userguide, efekty, Peavey RV MK III, Peavey ReValver MK III
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Doc revision 1.12 1 Table of contents Secion Page Introducion/Technical requirements 2 Recording the Guitar 3 Working with ReValver® MK III 8 The Modules 10 Complete ampliiers 10 Pre-ampliiers 16 Power ampliiers 19 Stomp boxes/Pedals 22 Speakers/Cabinets 27 General Efects 28 Miscellaneous Uiliies 32 Tweaking Modules 35 MIDI Control and automaion 41 Plug in automaion 41 Finding a good sound/FAQ 43 License and copy protecion 44 Credits and Copyrights 44 2 Introducion Congratulaions on your purchase of ReValver® MK III ! ReValver MKIII is a revoluionary 64-bit ampliier modeling sotware that captures the true characterisics of vacuum tubes while allow- ing users unprecedented control over their tonality and gain structures. ReValver includes 65 incredible linkable sub modules that model legendary ampliiers, stomp boxes and rack efects, making ReValver MKIII the most advanced virtual ampliier on the planet! This program works both as a standalone using miscellaneous sound card driver models, or as VST/AU plug-ins on vari- ous hosts. The program is designed for minimal latency (input/output delay) which is only limited by the plug-in host. Technical requirements Mac OS: Mac OSX 10.4.X (PPC, Intel) CPU: G4 or later. 1GHz minimum for saisfactory usage (certain presets require more CPU capac- ity). The Live Host of ReValver MK III requires CoreAudio for playback, and MIDI for MIDI control. (MIDI opional.) AU plug-in requires AU host. VST plug-in requires VST host. PC OS: Microsot Windows 2000/XP or later CPU: Intel Penium II, AMD Athlon or later. 1GHz minimum for saisfactory usage (certain pre sets require more CPU) The Live Host of ReValver MK III require either ASIO, MME, WDM or DirectSound for playback, and MIDI for MIDI control. (MIDI opional.) VST plug-in require VST host. Compaibilityissues While every measure has been made to resolve any compaibility issues with various VST/AU hosts and sound cards, some issues may remain. If you believe you have found a new compaibil- ity problem, please browse to There you will ind product updates and user forums. 3 LoadingtheVSTorAUplug-inintotheDAW On a Mac, a plug-in in the VST or AU format is automaically located by the host and no acion needs to be taken for the VST/AU host to ind the ReValver® plug-in. It should be automaically listed among the available plug-ins ater a rescan. In Windows, it is possible to install the VST plug-in at any locaion. To make the VST host aware of this locaion it must manually be pointed to. During the installaion of ReValver, you are given a choice of locaion to install the VST (separate from the stand-alone version). We recommended that you install ReValver to a locaion you have already used with the host. Most DAWs provide a means to list available VST paths. For example: Reaper: Menu: Opions -> Preferences -> Plug-ins -> VST Press “Add” to browse to the VST path where the ReValver VST is installed. You then press “Rescan directory.” When the host recognizes ReValver, you should insert the program on each track that you wish to use it. This method varies between DAWs. RecordingtheGuitar Recording a Guitar is not as easy as it might seem, but it doesn’t have to be diicult. If your Guitar is not powered by a batery (and very few are), then it is generaing an electrical signal which is not compaible with most sound cards. There are common electrical standards between audio gear, and unfortunately the Guitar falls completely outside those standards because it is passive . The electrical signal from the Guitar is the result of the movement of metallic strings over a magneic pickup, and this is rarely accept- able as an electrical source when you connect it directly to a computer sound card. 4 ConnecingtheGuitartothesoundcard Here are three ways to connect your Guitar to the computer: 1) The simplest opion is to hook it up to the sound card Line-In jack using a suitable connector, usu ally a 1/4” to 1/8” adapter. The advantage is that you don’t have to buy any addiional gear (except maybe the cable adapter) but the sound is not ideal, probably not even good. The reason for the dull and boring sound is due to an impedancemismatch. The sound card input is designed to accept input from electrical devices which have adequate driving signal; a Guitar does not have enough signal. The input impedance of a sound card is in the order of a few thousand ohms (kOhm), while ideally, you want it to be around a mil lion ohms (1 meg ohm). 2) Another opion is to use a Direct (D.I.) box or Preamp. DI stands for Direct Input or Direct Interface. It is an electrically powered box that can be used to match the input impedance of the sound card and the output impedance of the Guitar. The simplest DI box could cost around $20, but there are boxes that could easily cost $200 if you want all the “extras,” too. A DI box has a Hi-Z input , (“Z” is the unit of Impedance; High Impedance input, in other words). To record, you just plug the DI box directly into the computer Line-In jack.
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