us-iraq-intsum-2006-06-08, Wikileaks, Compleat Wikileaks Archive, Misc
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] SECRET//REL TO USA, MCFIREO AL HILLAH, IRAQ2006 JUNE 8EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:COA Scimitar continues to be heavily influenced by Iranian entities, particularly SCIRI and BADR Corps. Iranian sympathizers and proponents from the SCIRI Governor SALIM SALIH MAHDI AL MUSLIMAWI and many of his cabinet members continue to perpetuate sectarian policy and steer gubernatorial decisions. This present political climate proves tenuous for neutral, non-sectarian leadership such as GEN Qais Hamza Abood Al-Mamori, the Babil provincial chief of police. MOI reconfiguration coupled with militia infiltration and influence constantly pose a threat to his tenure. Should Qais be ousted by an unqualified vote from the PC, he will fight the decision in the courts. Additionally, as ISF take the lead in securing Babil Province; armed groups such as Mahdi Militia compete with them, desiring to become a legitimate alternative for the public. The addition of the National Police Unit stationed at Camp Charlie further contributes to the stability struggle in southern Babil, as the unit commander is reportedly a former regime leader who was responsible for the murders of many Al Hillah residents. As the coalition force footprint has decreased significantly in southern Babil, AIF freedom of movement will be more prevalent unless IA and IP forces? patrolling and operations are significantly improved. Recent incidents such as the civilian PSD shooting a local national and the CF traffic accident which killed one Hillah resident, spark distrust and malice in many residents against the Coalition Forces who remain in COA Scimitar.SIGNIFICANT REPORTING:Gawad ((Al-Hassnawi)) and Hamid ((Kanosh)) are members of the Karbala city council who work for Iranian Intelligence. Both Al-Hassnawi and Kanosh are members of the Mahdi Militia in Karbala //mgrscoord:38SMB064092//, IZ. Both Al-Hassnawi and Kanosh are associated with known Mahdi Militia members Ali Aabd ((Taan)) and Mohamed ((Kadhim)). (Field comment?both Taan and Kadhim are confirmed members of a Mahdi Militia explosive formed projectile cell operating in Karbala). Taan and Kadhim occassionaly work as bodyguards for Al-hassnawi and Kanosh.Al-Hassnawi and Kanosh receive an unknown amount of money from undientified Iranian intelligence agents. Currently Al-Hassnawi and Kanosh are recruiting members of the Mahdi Militia to receive training in Iran from Iranian intelligence. Mahdi Militia members sent to Iran will receive training in the construction of improvised explosive devices and learn how to conduct assassinations.Al-Hassnawi lives in the Al Hussein Neighborhood in Karbala. Al-Hassnawi is approximately 40 years old, 177 centimeters tall and weighs 80 kilograms. He has a medium build, black hair, dark brown eyes, thin black beard and mustache, light brown complexion. He usually wears western style clothes and dress suits.Kanosh lives in the Al Hurr Neighborhood of Karbala and has an office at the Bureau of Security building in Karbala. Kanosh is approximately 38 years old, 180 centimeters tall and weighs 90 kilograms. He has a medium build, black hair, hazel eyes, thin black mustache, and light brown complexion. He usually wears western style clothes and dress suits.COMMENT:It is no secret that a significant portion of Iraq?s politicians and civil servants are affiliated with insurgent organizations. It is also widely speculated that most of the Shia insurgent groups are being funded by Iranian intelligence, which if true is alarming as this nation attempts to maintain its sovereignty. Such situations are clearly fueling sectarian strife and violence, all the while the Iranian government funds the Shia majority. If the Shia were to totally rule Iraq, Iran would more than likely attempt to set up a secular puppet government subservient to Iranian Grand Ayatollah Saane'I, and possibly move or emulate the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala in Iran.SECRET//REL TO USA, MCFI
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