Variation of feedstock in a dual fluidized bed steam gasifier—influence on product gas, Sci ...
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Variation of Feedstock in a Dual Fluidized Bed Steam Gasifier—Influence on Product Gas, Tar Content, and Composition Johannes C. Schmid, Ute Wolfesberger, Stefan Koppatz, Christoph Pfeifer, and Hermann Hofbauer Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Getreidemarkt 9, A-1060 Vienna, Austria; (for correspondence) Published online 27 February 2012 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ep.11607 industry in contrast to fossil fuels. Air-blown fluidized bed concepts were proposed for the gasification of biomass. However, conventional gasification with air yields a product gas which is highly diluted with nitrogen, to the disadvantage of the heating values of the product gas (4–6 MJ/m 3 stp ). In contrast, a dual fluidized bed (DFB) steam gasifier system enables the generation of a nitrogen-free product gas [2, 3]. The successful and prominent classical DUAL FLUID gasi- fication technology for biomass was developed at the Vienna University of Technology in the 1990s [4, 5]. ‘‘Classical’’ because the reactor concept combines a steam-blown bub- bling fluidized bed (BFB) and an air-blown fast fluidized bed (FFB), in contrast it is also possible to use two FFBs in DFB systems. The basic principle of the entire DFB gasification technology, nowadays named DUAL FLUID technology, is shown in Figure 1. The product gas (syngas) yielded has a high heating value of 11–15 MJ/m 3 stp . Loop seals enable a continuous circulation of solids between the separate reactor parts. A circulation of solids matter, which mainly involves bed material, serves to transport heat to the gasification zone. Heat transfer to the fuel particles and the conversion of biomass into a hydrogen rich product gas with high specific energy content take place in contact with bed material par- ticles inside the BFB. The heat demand for the allothermal steam gasification is generated in a FFB by combustion of re- sidual char with air. This part of the system is necessary for the required circulation rate of bed material particles. There- fore, the fluidized bed in the combustion zone has an effi- cient transport characteristic. The DFB concept is highly qualified for scale up. The technical feasibility of the DUAL FLUID technology has been proven in the early 2000s with the combined heat and power plant (CHP) G¨ssing in Austria [6, 7]. In particular, a wide range of experimental data was gathered at several but almost similar generations of 100 kW DFB pilot plants at the Vienna University of Technology [8]. These data highly sup- ported the scale up of the CHP G¨ssing with a fuel input of 8 MW [9]. A sketch of the reactor system and a basic energy flow sheet of the CHP in G¨ssing are displayed in Figures 2 and 3. With regard to efficiency consideration it has to be mentioned that a process of drying the wet wood chips is not realized in G¨ssing. The cold gas efficiency would be significantly higher with drying the feedstock by usable low temperature heat. Further CHP based on the DUAL FLUID concept went into operation in Oberwart/Austria [10], or are currently A steam blown dual fluidized bed gasification plant was used to yield a nitrogen (N 2 ) free product gas (synthesis gas) from various biomass fuels. In addition to the variation of process parameters like temperature, steam to carbon ratio, fluidization rate, and the influence of different bed materi- als, various feedstock inputs affected the generation of the product gas. This study focuses on the gasification of different biomass feedstock. The variation of biomass implies wood chips, wood pellets, sewage sludge pellets, and straw pellets. The chosen evaluated experimental results are all gained from the uniformly operated ‘‘classical’’ 100 kW ‘‘DUAL FLUID’’ gasifier at Vienna University of Technology at con- stant gasification temperatures between 800 C. In the ‘‘classical’’ design, the gasification reactor is a bubbling fluidized bed. The composition and ash melting behavior of each feedstock is displayed, as well as the ranges of the prod- uct gas compositions generated. Beside the main gaseous product gas components, typical content ranges of dust and char are highlighted. The content and composition of tar in the product gas is discussed. Further it is possible to present gravimetrical and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry measured tar values. Not less than five signifi- cant component-groups of tar will also be outlined for each feedstock. 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 31: 205–215, 2012 Keywords: biomass, gasification, reforming, circulating fluidized bed, synthesis gas C and 810 8 8 INTRODUCTION The thermo-chemical conversion of biogenous feedstock is a promising option to advance the eco-friendly and effi- cient production of heat and power, as well as the generation of valuable products for the chemical industry based on renewable sources. Biomass is particularly relevant as this feedstock constitutes the only carbon source available within the range of renewables [1]. Fluidized bed processing is applied by preference for the gasification of various carbonaceous fuels, and therefore also for biomass. This technology intensely promotes the conver- sion of the solid feedstock into a valuable gas by an excel- lent gas–solid contact and heat transfer. The application of biomass derived product gas as precursor for various synthe- ses might increase the share of renewables in the chemical 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.31, No.2) DOI 10.1002/ep July 2012 205 Figure 1. Basic principle of the classical DUAL FLUID gasifi- cation technology at the Vienna University of Technology. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at .] Figure 3. Basic energy flow sheet of the CHP in G¨ssing/ Austria. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at .] EXPERIMENTAL Figure 4 presents the 100 kW gasifier at the Vienna Uni- versity of Technology. All important elements like loop seals, process media inputs, solids separator, and various feedstock hopper arrangements are visible in this sketch. The dashed line indicates the global solids circulation rate of the bed ma- terial in the reactor system. Olivine sand with a mean particle diameter of about 0.5mm is used as the bed material. Only feedstock Hopper 1 was used for all experimental results presented in this publication. Thus, the fuel input was always realized directly into the BFB of the gasification reactor, which favors a prompt intermixing of fuel particles into the fluidized bed in contrast to top–down charging of the fuel particles. There are specific requirements of the feeding sys- tem in order to ensure the transport of fuels with various cal- orific values and size distribution. As the feeding system of solid fuels is a very important part of a gasification plant, especially at industrial scale [20], a few words are required to explain the other hopper installations. Hopper 2 and 3 can be used to blend different fuels (like coal and wood chips) in varying mixing ratios. The feeding arrangement of Hopper 3 is equivalent to a spreader feeding. It enables a comparison of different locations of fuel input. The partially water cooled screw feeding equipment of Hopper 4 allows the possibility of feeding materials with low melting temperatures. In order to guarantee the highest safety demands, all hoppers of the 100 kW gasification plant are locked gas tight and flushed with nitrogen. For comparison of the experimental results, all experi- mental runs were operated within a gasification temperature range of 800–810 8 C, which corresponds to the temperature in the BFB. The range of several operating parameters for the experimental test runs including characteristic values of the fluid dynamics are listed in Table 1. Note that the real Figure 2. Reactor system of the 8 MW CHP in G¨ssing/Austria. being erected and undergoing commissioning [11, 12]. How- ever, the technology has to meet new challenges. The system flexibility with regard to the application of different feedstock is a major issue of current experimental research [13–18]. Beside the application of conventional wood as feedstock, it is aimed to enlarge the range of applicable fuels. Thus, the extension of the feedstock basis for the DFB system pro- motes the flexibility in terms of the economy of the system [19]. The current work outlines the technical feasibility of dif- ferent feedstock. The chosen evaluated data are all gained from the uniformly operated 100 kW gasification plant at Vienna University of Technology. Due to the up scaling potential of DFB gasification processes, the clearly arranged results in this publication are highly valuable and representa- tive for larger gasification plants using the same steam blown DUAL FLUID technology. 206 July 2012 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.31, No.2) DOI 10.1002/ep Table 1. Typical ranges of operating conditions of the 100 kW th gasifier plant at the Vienna University of Technology. Operating Conditions General Bed material particles Olivine (kg/m 3 ) Bed material particle density 2850 Mean particle size, d p50 ( l m) 520 Size distribution, d p10 – d p90 ( l m) 450 – 630 Minimum fludization velocity, U mf (m/s) 0.1 – 0.2 Terminal velocity, U t (m/s) 4.5 – 6.9 Gasification Reactor (GR) Typical fluidization regime Bubbling bed Steam to fuel ratio (kg H2O / kg fuel,dry ) 0.8 – 1.1 Thermal power, feed gasifier (kW) 66 – 97 Temperature, gasification zone ( C) 800 – 810 8 Superficial gas velocity, U (m/s) 0.41 – 0.56 Fluidization ratio, U/U mf - 2.1 – 5.6 Fluidization ratio, U/U t - 0.06 – 0.12 Mean gas residence time, bubbling bed (s) 0.27 – 0.37 Mean gas residence time, freeboard (s) 3 – 4 Combustion Reactor (CR) Typical fluidization regime Fast bed Thermal power, fuel to combustion (kW) 22 – 31 Temperature, combustion zone ( 8 C) 840 – 900 Superficial gas velocity, U (m/s) 8.8 – 10.1 Fluidization ratio, U/U mf - 44 – 100 Fluidization ratio, U/U t - 1.3 – 2.3 Mean gas residence time (incl. separator) (s) 0.73 – 0.85 Figure 4. 100 kW gasifier at the Vienna University of Tech- nology. distribution of contact time of gas and solids in a fluidized bed is considered to be highly complex, due to the influence of various factors on the overall contact behavior. Thus, a simplified approach is used to assess a mean residence time of the gas flow inside the bubbling bed. The approach for calculation of the residence time involves: an ideal stirred vessel for all solids (fuel and bed material particles), an ideal plug flow of the gaseous phase, a typical fluidized bed porosity, a linear release of volatiles from the fuel particles over the bed height. Hence, a mean residence time for the gas phase is calcu- lated for the gasification zone inside the bubbling bed. Fur- thermore, the gas residence time in the freeboard of the gasi- fication reactor is displayed. The calculation of the mean resi- dence time for the gas flow in the combustion reactor includes the riser part and the solids separator downstream zone where still a gas–solids contact is present. Main product gas components like H 2 , CO, CO 2 , and CH 4 are analyzed by Rosemount NGA2000 measurement equip- ment. C 2 H 4 ,C 2 H 6 ,C 3 H 8 , and N 2 values are measured with a Syntech Spectras GC 955 gas chromatograph. A large number of temperature (thermocouples) and pressure sensors guar- antee an effective process control and a smooth and continu- ous operation of the whole gasification facility. All process media inputs are measured with high quality flowmeters (rotameter) from the company Krohne. A standardized arrangement of sampling equipment is used to analyze the content of dust, char, and tar in the product gas stream [21]. For entrained dust and char contents as well as for the amount and composition of tars a minimum of three samples are generally taken. Therefore, the experimental results pre- sented are average values of each series of samples. The arrangement of sampling equipment for dust, char, and tars is shown in Figure 5. The high molecular weight (heavy) tar compounds are quantified as the mass of tars left after vac- uum evaporation of the solvent (toluene). This is referred to as ‘‘gravimetric’’ tar. The medium molecular weight tar com- pounds such as naphthalene are detected by gas chromatog- raphy coupled with mass spectrometry (GCMS). The tar sam- pling and analysis procedure, as well as the comprehensible chosen classification of tars, are described in detail elsewhere [17, 22–24]. An overview of detectable GCMS tar components and the classification of them with regard to the presented experimental results is also described in Table 9. Since tolu- ene is used as solvent, benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) values are not detectable GCMS tar components. The main elemental composition, volatiles, water, and ash content, as well as the ash melting behavior of the feedstock fuels were analyzed according to international standards at the test laboratory for combustion systems at the Vienna Uni- versity of Technology. Additionally, the X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) offers a rough overview of the main ele- mental ash components. All value ranges are given in relative percentage weight of elements. The ash melting behavior is determined by the standardized characteristic temperature method. Two temperatures are specified: The deformation temperature, where the first rounding of the edges of a cubic sample occurs; and the flow temperature, where the sample Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.31, No.2) DOI 10.1002/ep July 2012 207 is molten to a flat disk with defined geometrical conditions (specific height). The ash melting temperature is an impor- tant and critical issue for fluidized bed operation. Ash melt- ing has to be prevented inside fluidized beds, since solids agglomeration and plugging may occur. The software package IPSEpro is used for evaluation and validation of the process data which were gathered during the experiments. Further, the mass and energy balance for the experimental runs is computed with this tool. IPSEpro is a software package originating from the power plant sector, which offers stationary process simulations based on flow sheet handling. The software uses an equation-oriented solver. Various validated models are also used to safeguard up scaling results of future industrial plants and achieve reli- able data for efficiencies and costs. The software package IPSEpro is described in detail elsewhere [25, 26]. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In the first part of this section, the results from the basic analysis of softwood pellets, hardwood chips, straw/wood blended pellets, straw pellets, and sewage sludge pellets are presented in Tables 2–4. In Table 4 the typical carbon to hydrogen ratio of biogenous fuels is evident. Thus it appears that the ratios of the various fuels are all very simi- lar. The ash melting behavior is displayed in Table 5. The ash content of sewage sludge and straw is significantly high. Therefore, the elemental ash composition for these ashes is given in Table 6. Ash analyses were made directly from the residual ash of the fresh fuel pellets. The pre- sented values cannot be compared directly to downstream ash probes from combustion or gasification plants. It makes a difference if ash is taken after conversion in a flu- idized bed as bed ash, cyclone ash, or bag filter ash. Fines caused by abrasion and attrition effects of the fluidized bed material are added to the discharged ash. The next im- portant point is that all values are dependent on the source of the fuel. Sewage sludge pellets of different sources have a particularly wide range of composition. So the results of the basic elemental analysis and the XRF analysis in Tables 2–6 only represent the presented and used fuels as basic materials. Considering the ash melting temperature of 100% straw in Table 5, we are able to determine that this type of feedstock is not suitable for gasification at around 800 8 C. Especially because the combustion part of the system will have temper- atures of up to 850 8 C. Therefore 40% straw shavings and 60% wood dust (by weight) were mixed together and then pelletized. These blended pellets are suitable to reach the minimum requirements for ash melting behavior. Further- more, it is mentioned that the straw for the blended pellets was not from the same source as the 100% straw pellets. All fuel pellets were pelletized without the usage of a binder. Despite the high ash content of sewage sludge there was no problem in gasifying this type of pellets at 810 C. It was observed that wood pellets and also blended pellets of straw and wood have a very good cohesion behavior. Even in the 8 Figure 5. Dust, char, and tar sampling scheme. Table 2. Physical properties, lower heating values, volatiles, ash contents, and water contents of various fuels. Feedstock / Fuel 40% straw/60% wood blended pellets Softwood pellets Hardwood chips 100% straw pellets Sewage sludge pellets Mean cross section (mm) ø6 4 3 13 ø8 ø8 ø7.5 Range of length (mm) 12 – 22 20 – 30 8 – 20 8 – 18 8 – 15 (kg/m 3 ) Bulk density 640 260 570 560 760 Lower heating value (kJ/kg dry ) 18,750 18,180 18,470 17,680 12,420 Lower heating value (kJ/kg moist ) 17,460 17,010 16,270 16,100 10,800 Water content (wt %) 6.1 5.7 10.5 7.9 11.0 Ash content (wt % dry ) 0.3 1.0 1.6 6.7 41.5 Volatile matter (wt % dry ) 86.5 84.0 82.4 77.3 55.4 wt % percentage by weight. 5 208 July 2012 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.31, No.2) DOI 10.1002/ep Table 3. Main elements of various fuels, free from water, relative weight percentage. Feedstock / Fuel 40% straw/60% wood blended pallets Softwood pellets Hardwood chips 100% straw pellets Sewage sludge pellets Ash content (wt % dry ) 0.3 1.0 1.6 6.7 41.5 C, carbon (wt % dry ) 50.2 48.8 49.9 46.9 29.7 H, hydrogen (wt % dry ) 6.0 5.9 5.7 5.4 3.7 O, oxygen (wt % dry ) 43.4 44.1 42.6 39.5 20.2 N, nitrogen (wt % dry ) 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.55 3.9 S, sulfur (wt % dry ) 0.005 0.02 0.02 0.52 1.01 Cl, chlorine (wt % dry ) 0.003 0.003 0.01 0.41 0.05 Table 4. Calorific elements and oxygen of various fuels, free from water, ash-free, relative weight percentage. Feedstock/Fuel 40% straw/60% wood blended pellets Softwood pellets Hardwood chips 100% straw pellets Sewage sludge pellets C, carbon (wt % dry, ash-free ) 50.4 49.3 50.7 50.3 50.7 H, hydrogen (wt % dry, ash-free ) 6.1 5.9 5.7 5.8 6.3 O, oxygen (wt % dry, ash-free ) 43.5 44.6 43.3 42.3 34.5 N, nitrogen (wt % dry, ash-free ) 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.59 6.67 S, sulfur (wt % dry, ash-free ) 0.005 0.015 0.02 0.56 1.73 Cl, chlorine (wt % dry, ash-free ) 0.003 0.003 0.01 0.44 0.09 Table 5. Ash melting behavior of various fuels. Feedstock / Fuel 40% straw/60% wood blended pellets Softwood pellets Hardwood chips 100% straw pellets Sewage sludge pellets Deformation temperature ( 8 C) 1400 1420 900 720 1140 Flow temperature ( C) 1450 1460 1240 1080 1240 8 Table 6. Elemental ash characteristics of straw pellets and sewage sludge pellets (XRF analysis), main elements, relative values, dry, free of carbon and oxygen. fluidized bed of the gasifier this type of pellets were not pulverized immediately. Bed material samples from the lower loop seal showed that char particles coming from the gasifi- cation zone have almost the same shape as the initial pellets. The attrition behavior of wood pellets and wood chips dur- ing the gasification process in a fluidized bed is presented in detail elsewhere [27]. The authors show that the common pelletization procedure is able to give sufficient mechanical strength to the pellets. In the second part of this section, the main process parameters due to the gasified fuels are shown in Table 7. Figure 6 proposes the main gaseous product gas components followed by an additional data set as shown in Table 8. Fur- thermore it can be expected that the product gas from sew- age sludge also comprises a significant content of ammonia (NH 3 : 3.4 vol %), similar to investigations with other nitrogen rich fuels [15]. The listed components given at dry basis com- plete the product gas composition to 100 percent in volume. It has to be taken into account that the value of nitrogen (N 2 ) is not a leakage of gas flow between the combustion and gasification reactor. As already mentioned, the amount of N 2 in the product gas is a result of flushing the feedstock hoppers due to safety requirements. Gas leakage through the two steam fluidized loop seals is almost zero. Rather high differences in product gas output (volume flow), Fuel 100% straw pellets Sewage sludge pellts Element Na (wt %) 0.5 1 < < Mg (wt %) 3 3 < < Al (wt %) 1 6 – 10 < Si (wt %) 45 – 50 13 – 16 P (wt %) 2 8 – 12 < S (wt %) < 2 2–4 Cl (wt %) 3 – 7 < 0.1 K (wt %) 30 – 35 2 – 5 Ca (wt %) 6 – 10 25 – 30 Ti (wt %) < 0.5 < 3 < 1 3 10 2 4 V (wt %) < 0.5 < 1 3 10 2 4 Mn (wt %) < 0.5 Fe (wt %) < 0.5 24 – 30 < 1 3 10 2 4 Cu (wt %) < 0.5 < 1 3 10 2 4 Zn (wt %) < 1 < 5 3 10 2 5 (per) < 5 3 10 2 2 (per) Cr, Co, Ni, As (wt %) in Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.31, No.2) DOI 10.1002/ep July 2012 209
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