uqq7-15a, Elektronika, Zasilacze i przetwornice AC-DC DC-DC noty katalogowe EDW, Noty zasilacze, Murata Power ...
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] UQQ Series Wide Input Range Single Output DC/DC Converters For applications requiring wide range input, improved electrical and thermal perfomance consider Murata Power Solutions’ new UQQ Series “Quarter-Brick” DC/DC Converters. They measure just 1.45 x 2.30 x 0.43 inches (36.8 x 58.4 x 10.92mm) and it the industry- standard footprint. Typical unit FEATURES n RoHS compliant n Standard quarter-brick package/pinout in through-hole version n Low cost; Low proile, 0.43”(10.92mm) n 9-36V or 18-75V wide range inputs n Output current: 4 to 25 Amps n Output voltages: 3.3, 5, 12, 15 or 24V n Interleaved synchronous-rectiier topology n Ultra high eficiency n No output reverse conduction n Outstanding thermal performance n On/off control, trim & sense functions n Fully isolated, up to 2250Vdc (BASIC) n Output overvoltage protection n Fully I/O protected; Thermal shutdown n UL/EN/IEC60950-1 safety approvals n Designed for RoHS compliance PRODUCT OVERVIEW From an 9-36V or 18-75V input, UQQ’s deliver outputs of 3.3V, 5V,12V,15V, or 24V. They employ an inter- leaved, synchronous-rectiier topology that exploits 100% of their duty cycle. They simultaneously achieve ultra-high eficiency (to 91%), tight line/load regula- tion, low noise, and quick step response. A state of the art, single-board, open-frame design with reduced component count, high eficiency, low-on-resistance FET’s, and planar magnetics embedded in heavy-copper pc boards all contribute to impressive thermal derating. The UQQ’s feature set includes high isolation, input pi ilters, input undervoltage shutdown, output overvolt- age protection, current limiting, short-circuit protection and thermal shutdown. The standard footprint carries on/off control (positive or negative polarity), output trim (+10/–20%) and output sense functions. All UQQ quarter-bricks are designed to meet the BASIC-insulation requirements of UL/EN/IEC60950-1 and they will carry the CE mark. Safety certiications, EMC compliance testing and qualiication testing (including HALT) are currently in progress. Contact MPS for latest updates. SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC 6 /54 3%.3% 6 ). n6 /54 n3%.3% 37)4#( #/.42/, n6 ). /./&& #/.42/, /04/ )3/,!4)/. 2%&%2%.#% %22/2!-0 07- #/.42/,,%2 42)- )NPUTUNDEROVERVOLTAGE CURRENTSENSEOVER TEMPERATURE#OMPARATORS )3/,!4)/. "!22)%2 Typical topology is shown. Ḥ For full details go to www.murata-ps.com/rohs www.murata-ps.com Technical enquiries email: sales@murata-ps.com, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MDC_UQQ.A08 Page 1 of 17 UQQ Series Wide Input Range Single Output DC/DC Converters Performance Speciications and Ordering Guide ➀ PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING GUIDE Output Input Package (Case/ Pinout) R/N (mVp-p) Regulation Eficiency V OUT (V) I OUT (A) Power (Watts) V IN Nom. (Volts) Range (Volts) I IN , no load (mA) I IN , full load (A) Root Model Typ. Max. Line Load Min. Typ. UQQ-3.3/25-Q12P-C 3.3 25 82.5 50 80 ±0.05% ±0.075% 12 9-36 180 7.81 86% 88% C68,P32 UQQ-3.3/25-Q48N-C 3.3 25 82.5 50 100 ±0.05% ±0.2% 48 18-75 80 1.942 87% 88.5% C68,P32 UQQ-5/17-Q12P-C 5 17 85 40 75 ±0.05% ±0.06% 12 9-36 150 7.83 88.5% 90.5% C68,P32 UQQ-5/20-Q48N-C 5 20 100 40 75 ±0.05% ±0.1% 48 18-75 150 2.29 89.5% 91% C68,P32 UQQ-12/8-Q12P-C 12 8 96 40 75 ±0.05% ±0.05% 12 9-36 180 8.99 87% 89% C68,P32 UQQ-12/8-Q48N-C 12 8 96 95 150 ±0.05% ±0.1% 48 18-75 70 2.3 87.5% 89.5% C68,P32 UQQ-15/7-Q12P-C 15 7 105 40 75 ±0.05% ±0.1% 12 9-36 250 9.67 89% 90.5% C68,P32 UQQ-24/4-Q12P-C 24 4 96 125 170 ±0.05% ±0.075% 12 10-36 120 8.99 87.7 89% C68,P32 Typical at TA = +25°C under nominal line voltage and full-load conditions. All models are specified with an external 1μF multi-layer ceramic and 10μF capacitors across their output pins and 100μF external input capacitor. Ripple/Noise (R/N) measured over a 20MHz bandwidth. Devices have no minimum-load requirements and will regulate under no-load conditions. Regulation specifications describe the output voltage deviation as the line voltage or load is varied from its nominal/midpoint value to either extreme. (Load step = 50%.) Nominal line voltage, no load/full load condition. Please refer to the Part Number Structure for additional part numbers and options. PART NUMBER STRUCTURE U QQ - 5 17 Q12 N B 9 Lx C / - - RoHS-6 hazardous substance compliant (please include this designator for all models) Output Coniguration Pin Length Option Quarter-Brick Package } Blank = Std. pin length Alternate pin lengths require quantity order. Nominal Output Voltage L1 = 0.110 (2.79mm) L2 = 0.145 (3.68mm) Maximum Rated Output Baseplate Pin 9 (special order): Blank = No pin 9, standard Input Voltage Range 9 = Pin 9 installed, connects to baseplate Remote On/Off Control Polarity: Baseplate (optional): Add "P" for positive polarity Blank = no baseplate standard Add "N" for negative polarity B = baseplate installed, special order Note: Some model number combi- nations may not be available. Contact Murata Power Solutions. Some model options may require minimum order quantities. Pin 9 Baseplate Connection The UQQ series may include an optional installed baseplate for extended thermal management. This baseplate is electrically isolated from the rest of the converter. Various UQQ models are also available with an additional pin 9 on special quantity order which electrically connects to the baseplate. Pin 9 is also isolated from the rest of the converter. Please refer to the mechanical drawings. Pin 9 offers a positive method of controlling the electrical potential of the base- plate, independent of the converter. If you do not include pin 9, the baseplate may also be grounded by the mounting bolts. The baseplate may be ordered by adding a “B” to the model number tree and pin 9 will be pre-installed by adding a “9”. The two options are separate. Please refer to the Ordering Guide. Do not order pin 9 without the baseplate. Note that “pin 9” converters may be on limited forecast, requiring minimum order quantities and scheduled deliveries. Please see page 9 for heatsink information. www.murata-ps.com Technical enquiries email: sales@murata-ps.com, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MDC_UQQ.A08 Page 2 of 17 UQQ Series Wide Input Range Single Output DC/DC Converters MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4.76 .187 56.4 4X M3X0.5 2.22 THRU , .10" MAX PENETRATION (4 PLS) INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTIONS Pin 47.24 12.6 .50 1.860 Function P32 0.25 C L .010 MIN BOTTOM CLEARANCE 23.6 1 -Input 10.9 .93 REF .43 2 Remote On/Off* 3 +Input 4 -Output 13.08 5 -Sense 36.8 .515 REF 1.45 6 Output Trim 26.16 C L 1.030 7 +Sense 8 +Output 9 Baseplate (optional) TOP VIEW END VIEW WITH BASEPLATE OPTIONAL BASEPLATE 'B' OPTION END VIEW WITHOUT BASEPLATE * The Remote On/Off can be provided with either positive ("P" sufix) or negative ("N" sufix) polarity. SIDE VIEW Important! Always connect the sense pins; see Application Notes. 50.80 2.000 1.57±0.05 1.02±0.05 .040±.002 2X .062±.002 AT PINS 4 & 8 AT PINS 1-3, 5-7, (9) C L .071±.002 [1.80] VENTED SHOULDER ON EACH 25.4 1.00 Dimensions are in inches (mm shown for ref. only). .040 PIN 3.81 .150 REF Third Angle Projection 7.62 .300 3.81 .150 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 9 C L C L 18.42 1 .725 REF Tolerances (unless otherwise specified): .XX ± 0.02 (0.5) .XXX ± 0.010 (0.25) Angles ± 2˚ 7.62 .300 BOTTOM VIEW Optional pin #9 Connects to baseplate And is electrically isolated from converter Components are shown for reference only. www.murata-ps.com Technical enquiries email: sales@murata-ps.com, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MDC_UQQ.A08 Page 3 of 17 UQQ Series Wide Input Range Single Output DC/DC Converters Performance and Functional Speciications UQQ-3.3/25-Q12 UQQ-3.3/25-Q48 UQQ-5/17-Q12 UQQ-5/20-Q48 UQQ-12/8-Q12 INPUT Input Voltage Range See ordering guide Start-up Threshold 9.0 Volts 17.50 Volts 9.0 Volts 17.5 Volts 9.0 Volts Undervoltage Shutdown 8.0 Volts 16.75 Volts 8.0 Volts 16.75 Volts 8.0 Volts Overvoltage Shutdown 40.0 Volts NA 37.5 Volts None 37 Volts Relected (back) ripple current (2) 25mAp-p 15mAp-p 75mAp-p 25mAp-p 75mAp-p Input Current Full load conditions See ordering guide Inrush transient 0.1A 2 sec 0.1A 2 sec 0.1A 2 sec 0.1A 2 sec 0.1A 2 sec Output short circuit 250mA 100mA 100mA 250mA 250mA No load 150mA 80mA 150mA 150mA 180mA Low line (V IN = min.) 10.3 Amps 5.04 Amps 10.49 Amps 6.11 Amps 11.99 Amps Standby mode 8mA 2mA 8mA 8mA 5mA (Off, UV, OT shutdown) Internal Input Filter Type LC Pi-type L-C L-C L-C Reverse Polarity Protection Yes (15) NA Yes (15) Yes (15) Yes (15) Remote On/Off Control (5) OFF = Ground pin to +0.8V max. ON = open or +3.5-15V max. Positive logic (“P” sufix) Negative logic (“N” sufix) OFF = open or +5 to +V IN max. ON = Ground pin to +0.8V max. (16) On/Off Current 1 mA 1 mA 1 mA 1mA 1 mA OUTPUT Voltage Output Range See ordering guide Voltage Output Accuracy ±1% of V NOM (50% load) ±1.25% of V NOM (50% load) ±1% of V NOM (50% load) ±1% of V NOM (50% load) ±1% of V NOM (50% load) Adjustment Range –20 to +10% of V NOM –15 to +10% of V NOM –20 to +10% of V NOM –20 to +10% of V NOM –20 to +10% of V NOM Temperature Coeficient ±0.02% of V OUT range/°C ±0.02% of V OUT range/°C ±0.02% of V OUT range/°C ±0.02% of V OUT range/°C ±0.02% of V OUT range/°C Minimum Loading No minimum load Remote Sense Compensation +10% +10% +10% +10% +10% Ripple/noise (20MHz bandwidth) Line/Load Regulation Eficiency Maximum Capacitive Loading See ordering guide 10,000μF 4700μF 10,000μF 10,000μF 4700μF Low ESR <0.02 W max., resistive load Isolation Voltage Input to Output 2000 Volts min. 2250 Volts min. 2000 Volts min. 2250 Vvolts min. 2250 Volts min. Input fo baseplate 1500 Volts min. 1500 Volts min. 1500 Volts min. 1500 Volts min. 1500 Volts min. Baseplate to output 1500 Volts min. 500 Volts min. 750 Volts min. 750 Volts min. 750 Volts min. Isolation resistance 100M W 100M W 100M W 100M W 100M W Isolation capacitance 1500 pF 1000 pF 1500 pF 1500pF 1000 pF Isolation safety rating Basic insulation Basic insulation Basic insulation Basic insulation Basic insulation Current limit inception 29 Amps 29 Amps 20.5 Amps 25 Amps 10 Amps (98% of V o u t , after warmup) Short Circuit Protection Method Current limiting, hiccup autorestart. Remove overload for recovery. Short Circuit Current 5 Amps 5 Amps 0.5 Amps 5 Amps 0.5 Amps Short Circuit Duration Continuous, output shorted to ground (no damage) Overvoltage Protection 4 Volts 3.96 Volts max. 6 Volts 6 Volts 14.4 Volts via magnetic feedback www.murata-ps.com Technical enquiries email: sales@murata-ps.com, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MDC_UQQ.A08 Page 4 of 17 UQQ Series Wide Input Range Single Output DC/DC Converters Performance and Functional Speciications (continued) UQQ-12/8-Q48 UQQ-15/7-Q12 UQQ-24/4-Q12 INPUT Input Voltage Range See ordering guide Start-up Threshold 17.5 Volts 9.0 Volts 9.0 Volts Undervoltage Shutdown 16.0 Volts 8.0 Volts 8.0 Volts Overvoltage Shutdown None 38.5 Volts None Relected (back) ripple current (2) 15mAp-p 50mAp-p 50mAp-p Input Current Full load conditions See ordering guide Inrush transient 0.1A 2 sec 0.1A 2 sec 0.1A 2 sec Output short circuit 100mA 250mA 250mA No load 90mA 250mA 120mA Low line (V IN = min.) 5.96A 10.20 Amps 10.73 Amps Standby mode 2mA 5mA 5mA (Off, UV, OT shutdown) Internal Input Filter Type PI-type L-C L-C Reverse Polarity Protection NA Yes (15) Yes (15) Remote On/Off Control (5) OFF = Ground pin to +0.8V max. ON = open or +3.5-15V max. Positive logic (“P” sufix) OFF = open or +5 to +V IN max. ON = Ground pin to +0.8V max. (16) Negative logic (“N” sufix) On/Off Current 1 mA 1 mA 1 mA OUTPUT Voltage Output Range See ordering guide Voltage Output Accuracy ±1% of V NOM (50% load) ±1% of V NOM (50% load) ±1% of V NOM (50% load) Adjustment Range –20 to +10% of V NOM –20 to +10% of V NOM ±10% of V NOM Temperature Coeficient ±0.02% of V OUT range/°C ±0.02% of V OUT range/°C ±0.02% of V OUT range/°C Minimum Loading No minimum loading Remote Sense Compensation +10% +10% +10% Ripple/noise (20MHz bandwidth) Line/Load Regulation Eficiency Maximum Capacitive Loading See ordering guide 2200µF 4700μF 1500μF max Low ESR <0.02 W max., resistive load Isolation Voltage Input to Output 2250 Volts min. 2000 Volts min. 2000 Volts min. Input fo baseplate 1500 Volts min. 1500 Volts min. 1500 Volts min. Baseplate to Output 500 Volts min. 1500 Volts min. 1500 Volts min. Isolation resistance 100M W 100M W 100M W Isolation capacitance 1000 pF 1000 pF 1000 pF Isolation safety rating Basic insulation Basic insulation Basic insulation Current limit inception 10.5 Amps 9.5 Amps 5.75 Amps (98% of V o u t , after warmup) Short Circuit Protection Method Current limiting, hiccup autorestart. Remove overload for recovery Short Circuit Current 5 Amps 0.5 Amps 0.5 Amps Short Circuit Duration Continuous, output shorted to ground (no damage) Overvoltage Protection 15 Volts 18 Volts 29 Volts via magnetic feedback www.murata-ps.com Technical enquiries email: sales@murata-ps.com, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MDC_UQQ.A08 Page 5 of 17
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