us-lset-report-46tw-2003, Wikileaks, Compleat Wikileaks Archive, Misc
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] HQ AFMC/LG PN 2004-01, 24 November 2003 SECTION I - MSET DETAILS 7 A - 46TH MAINTENANCE GROUP (MXG) 7 A.1 ection 7 A.1.1 nagement 7 A.1.2 General Programs Management 7 A.1.3 Occupational Safety and Health Management 7 A.1.4 Quality Assurance Management 8 A.1.5 nagement 8 A.1.6 tification Management 9 A.2 luations 10 A.3 ections 12 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 14 B - 46TH AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE SQUADRON (AMXS) 14 B.1 ection 14 B.1.1 General Programs Management 14 B.1.2 Occupational Safety and Health Management 15 B.1.3 Training and Certification Management 15 C - 46 AMXS/BLUE AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE UNIT 16 C.1 ection 16 C.1.1 nagement 16 C.1.2 General Programs Management 16 C.1.3 Occupational Safety and Health Management 17 C.1.4 nagement 17 C.1.5 Tools and Equipment Management 17 C.1.6 Training and Certification Management 18 C.2 luations 18 C.3 ections 19 This is a PRIVILEGED DOCUMENT that cannot be released in whole or part to persons or agencies outside the Department of Defense, nor can it be republished in whole or part in any publication not containing this statement, including Air Force/DoD magazines and general use pamphlets, without the express approval of the Director of HQ AFMC/LG. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 HQ AFMC/LG PN 2004-01, 24 November 2003 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 20 D - 46 AMXS/RED AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE UNIT 20 D.1 ection 20 D.1.1 nagement 20 D.1.2 General Programs Management 21 D.1.3 Occupational Safety and Health Management 22 D.1.4 nagement 22 D.1.5 Tools and Equipment Management 22 D.1.6 tification Management 22 D.2 luations 23 D.3 ections 24 D.3.7 F-15C safe for maintenance inspection 24 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 24 E - 46TH MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS SQUADRON (MOS) 25 E.1 ection 25 E.1.1 General Programs Management 25 E.1.2 Occupational Safety and Health Management 25 E.1.3 nagement 25 E.1.4 Training and Certification Management 25 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 25 F - 46TH MAINTENANCE SQUADRON (MXS) 25 F.1 ection 25 F.1.1 General Programs Management 25 F.1.2 Occupational Safety and Health Management 26 F.1.3 agement 26 F.1.4 Training and Certification Management 26 This is a PRIVILEGED DOCUMENT that cannot be released in whole or part to persons or agencies outside the Department of Defense, nor can it be republished in whole or part in any publication not containing this statement, including Air Force/DoD magazines and general use pamphlets, without the express approval of the Director of HQ AFMC/LG. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 HQ AFMC/LG PN 2004-01, 24 November 2003 G - 46 MXS/CONTRACT MANAGEMENT OFFICE 26 G.1 ection 26 G.1.1 General Programs Management 26 G.1.2 Occupational Safety and Health Management 27 G.1.3 tification Management 27 G.2 luations 27 G.3 ections 30 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 32 G.5 Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) 32 G.5.1 Management Inspection 32 G.5.1.1 nagement 32 G.5.1.2 General Programs Management 32 G.5.1.3 nagement 33 G.5.1.4 Tools and Equipment Management 33 G.5.1.5 tification Management 33 G.6 Backshop 34 G.6.1 Management Inspection 34 G.6.1.1 nagement 34 G.6.1.2 General Programs Management 34 G.6.1.3 nagement 36 G.6.1.4 Tools and Equipment Management 36 G.6.1.5 tification Management 36 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 37 G.7 Transient Alert 37 G.7.1 Management Inspection 37 G.7.1.1 General Programs Management 37 G.7.1.2 nagement 37 G.7.1.3 Tools and Equipment Management 38 G.7.1.4 tification Management 38 This is a PRIVILEGED DOCUMENT that cannot be released in whole or part to persons or agencies outside the Department of Defense, nor can it be republished in whole or part in any publication not containing this statement, including Air Force/DoD magazines and general use pamphlets, without the express approval of the Director of HQ AFMC/LG. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3 HQ AFMC/LG PN 2004-01, 24 November 2003 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 38 H - 46 MXS/MUNITIONS FLIGHT 38 H.1 ection 38 H.1.1 nagement 38 H.1.2 General Programs Management 41 H.1.3 Occupational Safety and Health Management 41 H.1.4 nagement 41 H.1.5 Tools and Equipment Management 41 H.1.6 tification Management 41 H.2 luations 42 H.3 ections 42 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 42 FLIGHT 43 I.1 ection 43 I.1.1 agement 43 I.1.2 General Programs Management 43 I.1.3 Occupational Safety and Health Management 44 I.1.4 agement 44 I.1.5 Tools and Equipment Management 44 I.1.6 Training and Certification Management 44 I.2 Detected Safety Violations (DSV)/Technical Data Violations (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 44 This is a PRIVILEGED DOCUMENT that cannot be released in whole or part to persons or agencies outside the Department of Defense, nor can it be republished in whole or part in any publication not containing this statement, including Air Force/DoD magazines and general use pamphlets, without the express approval of the Director of HQ AFMC/LG. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4 HQ AFMC/LG PN 2004-01, 24 November 2003 J.1.5 Tools and Equipment Management 45 K - 46TH TEST WING (TW)/SEEK EAGLE OFFICE (SK) 45 K.1 ection 45 K.1.1 General Programs Management 45 K.1.2 Occupational Safety and Health Management 46 K.1.3 nagement 46 K.1.4 Tools and Equipment Management 46 K.1.5 tification Management 46 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 46 L - 46 TW/TECHNICAL DIRECTORATE 47 L.1 ection 47 L.1.1 General Programs Management 47 L.1.2 Occupational Safety and Health Management 47 L.1.3 nagement 48 L.1.4 Tools and Equipment Management 48 (TDV)/Unsatisfactory Condition Reports (UCR) 48 M - CENTER/BASE SUPPORT 49 N - HIGHER HEADQUARTERS 49 SECTION II - ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS 50 REPLY INSTRUCTIONS 50 BEST PRACTICE CANDIDATES 51 SUPERIOR PERFORMERS 53 SUPERIOR PERFORMER TEAMS 55 TEAM COMPOSITION 59 MSET ABBREVIATIONS 61 This is a PRIVILEGED DOCUMENT that cannot be released in whole or part to persons or agencies outside the Department of Defense, nor can it be republished in whole or part in any publication not containing this statement, including Air Force/DoD magazines and general use pamphlets, without the express approval of the Director of HQ AFMC/LG. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5
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