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Intelligence Exploitation of Enemy Material
Lessons and observations from
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
20 June 2006
This unclassified document has been reviewed in accordance with guidance contained in United
States Central Command Security Classification Guide 9901 dated 1 February 1999. This
document contains information EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under the
FOIA. DOD Regulation 5400.7 R, Exemption 5 applies.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................... 2
Prologue ......................................................................................................... 3
Executive Summary ...................................................................................... 4
Definitions ...................................................................................................... 6
Background ................................................................................................... 6
Enemy Detainee Processing ......................................................................... 7
Enemy Material Processing ......................................................................... 8
Iraqi Court System Requirements .............................................................. 9
Raid Unit Operations.................................................................................. 10
Infantry Battalion TTPs ............................................................................. 11
MAGTF/GCE Headquarters TTPs........................................................... 12
The Way Ahead........................................................................................... 14
Endnotes....................................................................................................... 14
The observations, analyses and assessments summarized in this document are based on the
candid comments and reports of the men and women who participated in Operation ENDURING
FREEDOM (OEF)/Operation IRAQI FEEDOM (OIF) by supporting our forces and leading our
Marines. The high level of professionalism and military aptitude demonstrated by individual and
unit performances during OEF/OIF are hallmarks of these conflicts. Just as the enemy changes
his tactics, techniques procedures (TTP), we too must quickly change and adapt to the fight at
hand. The Marine Corps has an enviable reputation for innovation and adaptation, and maintains
the highest standards of excellence in the art of warfare. It is with a conscious intent to maintain
this reputation that the Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned offers the observations and
commentary within this report. Please take the information provided, build on it, and report back
on its applicability. Comments and feedback are welcomed and encouraged.
This is one of many documents and briefings covering a wide variety of topics that have been put
together by the Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned (MCCLL). The MCCLL library of
lessons and observations are not sole source or authoritative, but are intended as a means of
informing the decision making process and effecting needed changes in our institution. It is of
the utmost importance that individuals and units continue to provide their lessons and
observations so we can ensure the next unit to deploy has the benefit of hard-earned experience
prior to crossing the line of departure. Getting your observations and lessons into the Lesson
Management System early enough to impact pre-deployment training is crucial to increasing the
effectiveness of follow on units and saving the lives of our Marines.
M. E. Dunard
Colonel, United States Marine Corps Reserve
Director, Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned
Executive Summary
Enemy Detainee Processing -
The process of controlling, maintaining, protecting and
accounting for detainees is complex, and most Marines have only limited visibility of other than
that portion of the process that pertains to their daily duties. Actions during capture of a
detainee, including the collection of documents and other material, can impact on the eventual
confinement or release of an individual.
Enemy Material Processing -
US military leaders require a significant amount of evidence to
keep a suspected insurgent in custody. The Iraqi legal system does not recognize many Western
legal concepts and is based not on the more familiar Western adversarial system but upon a
judge-directed investigatory system. Since confidential sources of information leading to capture
of insurgents often will not testify and interrogations in Iraq have seldom led to confessions,
physical evidence gathered at the time of capture is key to ensuring insurgents remain in
detention. Unless evidence is collected at time of capture and evidentiary and accountability
requirements are met, insurgents can be set free to return to fight again after temporary detention.
Iraqi Court System Requirements -
Iraqi judges tend to demand overwhelming physical
evidence before deciding to keep a suspected insurgent detained.
Infantry Battalion TTPs -
The first steps of the detainment process are executed by maneuver
elements. Although Marines are not expected to be police detectives servicing a crime scene,
they can be trained in techniques for proper search and seizure and what material is likely to be
useful as evidence.
MAGTF/GCE Headquarters TTPs –
Timelines and changes in evidentiary requirements
require prompt exploitation and processing of captured enemy material as potential evidence to
support continued detainment of insurgents. Due to a lack of resources, the MEF in Iraq is
currently not resourced to man a complete Exploitation Center, leaving large volumes of
captured material unprocessed.

Establish an Exploitation Center in the MEF area of operations in Iraq. If Marines are
not available, man the Exploitation Center with contract linguists and contract
intelligence analysts.

Train Marines and Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) to conduct Sensitive Site Exploitation and
Document Exploitation. Prepare ISF personnel to man the Exploitation Center, as
This document is provided in response to a request from the Commanding General, Marine
Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) regarding lessons, observations, tactics,
techniques and procedures (TTP) from units and individuals operating in Operation Iraqi
Freedom II (OIF II). The Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned (MCCLL) is tasked to serve
as a repository for observations and data collected and to transform that information into useable
formats for dissemination throughout the Marine Corps.
MCCLL is grateful for the professional, collaborative support from Captain Matthew Nieland,
USMC, an Intelligence Officer who served with I MEF G-2 as the Marine Corps Intelligence
Activity (MCIA) Liaison Officer during OIF II, and whose observations and recommendations
are quoted in this paper.
This document is based upon vetted input from Operating Forces submitted to the MCCLL
Lessons Management System (LMS) and observations and information through interviews.
While the information contained within the LMS provides insight into the area of interest, it may
not represent a comprehensive overview of the issues. In some cases, there may be perspectives
not available within the MCCLL database.
Information presented below provides a summary of the data currently contained within the LMS
on the topic. Source material for this document is contained in an LMS binder located at
After registration/login, click on “My Binders,” then “Sensitive Site
Exploitation.” Information on other topics is available in the LMS at:
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