Using Google Scholar for the h-index, Nauka
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Finding your h-index (Hirsch index) in Google Scholar Library Factsheet no.3 What is the h-index? ÑAn index that quantifies both the actual scientific productivity and the apparent scientific impact of a scientistÒ e.g. a h-index of 20 means the researcher has 20 papers each of which has been cited 20+ times. An alternative to total citations which can be disproportionately affected by a few very highly cited papers. Where to start: With Google Scholar there are a variety of sites and programs that can help you calculate your h-index. These are generally free and quality varies. Recommended sites and services: 1. Quadsearch (i.e. the ÓScienceÔ search) 2. Scholar H-index Calculator (add-on for the Mozilla Firefox browser, adds metrics to the standard Google Scholar site, easy to use but only calculates for the articles on the current page, a maximum of 100) 3. Scholarometer (add-on for the Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers Ï appears as a sidebar when installed) 4. Publish or Perish (application that calculates a wide variety of metrics) How to search Choose an Author search È o Use quotation marks e.g. ÑRJ NicholsÒ (or it will retrieve RJ Lipton co-authoring with WR Nichols) o If you need to include alternatives separate with OR (in capitols) e.g. Ñnicholls, rjÒ OR Ñbrown, rjÒ o It is possible to restrict using 7 broad categories (if they arenÔt visible look in the advanced search). These are useful to eliminate namesakes o Once you are satisfied you may want to make a note of how you searched. This will save time if you need to repeat the process. The results screen should show your h-index, and possibly other metrics. If any articles in the list are not yourÔs you can often exclude them (varies a little depending on the tool you use, all can do this except 2). Using Google Scholar for the h-index Benefits o Covers a wider range of sources, (especially conferences, technical reports and eprints). o Easier to calculate some of the less common metrics (since it isnÔt linked to proprietary data Ï thus more innovation) o Free Disadvantages o May be considered a less authoritative than Web of Science o More difficult to search where there are multiple authors with the same family name & initials Ï limited options to refine Issues to be aware of: o In general you can only compare values within a single discipline. Different citation patterns will mean for example an average medical researcher will generally have much larger h-index values than a world-class mathematician! o Also if you are comparing people all h-index values need to be found using the same database, and using the same method. o The h-index may be less useful in some disciplines, particularly some areas of the humanities. More details o For more details see o References to articles in the scientific literature. o Calculating the h-index with different databases (e.g. Web of Science). o Other bibliometrics including variations on the h-index. Michael Whitton April 2010
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