user-manual-DAELIM-ROADWIN VJ125-E, Instrukcje obsLugi
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->You can read the recommendations in the user guide, the technical guide or the installation guide for DAELIM ROADWIN VJ125.You'll find the answers to all your questions on the DAELIM ROADWIN VJ125 in the user manual (information, specifications,safety advice, size, accessories, etc.). Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.User manual DAELIM ROADWIN VJ125User guide DAELIM ROADWIN VJ125Operating instructions DAELIM ROADWIN VJ125Instructions for use DAELIM ROADWIN VJ125Instruction manual DAELIM ROADWIN VJ125Your user manualDAELIM ROADWIN VJ125Manual abstract:Bolts, nuts and pieces must be tightened from the bigger diameter to the smaller one, from inside to outside and diagonally with the specified torque. 9. Checkto see if the rubber part is worn out when removing it and replace it if necessary. Some rubber part is weak to gasoline and kerosene, so pay attention not tosoak with gasoline or oils. 10. Recommended grease must be applied to or filled in the specified place. 1-2 GENERAL INFORMATION 11. Maintenanceneeded to use the specialized tools must be performed with the right tool. 12. Never reuse the ball bearing removed with the ball applied pressure whenremoving press-fitted the bearing.13. Check the smooth rotation of inner or outer race of the ball bearing by rotating it manually. Replace the ball bearing having excessive axial/ longitudinalhanging. Wipe the ball bearing likely to have hanging with cleaning oil.(except double-sided sealed type ball bearing) Replace the ball bearing of which press-fitted part is slacked at the case or shaft.14. Pay attention to installation direction in case of the single-sided sealed ball bearing. Install the opendirection or double-sided sealed bearing in the waythat the face marked with manufacturer and size should direct to the outer axle. ' 15. When blowing the ball bearing with compressed air after cleaning, keepthe race from rotating.High speed rotation of the race may damage the bearing. Prior to installation, apply oil or grease to the bearing. 16. Install the snap ring so that chamferedside directs to the load-applied side. After installation, check the proper installation by rotating the snap ring. 17. Check each part for proper tightening andoperation after installation. 18. The brake fluid and coolant can damage the painted plastic or rubber parts. Keep these parts from contacting with them andwash these parts with water in case of contact.1-3 GENERAL INFORMATION 19. Install the oil seal so that the manufacturer marked surface directs outer surface.(direction not covered with oil) Payattention not to bend or damage the lip. Apply the grease to the lip. 20. Connect the tube until the tube fully inserted in the joint. Install the clip if it issupplied. Replace the tube having slacked end. ' 21. Keep the pneumatic system interior or the engine interior from the infiltration of dust.22. Install the gasket mounted in the contact surface of each case of the engine while removing gasket material completely. Remove damaged contact surfaceby wiping with the oil stone equally. 23. Pay attention not to bend the cable excessively.Transformed or damaged cable may cause malfunction or damage. 24. Install the boots with the installing groove by inserting the boots into the groove. 1-4GENERAL INFORMATION CAUTION WHEN WIRING Each cord must be connected depending on its color. When connecting different cord, attach colortube around the connector.Connect the coupler to the connector with same color and same pin number. Identify the two-colored cord by main color first and then spriped color . Whenmeasuring voltage or resistance of the cord terminal using tester, contact the tester plug behind of the coupler. Pay attention not to open the cord terminaland contact the tester plug from the front of the coupler in case of water-proof coupler. Recheck the condition of contact, securing and continuity of each partafter maintenance. When connecting the battery, the plus terminal must be connected first. After connecting the terminal, apply the grease to the terminal.When disconnecting the battery, the minus terminal must be disconnected first. Make sure that the tool such as spanner do not contact with the frame. Connectcovers to the terminal after maintenance.If the fuse is short-circuited, find out the cause and repair. Replace with the fuse having the specified capacity. If there is rust in the terminal, remove the rustwith sand paper prior to connecting. VALIDATION OF CAPACITY! REMOVE THE RUST! 1-5 GENERAL INFORMATION Turn off the main switch beforeconnecting/disconnecting. Release the lock to disconnect the lock of the coupler. The lock of the coupler has two types according to releasing method(presstype and pull type) so release it properly according to the shape..Your user manualDAELIM ROADWIN VJ125Powered by TCPDF (
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