upper-inter-wb-answerkey, Inne
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->Workbook Upper intermediateAnswer Key1 ImpressionsGrammar1a) 1 b) 6 c) 4 d) 8e) 3 f) 2 g) 7 h) 56a) doesn’t sheb) did Ic) aren’t Id) haven’t youe) was itf) does sheg) do theyVocabulary1Usually positive characteristics:warm, charming, hearty, sparklingUsually negative characteristics:abrasive, fake, harsh, shrill, strident212345678just boughtwas walkingsawhad been lookingwas sellingused to havealways feel’m wearing7a)✓b) Do you mind telling me how youmet him or her?c) Could you tell me what your firstthoughts were?d)✓e) Do you think that you made agood impression on him or her?f) Do you know what he or she isdoing now?g) I’d like to know if/whether youstill have the same opinion aboutthis person.2a) 6 b) 5 c) 2 d) 4e) 1 f) 7 g) 33a) charmingb) firmc) impassived) forcede) staringf) spikyg) huskyh) designere) relocatef) reconsiderg) rewriteh) reschedulee) remakef) redog) repackageh) re-examinee) sleevef) beltg) hemh) collard) sleevee) buckle4a) rediscoverb) reunitec) rebuildd) reinvent3a) So does Venice.b) So is Titanic.c) Neither has Jodie Foster.d) So did Daniel Day-Lewis.e) So does Keifer Sutherland.f) Neither has Antonio Banderas.g) Neither was Schwarzenegger.h) So did Tom Hanks.Sentences c, f, and h are completelyuntrue.8a) Do you know know what kind ofsalary you are looking for?b) Could you tell me which politicalparty you vote for?c) Do you think that you work wellunder stress?d) Do you mind telling me if/whether you have ever been introuble with the police?e) I’d like to know what is moreimportant for you: money or jobsatisfaction.f) Would you say that you area “morning person” or an“afternoon person”?g) I’d like to know whether youbelieve in God.5a) rearrangeb) reconstructc) rethinkd) reword6a) buckleb) zipperc) buttond) cuff4a) So do I. / I don’t!b) So have I. / I haven’t!c) So would I. / I wouldn’t!d) Neither do I. / I do!e) Neither do I. / I do!f) So am I. / I’m not!g) So did I. / I didn’t!h) Neither have I. / I have!i) Neither could I. / I could!7a) cuffb) buttonc) belt81 c 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 b5a) weren’t youb) aren’t youc) are youd) do youe) don’t youf) didn’t youg) can youh) have youi) did youRFFRRFRFFPronunciationa) Speaker Ab) Speaker Ac) Speaker Bd) Speaker Be) Speaker Af) Speaker B91 guess2 can’t3 down4 up5 annoying10123456thatoveronewithimagebears7 resemblance8 same9 recognize10 looks11 like12 lookingNew American Inside OutD.R.©Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010a n s w e rk e y1reading1/2The second and the third ads willprobably get the most replies.2a) makingb) Letc) forced) allowe) getf) arrangeg) attempth) mindi) askb) Blood is thicker than water.c) Home is where the heart is.d) Birds of a feather flock together.e) Two’s company, three’s a crowd.f) One good turn deserves another.3a) 3 b) 2 c) not needed d) 5e) 1 f ) 4 g) 641 a) 2 f) 3 e) 4 d) 5 c) 6 b)3a) to understandb) talkingc) goingd) to helpe) spendingf) to leaveg) knowh) to give4appeal / appealingattract / attractiveenticetempt5a) impressedb) fed upc) irritatingd) terriblee) optimisticf) allergicg) amazed4a) They couldn’t afford to buy lots ofnew clothes.b) They encouraged me to go tochurch every week.c) They never let me bring friendshome.d) They made me come home at teno’clock every night.e) They warned me not to go tonightclubs (because they weredangerous).f) My father expected me to work inhis factory.g) My parents taught me to respectauthority.h) I was dreading telling my parentsthat I had a boyfriend.i) I managed to run away from homewhen I was 15.j) I tried to live on my own, but itwas very hard.6a) terribleb) allergicc) amazedd) impressede) optimisticf) irritatingg) fed upwriting1c) A voice and a life21 b 2 c 3 a71234takecallhavewelcome5678makeshowhelpholler3I first discovered her music becausemy mother used to like it and listento it when she was cooking. Aboutten years ago, Marianne Faithfullwas in concert here, and we wenttogether. She was superb. I love theway she sings, and she has had such afascinating life. I don’t like everythingthat she has done, but she’s alwaysinteresting.Pronunciation1a) gray, say, chase, fakeb) buy, try, flight, wildc) boy, toy, annoy, joind) go, know, clothes, hoste) how, now, clown, ground4appearedbeautifulconcertdifferentextremelyfascinatingfavoriteincludinginterestingrecentlyserious✓51 at 2 to 3 in 4 at 5 for6 about 7 to 8 of 9 with10 with2a) lostb) wearc) gived) lowe) have6a) Do you find it difficult to get up inthe morning?b) Is it embarrassing for you to speakEnglish?c) Do you find it irritating to getspam email?d) Is it easy for you to keep a secret?e) Do you find it boring to watchcommercials on TV?f) Do you find it amusing to look atold family pictures?Listening1Speaker 1: Picture cSpeaker 2: Picture bSpeaker 3: Picture a2 GenerationsGrammar1a) Lidia decided to study in the USA.b) She wanted her parents to pay forher studies.c) Unfortunately, they could notafford to help her.d)✓e)✓f) The family friends didn’t ask herto pay any rent.g) She loved going to classes and shemade lots of friends.h) She spent her free time taking careof the friends’ children.2Speakertopicboyfriendsentertainment123Vocabulary11 infancy2 childhood3 adolescence4 adulthood5 middle age6 old agee) urgedf) warnedg) mindh) encourage✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓fashionmarriagemoneymusicpoliticsstudieswork2a) dreadingb) aimingc) avoidd) manage3a) Charity begins at home.2a n s w e rk e yD.R.©Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010New American Inside Out3a) a bad jobb) not as good as people claimc) caused things to go wrongd) made very easy for theme) survive financiallyf) a situation where you have twovery different advantageswriting11 d 2 e 3 m 4 n 5 i 6 k7 c 8 l 9 f 10 g 11 a 12 j13 b 14 hd) If I didn’t need to learn English, Iwould have stopped a long timeago.e) If I didn’t have to go to worktomorrow, I would stay at home.f) If I had been good at math, Iwould have studied it at college.g) If I had done more exercise whenI was younger, I would be a lothealthier now.h) If I’d been born with very richparents, I wouldn’t be doing thisjob.6a) a steady stream of peopleb) digest the informationc) use your time more profitablyd) food for thoughte) a half-baked ideaf) spare a couple of minutesg) spent the eveningh) trickling slowlyi) wasting your timej) worth your while7A1234B1234loadedsplash outblowlivingworthmadepriceyhard5678breadwinnerpeanutsa rainy daydebt5a) 8 b) 2 c) 7 d) 3 e) 6f) 5 g) 4 h) 12a) P b) H c) H d) H e) Pf) H g) P h) P6a) If I’d studied harder at school, I’dhave a better job.b) If it was/were made of real gold, itwould be worth a lot.c) If they hadn’t cornered the market,they wouldn’t have put up theprice.d) If he didn’t have a talent for seeinga gap in the market, he wouldn’thave made millions.e) If she had realized it was valuable,she wouldn’t have given it away.f) If my time wasn’t /weren’t soprecious, I would have spoken tothem.g) If I hadn’t been working late, Iwouldn’t have missed the movie.h) If I had known you were coming, Iwould have come to meet you.3 GoldGrammar1a) was goingb) would seec) they had hadd) the next daye) wasn’t finishedf) would loveg) ‘d goneh) we were going5 range6 budget7 stretch8a) I was looking for something a littlemore colorful.b) I was wondering if you might havesomething a little less formal.c) I was thinking of something a littlemore exciting.d) I was hoping for something a littleless expensive.e) I’d like something that looks a littleolder.f) I’d prefer something a little morefun.2a) he had just wonb) he had won; he was going to doc) he didn’t know; he would buyd) would use upe) he wantedf) she wantedg) they were goingh) she was doingVocabulary1a) officeb) a trashc) a fortuned) actione) a riskf) waye) have / takef) havingg) takeh) makee) lossf) examg) difficultyh) dutyPronunciation1a) wealthyb) whetherc) treasured) speciale) stretchf) deluge3a) “I got the tickets.”b) “Can/Could I see them?”c) “When are we leaving?”d) “You have (got) two days to getready.”e) “Do I need to bring any money?”f) “I’ll pay for everything.”g) “I’m going to buy some newclothes.”h) “Do you want to come/go withme?”i) “I’ll wait for you at home.”2a) tookb) makec) taked) make; take2a)tʃb)dʒc)ʒd)θe)ʃf)ðreading1a) by inventing a meatball-makingmachineb) ten yearsc) that they can also be successful ifthey take a few risks and believe intheir dreams3a) dinnerb) actionc) fortuned) way4a) 5 b) 9 c) 7 d) 6 e) 1 f) 8g) 10 h) 4 i) 3 j) 22a) 5 b) 4 c) 6 d) 2 e) 1 f) 34a) If I was/were the president of mycountry, I’d spend more money onthe environment.b) If I ever had the chance, I’d take ayear off and go traveling.c) If I could live anywhere in theworld, I’d probably buy a beachvilla in the Caribbean.New American Inside Out5a) Expressions a/5, c/7, d/6b) Expressions b/9, g/10c) Expressions e/1, f/8, h/4, i/3,j/23a) F b) F c) T d) T e) F f) Fg) F h) F i) T4a) entrepreneurb) expertc) prototyped) perseverancee) airedD.R.©Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010a n s w e rk e y3writing1123456789whenas soon asWhile / Asthenafter / as soon asWhileduringAs soon as / Whenuntiloff at the elbow in order to save hislife. Once he had cut off his arm, hemanaged to climb to the floor of thecanyon. As he was walking out ofthe canyon, he met a group of peoplewho had been hiking in the area.They called for help and a helicoptersoon arrived to take him to a nearbyhospital.2a) self-consciousb) enjoyablec) reasonabled) self-disciplinee) self-esteemf) accessibleg) self-employedh) unbearablei) achievablej) doable4a) What had Aron been doing whenthe accident happened?b) Why hadn’t anyone come to lookfor him?c) Why hadn’t he called for help?d) How long had he waited in thecanyon?e) What had he done to get away?f) What had he been doing when hemet the hikers?2totally – completelyApparently – it seemedSuddenly – just thenfrantically – desperatelyfinally – at last3a) self-consciousb) self-esteemc) enjoyabled) doable; achievablee) unbearablef) reasonableg) accessibleh) self-disciplinei) self-employed4 ChallengeGrammar1a) had always wanted; sawb) came; just closed; jumpedc) had been preparing; canceledd) had never donee) had been waiting; had finallyarrived; didn’t knowf) were getting; rang; told; had stolen5a) He had been climbing in a remotecanyon.b) Because he hadn’t told anyonewhere he was going.c) Because he hadn’t brought his cellphone with him.d) He had waited in the canyon forfive days.e) He had cut his arm off.f) He had been walking out of thecanyon.4a) ofb) jammedc) nod) oute) slowf) loadg) intoh) undo512345678figure outundid the zipperloaded the gunin charge ofno wayswung into actionit / the gun jammedgo into slow motion2a)✓b) He heard a strange noise behindhim.c) It sounded as if someone wasfollowing him.d)✓e)✓f) He had never felt so scared in hislife.g)✓h) John didn’t know what to do.i) He took one last look over hisshoulder.j)✓6a) have finishedb) be goingc) be workingd) have hade) have gottenf) be goingg) be playingh) have gotten; had61 c 2 f 3 d 4 i 5 e 6 g 7 a8 h 9 b 10 j712345678will/’ll be doingwill/’ll have startedwill/’ll have madewill/’ll have fallenwill/’ll have given upwill/’ll be livingwill/’ll have changedwill be running7a) feelb) picksc) gived) lite) Lookf) keepg) comeh) taking3Aron Ralston had been climbing ina remote canyon in Arizona whendisaster struck. He was climbingdown a particularly narrow partwhen a huge rock fell and trappedhis arm. As he had been climbing onhis own, there was no one to helphim. And he knew that no one wouldthink of looking for him there becausehe hadn’t told anyone where he wasgoing. He hadn’t brought his cellphone with him, so he couldn’t callfor help. He waited for five long days,but no one came to find him. By thefifth day, he had lost all sensation inhis arm. He realized that he had nochoice. He would have to cut his arm8a) coming down withb) put me offc) shake it offd) takes after hime) let you downf) get over itg) look into ith) do without itPronunciation1a) upb) offc) downd) oute) offf) after9a) it’s horrible when that happens.b) It serves you right.c) You’ve only got yourself to blame.d) I’d go home if I were you.e) You look like death warmed over.Vocabulary1a) imminentb) shambolicc) interestd) deale) genuinef) obscenelyg) particularly4a n s w e rk e yD.R.©Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010New American Inside Out1012345It’s horrible when that happens.You’ve only got yourself to blame.You look like death warmed over.I’d go home if I were you.It serves you right.41234not possiblewouldn’twouldn’twould5678wouldwouldwouldn’tnot possible2a) cozyb) urgec) slammedd) matchese) firstf) domesticg) Forceh) breakneck5678servicehappy couplepronouncedsunglasses5Suggested answersa) He used to / would drink beer.b) He used to have a beard.c) He used to be a hippie.d) He’d / would / used to go tonightclubs.e) He didn’t use to drink champagne.f) He didn’t use to be a businessman.g) He’d / would / used to smokecigarettes.h) He’d / would / used to wear hishair in a ponytail. / He used tohave a ponytail.i) He didn’t use to have a cell phone.31234aptrun throughgone forwalkedListening1a) To raise the media profile of thewildlife park.b) The confined space of the cage.c) No, she doesn’t.d) Yes, she does.4a) ceremonyb) receptionc) honeymoond) best mane) groomf) speechg) aisleh) vowi) confettij) ricek) cakel) bridesmaidf)g)h)i)beingflyingto getto do2a) T b) F c) T d) F e) F f) Fg) T h) T3a) do some exerciseb) give someone an ideac) go for a walkd) stay in shapee) raise moneyf) set a new record5a) to dob) to getc) to god) visiting /to visite) to go61 used to be2 would chase3 found4 tried5 would smoke6 would always get7 would have to8 saw9 had10 ’ll/will always pay11 ’ll/will play61 complaining2 insist3 go4 keeps5 mad6 tellingwriting1b) Marathons for beginners7a) I hate it when people tell me whatto do.b) It really annoys me when peopleshout.c) The thing that annoys me most is amessy desk.d) I can’t stand it when people keepme waiting.e) I find it irritating when nobodylistens to me.f) Bad manners really get on mynerves.g) It’s so annoying when it rains onthe weekend.h) The way some people drive makesme crazy.2a) 3 b) 5 c) 1 d) 4 e) 6 f) 23Start byTryIt’s important toreally thinkNext, you shouldIt’s a good idea toRemember toyou definitely ought to considerit’s definitely worth trying outOr maybe you couldThink aboutWhy notYou just need toyou could always7a) Could you remember to lockthe door on your way out thismorning, please?b) Do you remember telling me that Iwas the only person in your life?c)✓d) It’s so long ago that I’vecompletely forgotten saying that.Did I really?e)✓f) They stopped for a minute to getsome money out at the bank on theway to the movies.g) This season, I’m going to try towin both the 100 and 200 meters.h) Try cooking it in oil – it’ll taste a lotbetter.reading1b)27 Dresses5 RitualGrammar11234finddecideclearnot possibleused todidn’t use todidn’t use toused to56785678not possibledospendnot possibleused toused todidn’t use toused toPronunciation2a) twob) nervesc) irritatingd) minde) understandf) crazy2a)Rachel Getting Married, 27 Dressesb)Mamma Mia!c)Mamma Mia!, Rachel Getting Marriedd)27 Dressese)Mamma Mia!, 27 Dressesf)27 DressesVocabulary112345jinxedstridingoutfitderiveupper hand6 renowned7 rituals8 immune9 came across10 crazy3a) 7 b) 2 c) 5 d) 6 e) 3 f) 8g) 1 h) 431234New American Inside OutD.R.©Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010a n s w e rk e y5
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