Vastus Medialis KT method
Vastus Medialis KT method, KTA kd
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Strona 1 z 2 KINESIO TAPING ® English | Japanese | Korean My Account SLR test Functional Anatomy Testing Tape Specification KT Method Confirmation Testing KT Method Vastus Medialis Movie for broad-band (300kbps) Patient position: supine Apply the base of the Kinesio Tex to a point on the medial thigh midway between the ASIS and superior patellar border Peel the Kinesio Tex from the paper liner and place the tape temporarily on the skin. Do not activate the glue by rubbing. While stabilizing the base of the tape and pulling proximally to increase tissue tension, apply the lateral “y” tail to the pes anserine attachment. Flex the hip and knee. Apply the medial “y” tail to the medial border of the patella, ending at the inferior pole of the patella. Completed Kinesio Tex application: vastus medialis 2007-12-16 Strona 2 z 2 0058-KN-XX Vastus Medialis Go Copyright © 2005-2007 Kinesio Taping Association. All Rights Reserved 2007-12-16
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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