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****** VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter**** UnixWare/OpenUnix Driver**** v2.17 Jun. 2005****Introduction:=============This document describes the procedure to install the SCO UnixWare7/OpenUnix8driver for "VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver".Contents of the Subdirectory:=============================VTD.PKG The ethernet driver for Unixware/OpenUnix.UNIXWARE.TXT This file.Installation:=============SCO UnixWare 7.x / OpenUnix 8Installing driver procedure on SCO UnixWare7/OpenUnix8 :-----------------------------------------Before you start with the installation process, make sure that theSCO Unixware/OpenUnix system is properly installed. Similarly, your adaptershould also be properly installed in your machine.1. Installation Diskette in DOS format.Put the "VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter" SCO Unixware/OpenUnix Driverdiskette to floppy A: and use mcopy command to copy Driver intoUnixware/OpenUnix's directories.# cd /# mcopy A:/vtD.pkg /tmp2. Run 'pkgadd' utility to add the driver software to system.# pkgadd -d /tmp/vtD.pkg=> Select "1 vtD VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver"to add the driver package to the system.=> quit3. Use 'scoadmin' utility to add adapters.# scoadmin=> Select "Networking" item from the item list and press enter.=> Select "Network Configuration Manager" item from the item listand press enter.=> Select "Add New Lan Adapter" menu item from "Hardware".=> Select the "VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter" item from theitem list.=> select Network driver options for speed mode, duplex mode andflow control setting.=> Add protocol(s) to the adapter.4. Return to the command prompt.5. Shutdown the system and reboot.# cd /# shutdownNOTE: 1. If you want to install more than one network adapter, youshould do the 4th, 5th, 6th steps above for each network cardseparately.2. This driver can support up to four network adapters.Network driver options:=======================1) Speed ModeSpeed Mode is used for setting the speed of NIC.Value:Auto: indicate autonegotiation for speed mode(Default).10: indicate speed is 10Mbps.100: indicate speed is 100Mbps.2) Duplex ModeDuplex Mode is used for setting the duplex mode of NIC.Value:Auto: indicate autonegotiation for duplex mode(Default).Half: indicate half duplex mode.Full: indicate full duplex mode.3) Flow ControlFlow Control is used for setting the flow control ability of NIC.Value:HW_Default_Auto: Use hardware default value.Disable: disable PAUSE.Enable: enable PAUSE.When setting to Hardware Default(Auto), the flow control setting isaccording to the auto-negotiation result based on PHY hardware defaultvalues. However, when setting to other values(Disable, Enable), driverwill just disable or enable flow control ability according to your setting.4) Drop invalid 802.3 frameDrop invalid 802.3 frame is used for controlling driver should dropinvalid 802.3 fram or not.Value:Disable: Receiving invalid 802.3 frameEnable: Drop invalid 802.3 frame [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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