us-mortars-in-iraq-2007, Wikileaks, Compleat Wikileaks Archive, Misc
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] For Official Use Only Mortars in Iraq Mortar Cal (mm) Origin DOI Range (Max/Min) (meters) Munition Types (See Note) Rate of Fire (rpm) Crew Round Weight (HE) (kg) Elevation/ Traverse ( degrees) Muz Vel (m/s) Mount Type Weight (kg) Emplace/ Displace (min) Remarks Image Al-Jaleel Commando Mortar (M70) 60 Iraq Yugo (M70) Max: 2537 HE Illum Smoke 25-30 1-2 E: 45-85 Hand- supported 7.6 1/1 Iraqi version of the Bosnian M70 Commando mortar. Al-Jaleel Infantry Mortar (M57) 60 Iraq Yugo (M57) Max: 2500 HE Illum Smoke 25-30 1-2 E: 45-85 Bipod & Base- plate 22 1/1 Iraqi version of the Yugo M57 60-mm infantry mortar (based on US M2 60-mm mortar) Easily separated from bipod and baseplate and used. Type 63-1 60 China 1970s Max: 1550 Min: 95 HE Illum, Smoke Incendiary 15-20 2-3 1.3 E: 40-80 T: 8 141 Bipod & Base- plate Firing: 12 1/1 Widely proliferated. Updated Type 63. Small rectangular base- plate and carrying handle on the tube. Al-Jaleel 82 Iraq Max: 4900 Min: HE 10-15 4 E: 45-85 Bipod & Base- plate Firing: 63 1/1 Copy of Yugo M69A NOTE: The munitions listed indicate what is available for the specific mortar system, not what munition is in Iraq. For Official Use Only 1 For Official Use Only Mortars in Iraq (CONTINUED) Mortar Cal (mm) Origin DOI Range (Max/Min) (meters) Munition Types (See Note) Rate of Fire (rpm) Crew Round Weight (HE) (kg) Elevation/ Traverse ( degrees) Muz Vel (m/s) Mount Type Weight (kg) Emplace/ Displace (min) Remarks Image M69A 82 Yugo Mid 1960s Max: 6050 Ext Range: (M91=6700) Min: 160 HE Illumination Smoke 10-15 4 E: 45-85 Total: 6 330 Bipod & Base- plate Firing: 54 Tube: Bipod: 14 Base: 15 1/1 Widely proliferated. Iraq copied this as the 82-mm Al-Jaleel Type 67 82 China 1967 Max: 3040 Min: 85 HE, Illum, Smoke Incendiary 10-15 3-4 HE: 3.16 E: 45-85 T: 6 211 Bipod & Base- plate Firing: 35 Tube: 13 Bipod: 10 Base: 12 Widely proliferated. In service since 1971. Replaced Type 53 (copy of Sov M-37). Triangular baseplate with handle. SP variant is mounted in a Chinese YW-304 APC Type 71 100 China Early 1970 Max: 4700 Min: 170 HE Illumination Smoke 15-20 7 8 E: 45-80 Total: 8 250 Bipod & Base- plate Firing: 75 Tube: 28 Bipod: 21 Base: 25.5 Al-Jaleel 120 Iraq Max: 5400 Min: HE Illumination Smoke 5-8 E: 45-85 Bipod & Base- plate 148 NOTE: The munitions listed indicate what is available for the specific mortar system, not what munition is in Iraq. For Official Use Only 2 For Official Use Only Mortars in Iraq (CONTINUED) Mortar Cal (mm) Origin DOI Range (Max/Min) (meters) Munition Types (See Note) Rate of Fire (rpm) Crew Round Weight (HE) (kg) Elevation/ Traverse ( degrees) Muz Vel (m/s) Mount Type Weight (kg) Emplace/ Displace (min) Remarks Image M1943 Type 53 M120 M-43 120 FSU NK China (Type 53) 1943 Max: 5700 Min: 450 HE Frag-HE Smoke Illum 4-9 6 15.4 E: 45-85 T: 04 left 04 right 272 Bipod & Base- plate. Trailer Firing: 270 Travel: 522 Tube: Bipod: 80 Base: 95 5/3 Old, but widely proliferated. Replaced by the newer 2S11/2S12 (FSU) Type 55/ M-55 120 China Late 1950s Max: 5520 Min: 450 HE Smoke Illumination 15 6 E: 45-80 T: 04 left 04 right 272 Bipod & Base- plate. Trailer Firing: 275 Travel: 550 Improvement of the Chinese Type 53 (Clone of Russian M1943) M75 120 Yugo Frag-HE: Max: 5400 Min: 275 Extend: 6464 RAP: 9056 HE DPICM Smoke Illum Chemical ICM 4-6 4 E: 45 to 85 T: 6 total 307 (RAP) Bipod & Base- plate. Trailer Firing: 178 Travel: 261 Tube: 25 Base: 87 <1/<1 NOTE: The munitions listed indicate what is available for the specific mortar system, not what munition is in Iraq. For Official Use Only 3 For Official Use Only Mortars in Iraq (CONTINUED) Cal (mm) Origin DOI Range (Max/Min) (meters) Munition Types (See Note) Rate of Fire (rpm) Crew Round Weight (HE) (kg) Elevation/ Traverse ( degrees) Muz Vel (m/s) Mount Type Weight (kg) Emplace/ Displace (min) Remarks Image Mortar MO-120- RT-61 Towed Combo 120 France 1961 Max: 8135 RAP: 13000 Min: 1100 Frag HE HE-RA RAP 10 4-6 18.60 E: 30 to 85 T: 15 total towed split trail 582 1.5/2 Widely proliferated (23+ countries including Iraq). Rifled mortar Towed by light truck/TUV Can fire all standard 120-mm smoothbore rounds w/o fins. For additional information see the WEG, Chapter 6 SL 120 Spain Max: 5700 Min: 600 HE Smoke 3-5 E: 45 to 85 T: 6 total 295 Bipod & Base- plate. Trailer Firing: 112 Travel: 250 Base: 50 3/3 Lighter version of the L with lighter base plate and shorter range. M-160 160 FSU 1953 Max: 8040 Min: 750 HE 3 6-7 41 E: 50-80 T: 25 total 343 Base- plate & wheels Firing: 1314 Travel: 1470 ?/7 Towed by light truck. Breech loaded. Barrel is 4550 mm in length M-43 Type 56 160 FSU China (Type 56) 1943 Max:5150 Min: 630 HE 3 7 40.8 E: 45-80 T: 25 total Base- plate & wheels Firing: 1170 Widely proliferated (+20 countries) Towed by light truck. Towed by light truck. NOTE: The munitions listed indicate what is available for the specific mortar system, not what munition is in Iraq. For Official Use Only 4
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