Vaxmail 2, Dokumenty atarowskie, !VAX mail
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Here is pt 2:From: JIM 13-OCT-1983 09:42To: PASCO,SOVEY,MILLER,CARL,ROBERTSSubj: DOS 2.0XLI have a hacked version of DOS 2.0S, which I have dubbed DOS 2.0XL,which you may be interested in. It stores DUP.SYS "under" theOS ROM in 64K XL computers the first time it is read from disk.Subsequent "reads" then happen at warp speed. This is great ifyou are tired of waiting for DUP.SYS to load if you are switchingbetween the editor and assembler a lot, or if you just want thefile manipulation functions while using BASIC.Limitations: The current version will NOT work with MEM.SAV. Ifthere is any interest, it looks fairly straightforward to puta psuedo-MEM.SAV under the OS ROM also, but since I never usethat feature...If you would like a copy, please give me a diskette. This programis offered without warranty, and I specifically disclaim any impliedwarranties of fitness for any particular purpose.From: JIM 1-NOV-1983 08:25To: SOVEY,ROBERTSSubj: WWV Toll Free(800) 957 9999Your Tax Dollar$ at work.From: ROBERTS 7-NOV-1983 10:33To: SOVEYSubj: rtcGodod morning Dave!!! The raeal time lcoclock lost 14sec. in 64 out ototo 2.22Hz off. I tihinnk I found some trimmers from[D[Dnk i found some ink i I found some trimmers froom Murata.will be getting samplesWill be getting samples today.cheers.......gregGregFrom: JIM 9-NOV-1983 11:40To: SOVEY,ROBERTSSubj: WWVThe WWV 800 number has been canceled. They now have a 900number so they can save some $$$.From: SOVEY 9-NOV-1983 13:13To: JIM,SOVEYSubj: WWVwhat is the new 900 number?From: JIM 9-NOV-1983 13:45To: SOVEYSubj: RE: WWVI don't know. It was in the Mercury News late last week.You might try calling 900 information if there is such athing (900 555 1212).From: SOVEY 9-NOV-1983 15:06To: JIM,SOVEYSubj: WWVOK-Fine. Thanks for the info.From: SOVEY 10-NOV-1983 14:21To: MILLER,SOVEYSubj: VAX commandsHey Steve,What were those two VAX commands that you showed me? One had to do withwhat each user was currently doing and the other showed the ammount oftime the system spent doing each user's particular job. Please reply via MAIL.Thanks,DAVIDFrom: MILLER 10-NOV-1983 14:23To: SOVEYSubj: RE: VAX commandsdave,one was FINGER shows current user status the other was$MON PROC/TOPCPU displays top cpu users and proceeies<==sp?From: SOVEY 6-DEC-1983 15:23To: MILLER,SOVEYSubj: ride homeSteve,Do you need a ride home? If so what time?DAVIDFrom: MILLER 7-DEC-1983 14:13To: SOVEYSubj: FUNDave,If I set default [games]I still can't get trek to run and it's not in the dir. Any Idea on what's wrong..From: MILLER 7-DEC-1983 14:18To: SOVEYSubj: ah i found ityou can't do a dir but it will run.From: JIM 12-DEC-1983 15:57To: CARL,MILLER,SOVEY,ROBERTSSubj: Tandy Model 2000 ComputerI played with a Tandy Model 2000 computer this weekend at thelocal Radio Shack Computer Center. I was favorably impressed.ID: An attractive white case with separate monitor and keyboard.Speed: A subjective opinion is that it is significantly faster(in user interaction speed) than an IBM PC.Graphics: A very colorful display, with twice the IBM PC resolution.Price: Significantly less than an IBM machine.From: JIM 3-JAN-1984 09:30To: CARL,MILLER,RASHID,SOVEYSubj: What is MARKETING thinking? (RUMORS)A source within marketing (Peter Freidman) claims that theyare discussing two new computer products. The first is theludicrous Zentec(h) modular computer. The second is some-thing that they have internally dubbed the "1650" which isa 68000 based sexy graphics machine (in the VERY CHEAPcategory). At this point, Peter does not see any clearconsensus or direction.Just thought you might want to hear the rumors...From: SOVEY 3-JAN-1984 10:14To: JIM,SOVEYSubj: rumorsThanks for the info. By the way, what is a luducrous Zentec(h) machine?DAVIDFrom: MILLER 9-JAN-1984 15:21To: CARL,SOVEY,JIMSubj: RainbowNews flash on rainbow........The Silver chip which was in 2 microm NMOS with 12 object processersuses 3 WATTS... The move is on to make it 3 micron CMOS with 8 object processorsmor delays and they have not done a breadboard of it yet...... I think we hadbetter look for something else for the next generation.From: CARL 9-JAN-1984 16:47To: MILLER,SOVEY,JIMSubj: RainbowThree watts?!From: SOVEY 11-JAN-1984 09:14To: CARL,MILLER,JIM,SOVEYSubj: rainbowWell, they always said it would be a "HOT" system!!!From: JIM 11-JAN-1984 09:28To: SOVEY,MILLER,ROBERTS,RASHID,CARL,ATESHSubj: Pasco UpdateRich Pasco's office phone number at IBM is 256-1863.He is still (desparately) trying to sell his Mt. View house so he can moveto South San Jose. The police busted a fence in San Mateo and recoveredone television and a VCR that were stolen in his home burglary.He is working on mainframe software tools for schematic capture throughgate array production. His test chip is a combined dynamic RAM controllerand memory management unit for video display generation.From: JIM 12-JAN-1984 10:05To: CARL,SOVEYSubj: Sony SMC-777This week's EETimes reports that Sony was expected to introducea $600 Z80A based computer that contains an integral micro-floppydisk drive at CES. I'm impressedFrom: MILLER 13-JAN-1984 11:20To: SOVEYSubj: DELAY LINESDave,What is the tolerance on the delay line on the XL line.I think it is +_ 5% right?????From: MILLER 13-JAN-1984 13:25To: SOVEY,MILLERSubj: sockets.....Dave,CPU & MCU 1-40 1-24(skinny) 4-20 1-16 3-14Key & CLK 1-40 2-16 3-14Memory 10-28 2-20Power 3-14This is a guess should any of your Development team be caught orkilled the V.P. will disinvow any knowledge of your actions........From: JIM 16-JAN-1984 13:32To: @HARDWARESubj: Commodore Int'lThe president of Commodore Int'l (Jack Tramiel (sp?)) resignedFriday in a suprise, but supposedly friendly move.From: SOVEY 16-JAN-1984 15:54To: JIM,SOVEYSubj: CommodoreI wonder what industry he is going to ruin next/.From: SOVEY 16-JAN-1984 15:57To: MILLER,SOVEYSubj: "portable" meetingThere will be a meeting of the portable computer hardware groupon Tuesday (1-17-84) at 3:30 PM in Grag Roberts office. Michel Ebertonwill attend as a guest.From: MILLER 16-JAN-1984 16:16To: SOVEYSubj: RE: "portable" meetingDave,Is Michel Eberton a guest host or just a plain guest???From: SOVEY 16-JAN-1984 16:19To: MILLER,SOVEYSubj: "portable" meetingSteve,Just a vanilla guest who has been invited so that anyonewho desires to do so can pick his brain on displays orportables. Since has traveled in Japan extensively andrecently, it was thought that he would be able to help.From: SOVEY 18-JAN-1984 10:13To: MILLER,SOVEYSubj: duplexSteve,Looking through thode magazines I told you about I found aplace that you might want to investigate. Come by when youget a chance. Also, please bring back my NSC 800 book.Thanks,DAVIDFrom: MILLER 18-JAN-1984 10:17To: SOVEYSubj: NSC800David,Rashid has your NSC800 book.From: MILLER 18-JAN-1984 16:20To: SOVEYSubj: CMOS RAMsDavid,If we use use th LP version of the 6264 the standby current is 100uAFrom: SOVEY 19-JAN-1984 09:26To: MILLER,SOVEYSubj: CMOS RAMsSteve,Thanks for the info on the RAMs. It will certainly help the long termbattery drain due to the RAM data retention requirement.From: JIM 19-JAN-1984 16:59To: @HARDWARESubj: 16K CMOS RAM modulesEETimes reports (16Jan84,p46) that Electronic Designs, Inc. hasannounced a 16K x 8 CMOS Static RAM in a 28 pin package availablein February. (Unfortunately they are about $160-170 ea in hundreds).They expect 32K x 8 in about 60 days.From: JIM 23-JAN-1984 09:26To: @HARDWARESubj: Atari Alumni Association LuncheonWe are planning to have lunch Thursday, 26 Jan, at the Cathay Houseon North First Street with some of the past and present Atari ComputerGroup folk. If you are interested in attending, please let me knowwithin a couple of days so that I can warn them what size horde toexpect. Thanks.From: SOVEY 24-JAN-1984 10:35To: MILLER,SOVEYSubj: status reportSteve,For this month's status report I would appreciate a short (if you spend5 minutes on it it's too long) bullet list of the things you have donethis month and your plans for next month. I need it by the end of theday.Thanks,DAVIDFrom: MILLER 25-JAN-1984 09:32To: SOVEYSubj: AjayDavid,Ajay was employed on the 21 so his will get his share of the patentCash...ZFrom: JIM 25-JAN-1984 11:18To: SOVEYSubj: Eskimo Keyboard ScanningDid you decide on your preference for keyboard scanning?As I recall we had 3 options:(1) main processor does it(2) 80C48 does it (and probably other I/O tasks)(3) a keyboard scanner does itFrom: SOVEY 25-JAN-1984 11:33To: MILLER,SOVEYSubj: AjaySteve,Oh well. Good for him .....not so good for us. $333.33 will pay somePG&E bills anywayDAVIDFrom: SOVEY 25-JAN-1984 11:35To: JIM,SOVEYSubj: Eskimo Keyboard ScanJim,The options you outline are correct. No, there has been no decision.DAVIDFrom: JIM 30-JAN-1984 14:01To: SOVEYSubj: Rashid's JunkNot only can't I find the two diskettes we were using to explorethe SALLY anomaly, but I can't find the SALT SE.02 cartridge either.Do you perchance have it?From: SOVEY 30-JAN-1984 14:59To: JIM,SOVEYSubj: Rashid's JunkJim,The only stuff Rashid left me before he ...
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