urea eros.ru002, biotransformation, Dokumenty
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] 1 UREA Urea 1 Urea reacts with orthoesters and related compounds to form alkylideneurea derivatives. The reaction with N,N- Dimethylformamide Diethyl Acetal gives N -carbamoyl- N ′ , N ′ - dimethylamidine (eq 5). 8 Active methylene compounds may further participate in the condensation reaction of Triethyl Ortho- formate and urea to form ureidomethylene derivatives (eq 6). 9 Treatment of urea with Chlorine in the presence of Calcium Carbonate provides monochlorourea, which may be utilized as a source of Hypochlorous Acid (eq 7). 10 , 11 O H 2 N NH 2 [57-13-6] CH 4 N 2 O (MW 60.07) InChI = 1/CH4N2O/c2-1(3)4/h(H4,2,3,4)/f/h2-3H2 InChIKey = XSQUKJJJFZCRTK-UBUOBULFCP NH 2 (nitrogen nucleophile; carbonyl cation equivalent; formation of inclusion complexes is used to purify long, slender compounds) Physical Data: mp 132.7–132.9 ◦ C; d 1.335 g cm − 3 . Solubility: sol H 2 O (108 g/100 mL at 20 ◦ C), EtOH (5.4 g/100 mL at 20 ◦ C), MeOH (22 g/100 mL at 20 ◦ C). Form Supplied in: colorless solid. Purification: reagent graded commercial products are sufficiently pure for most purposes. For further purification, see Perrin and Armarego. 2 85 °C 41% O ( 1 ) + (EtO) 2 CHNMe 2 (5) N NMe 2 OH i -PrOH + HC(OEt) 3 + ( 1 ) reflux 90% O O O NHCONH 2 (6) Original Commentary O O Yoshinao Tamaru Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan H 2 O H 2 O (1) + Cl 2 + CaCO 3 H 2 NCON•HCl AcOH 0–15 °C Nitrogen Nucleophile. The three heteroatoms of urea, i.e. two nitrogens and an oxygen, are moderately nucleophilic. A number of highly regioselective alkylation reactions of urea have been developed. In most cases, the nitrogen atom is alkylated to afford the corresponding ureides or amino compounds. On heating a mixture of a carboxylic acid and urea ( 1 ) at around 160 ◦ C, the corresponding amide is obtained (eq 1). 3 , 4 In the presence of Triphenyl Phosphite and Pyridine , aromatic carboxylic acids react with urea at lower temperatures to give the corresponding arylcarbonylureas in good yields (eq 2). 5 (7) [HOCl] Cl OH 52–56% Under mild conditions, urea undergoes nucleophilic addition to carbon–carbon triple bonds (eq 8) 12 and double bonds (eq 9) 13 ac- tivated by the coordination of Pd II species. Under 1 atm of Carbon Monoxide , intramolecular aminocarbonylation proceeds at 0 ◦ C to room temperature to provide protected -amino acids (eq 9). 13 O O O 160 °C HO 2 C 2 H + (1) ( ) 8 S ( ) 8 S H 2 N NH 2 H 2 N NH 2 10 mol % PdCl 2 (PhCN) 2 MeCN, reflux 78% (1) N (8) N O O O N H O N DMF (2) ArCO 2 H + (1) + P(OPh) 3 + pyridine Ar N H NH 2 100 °C 88% 1 mol % PdCl 2 3 mol equiv CuCl 2 CO 2 Me (9) N NHMe NN Urea serves as a nitrogen nucleophile toward tertiary carbo- cationic species to give N - t -alkylureas; 6 , 7 for example, the t -butyl cation, generated by treatment of t -BuOH with H 2 SO 4 , is trapped with urea to give t -BuNHCONH 2 , a useful precursor of tert-Butylamine (eqs 3 and 4). 6 Bn Bn Me 1 atm CO, MeOH 0 °C to rt 78% O O Two of the three heteronucleophilic centers of urea react with di- functionalized carbonyl compounds (e.g. dicarbonyl compounds, -halo- or -hydroxy carbonyl compounds, and , -unsaturated carbonyl compounds) to furnish a wide range of nitrogen hetero- cycles. The dicarbonyl compounds include Glyoxal , -diketones (eqs 10 and 11), 14 − 16 -keto esters (eq 12), 17 oxalic and mal- onic esters (eq 13), 18 , 19 -diketones (eq 14), 20 and -keto esters (eq 15). 21 A three component connection reaction of urea, alde- hydes, and -keto esters provides dihydropyrimidines (Biginelli reaction) (eq 16). 22 1. H 2 SO 4 t -BuNH NH 2 ( 1 ) (3) 2. t -BuOH 20–25 °C O 31–33% ethylene glycol t -BuNH NH 2 + 40% aq NaOH (4) t -BuNH 2 reflux 71–78% O Avoid Skin Contact with All Reagents 2 UREA H N H N H N R O R Br acid N + ( 1 ) (10) O O DMF ∆ + ( 1 ) EtO O N H N H O R reflux 24% R O R = H, alkyl, aryl Br H N Ph Br O N Ph Ph O (18) KOH, EtOH EtO ( 1 ) N + (11) HN NH NH 2 reflux 66% O Ph O O O ,-Unsaturated ketones and acids react with urea to give dihydropyrimidine derivatives (eq 19) 25 and dihydrouracils (eq 20), 26 respectively. ,-Unsaturated aldehydes and ketones with -substituents, such as alkoxy, 27 amino, 28 halogeno, 29 trichloromethyl, 30 etc., 31 provide substituted pyrimidines (eq 21). Ph O COPh 100–110 °C + O ( 1 ) (12) HN NH 97% O O O O NaH cat MeOH O O 1. NaOR, ROH (R = Me, Et) + ( 1 ) n O O benzene 75% n + ( 1 ) HN NH (13) OMe O 2. HCl OEt OEt O NH HN n = 0 n = 1 parabanic acid barbituric acid 71.5–76% 72–78% (19) O O OH OMe ethylene glycol reflux O + ( 1 ) ethylene glycol O 60–80% + ( 1 ) (20) OBu HN NH 190 °C 45% OH 2.5 mol equiv O OH R NN OH X R conc HCl (14) + ( 1 ) (21) NN 22 °C O OH OBu X = OEt, NMe 2 , Cl, CCl 3 , etc R = H, alkyl, aryl O 1. cat HCl, EtOH, rt 2. aq NaOH, 65 °C O + ( 1 ) (15) HN NH 3. HCl Carbonyl Cation Equivalent. In the reaction with heteronu- cleophiles, urea acts as a carbonyl cation or dication equiva- lent, like phosgene and carbonates, though requiring more drastic conditions. N -Substituted or N,N ′ -disubstituted ureas can be pre- pared by transamination of the urea nitrogen atoms with primary amines (eqs 22 and 23). 32 Reaction of urea with vic -diamines (eq 24) 33 and 2-aminophenols (eq 25) 34 gives imidazolidin-2-ones and oxazolidin-2-ones, respectively. The reaction with aliphatic 2-amino alcohols, on the other hand, gives imidazolidin-2-ones via substitution by the hydroxyl group for a nitrogen of urea (eq 26). 35 , 36 The cis -1,5-dimethyl-4-phenylimidazolidin-2-ones, obtained by fusing ( − )- or (+)-ephedrine hydrochloride and urea, are useful chiral auxiliaries for asymmetric syntheses. 36 EtO O 71–77% O Br CO 2 Et Br O OEt cat HCl, EtOH + + ( 1 ) O reflux 86% HO HN NH (16) OH O O The reaction of urea and carbonyl compounds with -substi- tuents, such as -hydroxy ketones 23 and -halo ketones, 11 may afford either imidazol-2-one derivatives (eq 17) or oxazole deriva- tives (eq 18). 24 The latter is a rare example of the N,O -dialkylation of urea. 120 °C NH 2 NHCONH 2 + (1) (22) O O 1 equiv quantitative Ph Ph Ph Ph ∆ H N + ( 1 ) (17) 180 °C HN NH NH 2 + (1) (23) 85% O O X O CO 89% 2 O X = OH, Br 2 equiv A list of General Abbreviations appears on the front Endpapers 3 UREA Ph Ph an aldehyde, and urea, is used to prepare dihydropyrimidinones (eq 16). 22 There has been a remarkable amount of attention given to this transformation due to the interesting pharmacological properties associated with dihydropyrimidinones. 42 Many biologically active molecules including calcium channel modu- lators, anticancer compounds, and 1a adrenoreceptor-selective antagonists Ph Ph 200 °C + (1) + H 2 O (24) HN NH 87% H 2 N NH 2 O H N contain the dihydropyrimidinone scaffold. Some EtOC NH 2 EtOC conc HCl + (1) examples are illustrated below. O (25) ∆ 73% O OH O 2 N O 2 N Ph O HO 1. 170–175 °C + (1) (26) •HCl HN N Me i- PrO 2 C CONH 2 MeO 2 C 2. 200–210 °C 55–65% Ph NHMe N NH O N H O N H O Catalyst. The conversion of Tetracyanoethylene into SQ 32926 Nitractin dicyanoketene acetals is catalyzed by urea (eq 27). 37 NC CN NC OEt ( 1 ), reflux 72% A wide variety of modifications to this reaction include the use of many different Lewis acids, 43 microwave conditions, 44 solvent-free green conditions, 45 and reactions performed using solid support for parallel synthesis (eqs 28–30). 46 The cited refer- ences are a few examples; a comprehensive list of these reactions is beyond the scope of this article. There are a number of excel- lent reviews detailing the scope of the Biginelli reaction. 47 In a related application of this reaction, the tethered Biginelli conden- sation is used in the preparation of biologically active guanidine alkaloids. 48 + EtOH (27) NC CN NC OEt Inclusion Compounds (Differentiation of Linear Comp- ounds from Branched Ones). 1 , 38 Urea forms inclusion com- plexes, taking normal alkanes having six or more carbon atoms as guests. 39 In the complexes, hydrogen bonded urea molecules are oriented in a helical lattice, constructing a cylinder-shaped channel. The guest molecule is not bonded to the host but merely trapped in the cylinder. The diameter of the channel is usually about 5.25 Å. Aliphatic hydrocarbons with a single methyl branch, such as 3-methylhexadecane, that form the com- plex require a channel diameter of about 5.5 Å. This seems the upper limit of thickness. Not only hydrocarbons but many kinds of functionalized alkanes can be included if they are long and slender enough. Compounds that form inclusion com- plexes include 1-bromohexane, 1- and 2-octanol, 2-heptanone, 1-cyclopentylnonane, and 2-, 3-, and 4- methyltridecane. On the other hand, the following compounds do not form the complex: 3-ethyldodecane, 2-bromooctane, 1-cyclohexyloctane, and 2,4- dimethyldodecane. 40 Thus linear compounds, as in the former group, can be separated from a mixture with small or branched ones such as in the latter. syn -9,10-Dihydroxystearic acid has been separated from its anti counterpart. 41 The syn -diol (mp 95 ◦ C), which is estimated to require a channel diameter of 5.4 Å, readily forms a urea complex. On the other hand, the anti -diol (mp 131 ◦ C), which requires a channel diameter of 6 Å, does not form a complex. 38 BocN O H O Yb(OTf) 3 , 4 Å MS EtO 2 C THF, 70 °C, 14 h 60% NH 2 + O H 2 NO O BocN EtO 2 C (28) * NH N H O 4 R/ 4 S = 5:1 OO O PhCHO + + OEt H 2 N NH 2 First Update O Ph Paul J. Nichols Array BioPharma, Boulder, CO, USA cat NBS EtO NH (29) DMA microwave 3 min, 92% Nitrogen Nucleophile. The Biginelli reaction, an acid- catalyzed cyclocondensation reaction between a -keto ester, N H O Avoid Skin Contact with All Reagents 4 UREA OO O The direct condensation of carboxylic acids with urea can be accomplished catalytically in the presence of arylboronic acids to generate N -acylurea. 53 Condensation of the arylboronic acid with carboxylic acids generates an (acyloxy)boron complex. Sub- sequent nucleophilic attack by the urea nitrogen provides the N -acylurea (eq 35). + R 3 CHO + R 1 R 2 H 2 N NH 2 O R 3 100–105 °C neat, 1 h R 2 NH (30) R 1 N H O R 1 = Me, Et R 2 = OMe, OEt R 3 = aryl, alkyl, alkenyl CO 2 H O 5% catalyst toluene azeotropic reflux, 26 h + H 2 N NH 2 The preparation of tertiary amines can be accomplished in a single step by combining urea with alkyl halides in the pres- ence of sodium hydroxide under pressure at elevated temperatures (eq 31). 49 Ph O O N H NH 2 (35) O aq NaOH, RCl Ph 92% yield 60 psi, 80–200 °C 40 h H 2 N NH 2 F 3 C 2 R 3 N + salts + alcohols/ether ( 31) B(OH) 2 catalyst = yields 58–82% F 3 C R = allyl, crotyl, butyl, methallyl, octyl, benzyl The reductive alkylation of urea to provide aryl substituted ureas has been disclosed. 50 Aryl aldehydes react with urea in the presence of TMSCl and AcOH to provide the intermediate imine, which is then reduced with NaBH 4 to provide alkylated ureas (eq 32). To obtain the mono-substituted alkylation product a large excess of urea (20 equiv) must be used. The excess is easily removed during work up. A very interesting rearrangement product is observed when reacting 3-chloro-1 H ,3 H -quinoline-2,4-diones with urea in AcOH heated at reflux. 54 Instead of making the expected imidazo [4,5-c]-quinolone, 2,6-dihydro-imidazo[1,5-c]quinazoline-3,5- diones are produced consistently in high yields (eq 36). The rearrangement is believed to proceed through an isocyanate mechanism. O AcOH rt + ArCHO + TMSCl H 2 N NH 2 O O O Ar Cl Bn NaBH 4 rt (32) urea AcOH, reflux, 2 h H 2 N N H H 2 N N Ar N H O Bn The hindered alcohols 4,4 ′ -dimethoxybenzhydrol 51 and 1- adamantanol 52 undergo a hydroxyl substitution reaction with urea in acidic media to provide the corresponding N -substituted ureas (eqs 33 and 34). The substitution reaction is likely to occur through the generation of a carbenium ion. NH O N (36) N H O 71% yield urea AcOH, cat H 2 SO 4 20 °C, 15 h 75% yield (33) Ar 2 CHNHCONH 2 Ar 2 CHOH Ar = 4-MeOC 6 H 4 The reaction of bromopyruvic acid with urea in the presence of BF 3 provides 5-(bromomethylene)hydantoins (eq 37). The 5-(bromomethylene)hydantoins can subsequently react with a variety of nucleophiles to give 5-(substituted-methylene)hydan- toins. 55 urea (2 equiv) TFA (10 equiv) 90 °C, 8 h 94% yield O (34) OH N H NH 2 A list of General Abbreviations appears on the front Endpapers 5 UREA O O BF 3 · Et 2 O CH 3 CN The condensation of isatoic anhydride with primary amines and urea in the presence of N , N -dimethyl acetamide (DMA) under microwave irradiation proceeds rapidly to form the corresponding quinazolinediones (eq 41). 58 HO Br H 2 N NH 2 O O H HN O (37) DMA O + + RNH 2 N H Br H 2 N NH 2 microwave O N H O 47% yield R = Me, aryl O R N (41) Microwave Assisted Transformations. A solvent-free procedure has been developed for the preparation of primary amides from urea and carboxylic acids using imidazole and microwave irradiation. 56 The reaction is believed to proceed through generation of the imidazolium carboxylate salt followed by displacement with ammonia that is liberated from urea under the reaction conditions (eq 38). N H O 72–93% yield Metal-mediated Catalysis. Alkyl halides can be coupled with urea in the presence of 1 mol % Pd 2 dba 3 CHCl 3 , Xantphos lig- and, and Cs 2 CO 3 as a base to give N , N ′ -diarylureas. 59 The re- action is general for aryl bromides and aryl iodides contain- ing electron-withdrawing groups at para postion (eq 42). The use of 3,5-(CF 3 ) 2 Xantphos as a ligand allows the coupling of ortho - and, in limited cases, meta -substituted aryl bromides as well (eq 43). 60 O O imidazole MW (300 W), 90–360 s + R OH H 2 N NH 2 R = alkyl, aryl Pd 2 dba 3 ·CHCl 3 Xantphos O X O (38) + R NH 2 H 2 N NH 2 CS 2 CO 3 dioxane, 100 °C R 4788% yield R = CF 3 , CN, CO 2 Et, NO 2 , PhCO, Cl, H Another reaction that involves the production of ammonia from urea is the solvent-free reaction with dicarbonyl compounds in the presence of montmorillonite K10 clay under microwave condi- tions. 57 Reactions with -diketones provide enamino ketones and reactions with -diketones give N -unsubstituted pyrroles (eqs 39 and 40). R R O (42) N H N H 6492% yield O OO K10 Clay + Pd 2 dba 3 3,5-(CF3)2 Xantphos CS 2 CO 3 dioxane, 100 °C MW (200 W), 4 min H 2 N NH 2 R 1 R 2 O + Br R 1 = Me R 2 = Me, Ph H 2 N NH 2 R O R 2 R = Cl, Me, OMe (39) R 1 NH 2 O R R (43) 5499% yield N H N H O O K10 Clay 62–91% yield + MW (400 W), 5 min H 2 N NH 2 PPh 2 PPh 2 PAr 2 PAr 2 O O O H N (40) Ar = 3,5–(CF 3 ) 2 C 6 H 3 3,5-(CF 3 ) 2 Xantphos Xantphos 60% yield Avoid Skin Contact with All Reagents
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