Exercise 2 using an adjective. Write sentences. boring exciting difficult easy fun interesting For example: Sightseeing is fun. a) ______________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________ c) ______________________________________________________ d) ______________________________________________________ e) ______________________________________________________ f) ______________________________________________________ Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education. All rights reserved. www.longman.com/totalenglish/ Leisure activities TEACHER’S NOTES: Aim: to practise and consolidate key vocabulary; leisure activities. This warmer is designed to be used in conjunction with unit 8. Time: 40 minutes Materials: copy of the worksheet for each student 1 Students match the verbs with the words/activities in the box. Elicit answers from class. You might want to point out that ‘out’ can be used with ‘go’ or ‘eat’. Answers: Go: for a walk, sightseeing, cycling, to the theatre, swimming, out Eat out Play: chess, tennis, football Read a book Do exercise Watch TV 2 Students choose six of the leisure activities from Exercise 2 and write six sentences including an adverb of frequency or day/weekend phrase as well as the leisure activity. Monitor as students work and ask them to read out some of their sentences to the class at end of activity. 3 Students work with the same leisure activities and this time use the adjectives to describe each one. Monitor as students work and ask them to read out some of their sentences to the class. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education. All rights reserved. www.longman.com/totalenglish/
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