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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] BREVITY FINAL COORDINATION DRAFT BREVITY MULTISERVICE BREVITY CODES FM 3-54.10 MCRP 3-25B NTTP 6-02.1 AFTTP(I) 3-2.5 AIR LAND SEA APPLICATION CENTER 2003 REVISION FINAL COORD DRAFT DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to DOD and DOD contractors to protect operational information from automatic dissemination under the International Exchange Program or by other means. This determination was made on 7 January 2003. Other requests will be referred to HQ TRADOC, ATTN: ATDO-A, Ft Monroe, VA 23651-5000; HQ MCCDC, ATTN: C42, Quantico, VA 22134-5021; NWDC, ATTN: Code N5, Newport, RI 02841-1207; or HQ AFDC, ATTN: DJ, Langley AFB VA 23665-2722. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to DOD and DOD contractors to protect operational information from automatic dissemination under the International Exchange Program or by other means. This determination was made on 7 January 2003. Other requests will be referred to HQ TRADOC, ATTN: ATDO-A, Ft Monroe, VA 23651-5000; HQ MCCDC, ATTN: C42, Quantico, VA 22134-5021; NWDC, ATTN: Code N5, Newport, RI 02841-1207; or HQ AFDC, ATTN: DJ, Langley AFB VA 23665- 2722. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. BREVITY FINAL COORDINATION DRAFT FOREWORD This publication has been prepared under our direction for use by our respective commands and other commands as appropriate. MICHAEL A. VANE Brigadier General, USA Deputy Chief of Staff for Doctrine, Concepts and Strategy U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command EDWARD HANLON, JR. Lieutenant General, USMC Commanding General Marine Corps Combat Development Command R. A. ROUTE Rear Admiral, USN Commander Navy Warfare Development Command DAVID F. MacGHEE, JR., Major General, USAF Commander Headquarters Air Force Doctrine Center This publication is available on the General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library at BREVITY FINAL COORDINATION DRAFT 1 PREFACE 2 3 1. Scope 4 This publication standardizes air-to-air, air-to-surface, surface-to-air, and surface-to- 5 Service operations and does not include words unique to single-service operations. While 7 not authoritative in nature, all services agree to these brevity code meanings. These code 8 words have been forwarded for inclusion or modification of current North Atlantic Treaty 9 Organization (NATO) brevity code words. 10 2. Purpose 11 This publication will ease coordination and improve understanding during multi- 12 Service operations. 13 3. Application 14 This publication is intended for air and ground operations personnel at the tactical 15 level. 16 4. Implementation Plan 17 Participating service command offices of primary responsibility (OPRs) will review 18 this publication, validate the information, and reference and incorporate it in service and 19 command manuals, regulations, and curricula as follows: 20 training and doctrinal publications as directed by the Commander, Army Training and Army . The Army will incorporate the brevity codes in this publication in US Army 22 Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Distribution is in accordance with DA Form 12-99-R. 23 Marine Corps . The Marine Corps will incorporate the brevity codes in this 24 publication in US Marine Corps training and doctrinal publications as directed by the 25 Distribution is in accordance with MCPDS. Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC). 27 Navy. The Navy will incorporate the procedures in this publication in U.S. Navy 28 doctrinal and training publications as directed by the Commander, Navy Warfare 29 Development Command (NWDC). Distribution of this publication is IAW MILSTRIP 30 Desk Guide and NAVSOP Pub 409. 31 Air Force . Air Force units will validate and incorporate appropriate procedures in 32 accordance with applicable governing directives. Distribution is in accordance with Air 33 Force Instruction (AFI) 33-360. 34 35 36 Marine Corps PCN 14400001500 i 6 surface brevity code words. The scope is limited to those brevity codes used in multi- 21 26 BREVITY FINAL COORDINATION DRAFT 1 Army Commander US Army Training and Doctrine Command ATTN: ATDO-A Fort Monroe VA 23651-5000 DSN 680-4489 COMM (757) 788-4489 Email: Marine Corps Commanding General US Marine Corps Combat Development Command ATTN: C42 3300 Russell Road, Suite 318A Quantico VA 22134-5021 DSN 278-6234 COMM (703) 784-6234 Email: Navy Commander Navy Warfare Development Command ATTN: N5 686 Cushing Road Newport, RI 02841-1207 DSN 948-1164/4189 COMM (401) 841-1164/4189 Email: Air Force Headquarters Air Force Doctrine Center ATTN: DJ 216 Sweeney Boulevard, Suite 109 Langley AFB, VA 23665-2722 DSN 754-8091 COMM (757) 764-8091 E-mail Address: ALSA ALSA Center ATTN: Director 114 Andrews Street Langley AFB, VA 23665-2785 DSN 575-0902 COMM (757) 225-0902 E-mail: 1 ii 2 BREVITY FINAL COORDINATION DRAFT 1 * FM 3-54.10 (FM 3-97.18) 2 *MCRP 3-25B 3 *NTTP 6-02.1 4 *AFTTP(I) 3-2.5 FM 3-54.10 (FM 3-97.18) US Army Training and Doctrine Command Fort Monroe, Virginia MCRP 3-25B Marine Corps Combat Development Command Quantico, Virginia NTTP 6-02.1 Navy Warfare Development Command Newport, Rhode Island AFTTP(I) 3-2.5 Headquarters Air Force Doctrine Center Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama 6 7 May 2003 8 BREVITY 9 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS 11 12 SUMMARY OF CHANGES IV 13 MULTI-SERVICE BREVITY CODES 1 14 CATEGORY SYNOPSIS 35 15 AIR-TO-AIR 37 16 AIR-TO-SURFACE 39 17 CLOSE AIR SUPPORT (CAS) 40 18 CSAR/SAR 40 19 DATA LINKS 40 20 JSTARS 40 21 LASERS 40 22 MARITIME AIR OPERATIONS 40 23 BASIC NVD / IR / ILLUMINATION 41 24 BASIC SEAD / SIGINT / EW INTEGRATION 41 25 SURFACE-TO-AIR 42 26 SURFACE-TO-SURFACE 42 27 NATO TERMS 43 28 29 GLOSSARY 44 iii 5
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