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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] 1 st IO CMD (Land) IO Planner’s Aid IO and MDMP Information IPB MDMP Step IO Focus IPB Step IO Focus Analysis Product Define the Information Environment Key Definitions Information Operations : (IO) The employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to affect or defend information and information systems, and to influence decision making. (FM 3-13) Information Environment: The aggregate of individuals, organizations, or systems that collect, process, or disseminate information; also included is the information itself. (FM 3-0) Information Superiority : The operational advantage derived from the ability to collect, process, and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while exploiting or denying an adversary's ability to do the same. (FM 3-0) Receipt of Mission • Conduct initial assessment of info op • Determine IO planning requirements Define the Battlefield Combined Information Overlay - Significant characteristics of the info environment & effects on operations • Understand IO situation • Analyze HHQ information operation • Define & analyze the info environment and threat • Develop IO mission statement & objectives • Seek commander’s IO guidance Mission Analysis Describe the Battlefield’s Effects Describe the Information Environment’s Effects COA Development • ID friendly IO capabilities & vulnerabilities • Develop IO concept of support Threat COG Analysis - Critical vulnerabilities Threat Templates - Who makes decisions; what nodes, links, & systems the threat uses; how info assets are employed COA Analysis • Visualize operations in the info environment • Wargame IO concept of support against how the enemy will employ its information systems and assets Evaluate the Threat Evaluate the Threats’ Info System COA Comparison • Analyze & evaluate IO support to each COA COA Approval Orders Production • Finalize details of the information operation Determine Threat Actions in the Info Environment Information SITEMP - When, where, & why the threat will seek to gain info superiority • Prepare IO annex & input to base order/plan Determine Threat COAs Updated by EWA IIT (Garry Beavers) November 2003 Centers of Gravity (COG) COG Analysis Steps Validity Testing for COGs COG 1. Identify potential threat COGs. Visualize the threat as a system of functional components. Based upon how the threat organizes, fights, makes decisions, and its physical and psychological strengths and weaknesses, select the threat’s primary source of moral or physical strength, power, and resistance. 2. Identify Critical Capabilities (CC). Each COG is analyzed to determine what primary abilities (functions) the threat possesses in the context of the battlefield and friendly mission that can prevent friendly forces from accomplishing the mission. Each identified CC must relate to the COG, otherwise it is not critical in the context of the analysis. 3. Identify Critical Requirements (CRs) for each CC. A CR is a condition, resource, or means that enables threat functions or mission. CRs are usually tangible elements such as communications means, weapons systems, or even geographical areas or features. There may be more than one CR per CC. 4. Identify Critical Vulnerabilities (CVs) for each CR. A CV is a CR, or component of a CR, which is vulnerable to attack or influence. As the hierarchy of CRs, and CVs are developed, inter-relationships and overlapping between the factors are sought in order to identify CRs and CVs that support more than one CC. When selecting CVs, CV analysis is conducted to pair CVs against friendly capabilities. 9 Will destruction, neutralization, or substantial weakening of the COG result in changing the threat’s COA or denying its objective? 9 Does the friendly force have the resources and capability to accomplish destruction or neutralization of the threat COG? If the answer is “no”, then the threat’s identified critical factors must be reviewed for other critical vulnerabilities, or planners must reassess how to attack the previously identified critical vulnerabilities with additional resources. COG Analysis Hierarchy CC CC CC CR CR CR CR CV CV CV CV CV CV Definitions Center of Gravity (COG) : Primary source of moral or physical strength, power, and resistance. Critical Capability (CC) : Primary abilities which merit a COG to be identified as such in the context of a given scenario, situation, or mission. Critical Requirement (CR) : Essential conditions, resources, and means for a critical capability to be fully operative. Criteria for CV Analysis (CARVER) • C riticality. An estimate of the CVs importance to the enemy. A vulnerability will significantly influence the enemy’s ability to conduct or support operations. • A ccessibility. A determination of whether the CV is accessible to the friendly force in time and place. • R ecuperability. An evaluation of how much effort, time, & resources the enemy must expend if the CV is successfully affected. • V ulnerability. A determination of whether the friendly force has the means or capability to affect the CV. • E ffect. A determination of the extent of the effect achieved if the CV is successfully exploited. • R ecognizability. A determination if the CV, once selected for exploitation, can be identified during the operation by the friendly force, and can be assessed for the impact of the exploitation. Critical Vulnerability (CV) : Critical requirements (or components thereof) which are deficient or vulnerable to attack or influence in a manner achieving decisive results. Example Combined Information Overlay Example IO Mission and Objectives (Tactical Corps mission) Defensive IO Effects EFFECTS DESCRIPTIVE EXPLANATION PROTECTION Actions taken to guard against espionage or capture of sensitive equipment and information. Significant characteristics of each information sub-environment IO Mission: On order, XX Corps IO disrupts 1st Operational Strategic Command (OSC) ground and air defense forces’ command and control, influences civilian populace perceptions, and protects Corps’ critical information in the AOR in order to facilitate destruction of 1st OSC forces. DETECTION Discover or discern the existence, presence, or fact of an intrusion into information systems. Combined Information Overlay IO Objectives: • Disrupt 1st OSC AD C2 in order to prevent coordinated engagement of XX Corps’ deep attacks. • Destroy 1st OSC headquarters in order to neutralize command and control between battlezone and reserve forces. • Disrupt operational reserve CPs and communication nets in order to delay employment of reinforcing or counterattack forces. • Influence civilian populace in occupied areas in order to minimize interference with XX Corps’ operations. • Deny SPF detection and identification of XX Corps’ main and tactical CPs in order to prevent targeting by 1st OSC artillery fires. RESTORATION Bring information systems back to their original state. External info flow & influence from neighboring country Info Sub-Environment A: Northern Plains • Populace: Group X Majority (80%) • Info flow: Primary info source is outside country • Info infrastructure: Underdeveloped & dilapidated • Support: Largely anti-government regime • Favors friendly force operations RESPONSE React quickly to an adversary’s information operations attack or intrusion. (FM 3-13) I nfo Sub-Environment B: Central Mountains • Populace: Sparsely populated by Group Y • Info flow: Information vacuum • Info infrastructure: Canalized along ground LOCs • Support: Ambivalent toward government-regime • No significant impact on friendly force operations Possible IO Tasks (Non-Doctrinal) Control Counter Counter-Recon Defeat Delay Demonstrate Destroy Deter Engage Fix Inform Interdict Isolate Jam Neutralize Persuade Prevent Protect Secure Suppress Info Sub-Environment C: Southern Plains • Populace: Densely populated by Group Y (95%) • Info flow: Follows ground LOCs • Info Infrastructure: Well developed info infrastructure; supports military C2; key nodes in cities • Support: Strong support for current government regime • Favors enemy operations Civilian info infrastructure must be interdicted to reduce threat advantage Coax Roads Key Nodes Info Flow Graphic portrayal of information environment Note: Italicized tasks are proposed IO tactical tasks. Mission to Task Products Offensive IO Effects Example Course of Action Sketch (Deliberate Attack Mission) How IO will support the command’s mission (Who, What, Where, When, Why) What IO will do to affect the info environment (Effect, Object of Effect [Target], Purpose of the Effect) IO Mission Statement Map of AO with locations of IO tasks IO concept of support: objectives and tasks (for this mission) EFFECTS DESCRIPTIVE EXPLANATION DESTROY Physically render adversary information useless or INFOSYS ineffective unless reconstituted. IO Objectives Information Superiority: 1st OSC unable to conduct synchronized reaction to the Coalition main attack. IO Objectives: • Destroy 1 st OSC C2 IOT neutralize C2 between battlezone and reserve forces. • Influence populace IOT minimize interference with Coalition operations. IO Element Tasks: PD: 1. Destroy Corps and Division CPs. 2. Destroy forwards observers and recon in zone. EW : 3. Jam Corps-Division C2 nets. PSYOP : 4. Inform populace of coalition intentions, location of HA, and DC routes and camps. 5. Employ TPT in direct support of maneuver units. Civil Affairs: 6. Distribute HA to DC camps. Public Affairs: 7. Publicize Coalition role in HA support. XX 5 5 DISRUPT Break or interrupt the flow of information between selected C2 nodes. 2 2 4 1 3-5 Objectives per Phase. Caution: Each IO Objective generates a Wargaming Worksheet. 1 3 4 SPF 4 6 DEGRADE Reduce the effectiveness or efficiency of adversary command and control systems, and information collection efforts or means. 7 4 6 7 XX 7 Tasks to IO Elements What actions the elements will perform to execute the info op (Task, Purpose) 6 1 4 3 DENY Withhold information about Army force capabilities and intentions that adversaries need for effective and timely decision making. I E W 4 XXX I E W 3 1 TAC XXX Tasks to Units Task, Purpose 3 DECEIVE Mislead adversary decision makers by manipulating their understanding of reality. 1 Main How the info operation will be conducted (Cdr’s Intent for IO, Info Superiority for the Operation, General Plan for IO, Priority of Support, Restrictions on the Employment of IO) Time Line Phase I Phase II Phase III EXPLOIT Gain access to adversary command and control systems to collect information or to plant false or misleading information. PD EW PSYOP CA PA 1 2 3 4 5 6 IO Concept of Support 7 IO Assessment INFLUENCE Cause adversaries or others to behave in a manner favorable to Army forces. Timeline (by phase) of IO task execution (FM 3-13) U.S. Army, 1 st Information Operations Command (Land) product updated by EWA-IIT (Garry Beavers) 2
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