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vag com programming-03HIDS

vag com programming-03HIDS, Diagnostyka VAG [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
//-->VAG-COM Programming Procedure for Auto-leveling on 2003+ style OEM Xenon HeadlightsBefore you begin, please be sure you are on level ground, that the parking brake is not engaged, andthat there is no one sitting in the vehicle.Step 1.-Start the VAG-COM, make sure the ignition switch is on (engine running or not running) andthe headlights are on. Connect to address39.This is your passenger side headlight levelingcontroller.Once you are connected you should see the following display:---Note the current soft-coding number in the above example is already set properlySelect08 – Measuring Blocks-Read channel 003 (hit Go!):-After the lights have been on for at least 1 minute, the value in the first column should bebetween 30 and 40. This is the current wattage.The value in the second column should be between 68 and 102. This is the current voltage.HitDone, Go BackNow select07 – RecodeEnter the appropriate coding from the list below:00001 - Golf 2 wheel drive00002 - Golf 4 wheel drive00003 - Jetta/Bora 2 wheel drive00004 - Jetta/Bora 4 wheel drive-----HitGo!and the controller should reload with the new soft-coding shown in the controllerinformationIf the recode was successful, exit the controller.-Step 2.-Now connect to address29.This is your driver side headlight leveling controller. This isconsidered the master controller and will be the one we use to initialize the auto-levelingsystem.-Once you are connected you should see the following display:--Select08 – Measuring BlocksRead channel 002 (hit Go!):--The value in the first column is the signal from the front axle leveling sensor. The value shouldbe between 1.6 and 3.0 voltsThe value in the second column is the signal from the rear axle leveling sensor. This valueshould be between 1.6 and 3.0 volts.IF THESE VALUES ARE NOT CORRECT, please go back and read the fault codes (02 –Fault Codes).Once you have corrected the problem (voltages are within limits for bothsensors), continue. Please note, if your vehicle is lowered, you may have to make modificationsto your mounting bracket so that the “at rest” voltage readings are within specifications.Ideally, the voltage should be above 2 volts and below 3 volts. If these voltages are not withinspecification, the software will not allow you to proceed.Now read channel 003 (hit Go!):---------Verify that the value in the first column is between 30 and 40 watts.Verify that the value in the second column is between 68 and 102 volts.HitDone, Go BackNow select07 – RecodeEnter the appropriate coding value (Same as previous headlight)HitGo!and the controller should reload with the new soft-coding shown in the controllerinformationStep 3.----Turn off the ignition and headlights, then turn them on again. This will reinitialize the system.Reconnect to Module 29Now select04 – Basic SettingsEnter channel001and hitGo!:-The screen should readWait.While this is happening, the leveling motors are returning to theinitialization position. This can take up to 30 seconds.The message should then change toAdjust Headlights:- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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