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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] This information was deemed of immediate value to forces engaged in the Global War on Terrorism and should not necessarily be construed as approved Army policy or doctrine. This information is furnished with the understanding that it is to be used for defense purposes only; that it is to be afforded essentially the same degree of security protection as such information is afforded by the United States; that it is not to be revealed to another country or international organization without the written consent of the Center for Army Lessons Learned. If your unit has identified lessons learned or tactics, techniques, and procedures, please share them with the rest of the Army by contacting CALL: Telephone: DSN 552-3035 or 2255; Commercial (913) 684-3035 or 2255 Fax: DSN 552-4387; Commercial (913) 684-4387 E-mail Address: When contacting us, please include your phone number and complete address. OPERATIONS IN MOSUL, IRAQ IIR Stryker Brigade Combat Team 1, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Table of Contents Introduction ········································································ v Executive Summary ·································································· vii Chapter 1: Command and Control (C2) ··················································· 1 Topic A: The Brigade’s Primary Digital Command and Control (C2) Systems ..............3 Topic B: Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS).................................... 3 Topic C: Air Defense and Airspace Management (ADAM) Cell .........................4 Topic D: Blue Force Tracker (BFT) ............................................... 5 Topic E: Initial Ku-band Satellite System (IKSS) ..................................... 6 Topic F: Tactical Command Post (TAC) Communications ............................. 10 Chapter 2: Digital Systems ····························································· 11 Topic A: Network Operations Center - Vehicle (NOC-V) .............................. 12 Topic B: Secure Mobile Anti-Jamming Reliable Tactical Terminal (SMART-T) ............14 Topic C: The Army Battle Command System (ABCS) Product Distribution TTP ............15 Topic D: Battle Field Situational Monitoring ........................................ 17 Topic E: Near Term Digital Radio (NTDR) ......................................... 17 Topic F: Combat Service Support Command System (CSSCS) ..........................18 Topic G: Digital Common Operational Picture (COP) ................................. 19 Topic H: Communications Security (COMSEC) Dissemination..........................20 Topic I: Digital Sustainment Training ............................................. 21 Topic J: S6 Training ........................................................... 22 Topic K: Individual Operator Skills and Proficiency .................................. 22 Topic L: Computer Hardware Maintenance and Evacuation Procedures ...................23 Topic M: FBCB2 Maintenance ................................................... 24 Chapter 3: Non-Lethal Operations ······················································· 25 Topic A: Non-lethal Targeting, Offensive Information Operations (IO) ...................27 Topic B: Development of Measures of Success, IO Indicators ..........................28 Topic C: Assignment of Non-lethal Effects to Targets, IO Indicators .....................28 Topic D: Massing of Non-lethal Effects, IO Indicators ................................. 29 Topic E: Interpreters Effectiveness ................................................ 30 Topic F: Interpreter Support ..................................................... 31 Topic G: Detainee Operations ................................................... 32 Topic H: Detainee Holding Facility ............................................... 33 Topic I: Contract Training for Support Operations and Stability Operations ................33 Topic J: Contracting ........................................................... 34 Topic K: Protecting critical host nation facilities ..................................... 35 Topic L: Family Readiness Groups (FRG’s) ......................................... 36 Topic M: Media Support to the Fight .............................................. 37 Topic N: Use of Local Nationals on the Battlefield ................................... 37 Topic O: Accountability of Contractors on the Battlefield .............................. 38 Topic P: Embedded Contractors .................................................. 39 Topic Q: Contractor/Soldier Interaction ............................................ 39 Topic R: Class IX System for Contractors .......................................... 40 Topic S: The Integration of Contractor’s Job Orders and Class IX ........................40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i OPERATIONS IN MOSUL, IRAQ IIR Stryker Brigade Combat Team 1, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Topic T: Logistic Support Element (LSE) Management ............................... 41 Topic U: Location of the Logistic Support Element (LSE) .............................. 42 Chapter 4: Stryker Vehicle Performance and Survivability ···································· 43 Topic A: Slat Armor Performance ................................................ 45 Topic B: Stryker Vehicle Slat Armor .............................................. 46 Topic C: Rear Ramp and Slat Armor .............................................. 47 Topic D: The Additional Weight of Slat Armor ...................................... 47 Topic E: Receiving and Installing Slat Armor ....................................... 49 Topic F: Stryker Armor Improvements ............................................ 49 Topic G: Central Tire Inflation System (CTIS) ....................................... 50 Topic H: Vehicle Commander’s Heads-up Display (NOMAD) ..........................51 Topic I: Stryker vehicle Driver Vision Enhancer (DVE) ............................... 52 Topic J: FBCB2 ............................................................... 53 Topic K: FBCB2 Squad Leader Display ........................................... 53 Topic L: Stryker Crew Situational Awareness (SA) ................................... 54 Topic N: Remote Weapon Station (RWS) During Night Operations ......................55 Topic O: Remote Weapon Station (RWS) Performance ............................... 56 ............................................................................ 56 Topic P: Day Scope Function of the Remote Weapon Station (RWS) .....................57 Topic Q: Stryker Gunnery Standards .............................................. 57 Topic R: Full-Up Power Pack (FUPP) Replacement .................................. 58 Topic S: Stryker Recovery and Transportation Requirements ...........................58 Topic T: Stryker Reconnaissance Vehicle (RV) Design Shortfalls .......................59 Topic U: Fuel Pump Performance ................................................ 60 Topic V: Stryker Vehicle J-box Location ........................................... 60 Topic W: Stryker Passenger Compartment Speaker Location ...........................61 Topic X: New Soldiers Assigned as Vehicle Drivers .................................. 61 Topic Y: Stryker Driver Training and Sustainment ................................... 62 Topic Z: Use of Passenger Seat belts in Stryker Vehicles .............................. 62 Chapter 5: Intelligence ································································ 65 Topic A: Commander’s Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) in Stability Operations......69 Topic B: Tactical HUMINT Teams (THT) assigned Direct Support (DS) to Battalions .......69 Topic C: Tactical HUMINT Teams (THT) Used to Conduct Non-Doctrinal Missions ........70 Topic D: THT are not Composed as per MTOE ...................................... 71 Topic E: Junior 97Bs in RSTA Troop Platoons ...................................... 72 Topic F: Tactical HUMINT Teams (THT) Reports.................................... 73 Topic G: Detainee Interrogation Reporting .......................................... 73 Topic H: Pre-Deployment Opposing Force (OPFOR) Training ..........................74 Topic I: S2 Experience and Background ........................................... 75 Topic J: S2 Staff .............................................................. 76 Topic K: S2X Input to High Value Targets (HVT) .................................... 77 Topic L: Patrol Debriefs and After Action Reviews (AAR) ............................. 77 Topic M: Cultural Differences ................................................... 78 Chapter 6: Operations································································· 79 Topic A: Field Artillery Battalion Economy of Force Operations ........................81 ii FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY OPERATIONS IN MOSUL, IRAQ IIR Stryker Brigade Combat Team 1, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Topic B: Counter-Fire Operations ................................................ 81 Topic C: Stability Operations and Support Operations ................................ 83 Topic D: Counter-mortar Operations .............................................. 84 Topic E: Integration of Effects (lethal and non-lethal) ................................. 84 Topic F: Cordon and Knock Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) ..................85 Topic G: Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) ....86 Topic H: Urban Environment TTP, Commercial Digital Cameras ........................87 Topic I: Urban Operations TTP, Inner Cordon/Outer Cordon Techniques ..................88 Topic J: Primary Threats to Civilian Movement ..................................... 88 Topic K: Movement of Civilian Vehicles and Traffic ................................. 89 Topic L: Convoy Operations .................................................... 90 Topic M: Fixed Wing Close Air Support (CAS) ...................................... 91 Topic N: Close Air Support (CAS) Accuracy and Effectiveness .........................92 Topic O: Close Air Support (CAS) Coordination and Control ...........................92 Topic P: Dependence of Resupply Operations on Local National Contractors ..............93 Topic Q: Class III (P) Supply Issues .............................................. 94 Topic R: The Use of FBCB2 in Logistics ........................................... 94 Topic S: Transportation Capabilities in a Large Area of Operation (AO)...................95 Topic T: Deployment and Employment of BSB Assets ................................ 95 Topic U: Brigade Maintenance Program ........................................... 96 Topic V: Non-Mission Capable (NMC) Systems Tracking ............................. 96 Topic W: Security Of Ground Movement .......................................... 97 Topic X: Local National Convoys ................................................ 98 Topic Y: Forward Operating Based (FOB) Re-supply Operations ........................98 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY iii
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