usermanual, Disguised Hypnosis
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->Your Ebook Title Copyright © 2008 - Your Name - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.1 WARNING: This eBook is for your personal use only. You may NOT Give Away, Share Or Resell This Intellectual Property In Any Way All Rights Reservedthis report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without writtenconsent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in areview.Copyright © 2008 –The Persuasion Company.All rights are reserved.You may not distributeCopyright © 2008 -The Persuasion Company-All Rights Reserved Worldwide.2Practical Persuasion Systemswww.DisguisedHypnosis.comIntroduction Without doubt, there are few things in life that are as important for a person to learn as the art of persuasion, and this is exactly why our ancient civilizations have cherished it so much. Persuasion is important because people are everywhere and are a part of everything. This means that in some way, shape, or form, that people are going to be a part of your goals and objectives. You must work with them, go to school with them, and depend on them to buy products from you. This exciting field of hypnotic persuasion has taken on several different forms and has come a long way over the years. This means that there is already a lot about the topic of persuasion that we already know, and it also means that there has already been a lot said about the various styles of persuasion and the latest fads. However, no matter how much we already know about persuasion, or no matter how we try to define persuasion, it cannot be denied that persuasion is like a giant puzzle that has many different pieces to it. There are linguistic pieces to the puzzle, strategic pieces to the puzzle, and elementary pieces to the puzzle—all of these pieces to the puzzle are important. Copyright © 2008 – The Persuasion Company - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.1Practical Persuasion Systemswww.DisguisedHypnosis.comThis Disguised Hypnosis program present s the art of persuasion in a fresh and innovative way so that everyone can learn more about the art of persuasion without having to relearn the same things that are already out there, or without having to unlearn those pieces of the puzzle which they appreciate. Disguised Hypnosis embraces many ancient principles of persuasion that have been forgotten, such as the principles that were established by Machiavelli and other political theorist. People have been using persuasion to get what they want for a long time, and because persuasion is an art that is based upon timeless principles, we know that the same things that were happening then are happening now. The game has not changed, only the players have changed. One of the most important concepts to consider while a person teaches the art of persuasion is the concept of time. It can take a lot of time to read a book about persuasion, and because people often do not have a lot of time to read about and study persuasion, this User’s Manual was written for the purpose of quality and not quantity. You will easily learn from the principles of this User’s Manual quickly, and the more you read and meditate upon them, the more you will learn from them in different ways. These principles are merely clay, and because you are the potter, you possess the power to mold these principles into different solutions and powerful decisions as often as you wish. Quality is more important than quantity. . Copyright © 2008 – The Persuasion Company - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.2Practical Persuasion “The Non Position” (A Lesson for Session One) One of the most important principles of the martial arts is “not fighting”, and “not fighting” is what introduces us to the concept of prevention. It does not matter how good of a persuasion artist you may be, if you are careless and get trapped in a position that you cannot escape from, you have entered the “non position”. The non position is simply the place where we cannot be, because to be there would mean certain defeat. This is an important principle to consider, because prevention is on many occasions even more important than talent. Skill does not only involve defense or offense, it also involves a type of nothingness where nothing is needed. So, by using your skill for nothingness, you are practicing prevention because nothingness and prevention are one and the same. You should not to allow your skills in persuasion to get you into a bunch of problems. Instead of becoming a persuasion artist to win conflicts, it is far better to become a persuasion artist in such a way that you can avoid conflicts from happening. So begin each and every relationship and social interaction with the end in mind. Copyright © 2008 – The Persuasion Company - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.3
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