us-call-4-24-2004, Wikileaks, Compleat Wikileaks Archive, Misc
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] FOREWORD Lessons learned during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) revealed that special operations forces face an increased threat posed by asymmetric forces operating throughout the depth of the battlespace. The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) established and dispatched Joint Counter-Ambush Advisory Teams to both war zones and in coordination with the Director, Operational Testing and Evaluation (DOT&E), Joint Survivability (JSURV) Quick Reaction Test (QRT), and the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) collected convoy operations lessons learned and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP). The result of this effort is the USSOCOM Combat Convoy Handbook. The aim of this handbook is to describe those actions best suited to counter the threats to convoys in the hope of reducing the USSOCOM casualty rate during combat operations. This handbook provides a quick-reference TTP guide for convoy commanders and their subordinates on how to train for and conduct tactical convoy operations on the asymmetric battlefield. The lessons learned collection team consisted of subject matter experts from the following United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) units: United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) Naval Special Warfare Command Air Force Special Operations Command Special Operations Command Central Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force - Arabian Peninsula (CJSOTF-AP) Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group TWO Joint Readiness Training Center, Special Operations Training Detachment (SOTD) USSOCOM COMBAT CONVOY HANDBOOK UNITED STATES SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND (USSOCOM) COMBAT CONVOY HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION vii CHAPTER 1: SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES (SOF) COMBAT CONVOY OPERATIONS 1 Section I: Special Operations Forces (SOF) Mobility 1 Section II: Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) Theater Threats 1 Section III: Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) 4 Section IV: Situational Awareness (SA) 8 Section V: Rules of Engagement (ROE) 9 Section VI: Combat Convoy Planning 11 Section VII: Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support Available, Time Available, Civil Considerations (METT-TC) 12 Section VIII: Task Organization 14 Section IX: Vehicle Considerations 15 Section X: Duties and Responsibilities 17 Section XI: Vehicle Positions 19 Section XII: Vehicle Preparation Techniques 19 CHAPTER 2: MOUNTED TACTICS 27 Section I: Formations and Movement Techniques 27 Section II: Blocking and Bumping Techniques 31 Section III: Dismount and Remount Procedures 39 Section IV: Precious Cargo Movement 42 Section V: Large Convoys 43 CHAPTER 3: BATTLE DRILLS 45 Section I: Individual Driver Skills 45 Section II: Collective Battle Drills 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i
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