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unit 26 Developing computer games

unit 26 Developing computer games, college [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
Unit 26:
Developing Computer Games
Unit code:
QCF Level 2:
BTEC First
Credit value:
Guided learning hours: 60
Aim and purpose
The aim of this unit is to give learners an understanding of the social impacts of computer games. Learners
will also have the opportunity to design a simple game themselves and will acquire skills in testing and
documenting computer games.
Unit introduction
There are many different types of computer games available. These computer games vary greatly in their
look and feel, style, genre and complexity. Computer games can be played in a variety of ways, for example,
over the internet, on mobile telephones or on personal computers; any of a wide range of mobile or static
gaming platforms/consoles that are commercially available. A computer game is essentially a highly interactive
software application so as with any complex piece of software it requires suitable design, coding, testing and
This unit is intended to prepare learners for the exciting and creative journey of designing, developing and
testing computer game solutions using suitable tools, environments and techniques. As such, it is an ideal
starting point for learners considering a game development career path.
The unit content is divided between exploring the computer games industry, designing game components,
testing the game and producing suitable accompanying documentation for both the target audience and
technical personnel. Although it is recognised that the design stage is often the most enjoyable for the
developer, equal emphasis is purposely placed on testing and documentation.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this unit a learner should:
Know the different types of computer game
Understand the impact of computer games on society and individuals
Be able to design a computer game
Be able to test and document a computer game.
Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Firsts specification in Information Technology
– Issue 1 – August 2010 © Edexcel Limited 2010
Unit content
Know the different types of computer game
: types eg action games, Role-Playing Games (RPGs), adventure games, strategy, simulations,
sports, educational, massively multiplayer online (MMO)
Games development areas
: technology eg graphics, artificial intelligence (AI), control method (standard
controller, motion sensing), audio, gameplay (what the player does), scripting; interaction design eg using
graphical user interfaces (GUI); integration
Gaming platforms
: devices eg personal computer, portable hand held console, mobile phone; other eg
browser, network, emulators
Understand the impact of computer games on society and individuals
Games in society
: concerns eg excess playing time, social isolation, cost, separation from reality, education;
benefits eg hand-eye coordination, brain training, thinking and strategy skills, future impact, impact on
‘mainstream’ app development
psychological factors eg use of sound, high score listings, competitive games, peer pressure,
fun, educational value, expectations, levelling; health eg RSI, exercise routine (increase, decrease), eye
Be able to design a computer game
elements eg graphics, look-and-feel, host platform, genre, story, control method; tools eg
storyboards, pseudo code, narratives, action lists, graphical tools, concept art; choice of programming
language eg VB, VB.NET, VBA; Java; Visual C++, Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
choice of development environment; choice of language eg object oriented, procedural or
event driven; other eg development facilities, menus, editing techniques, saving files, building or compiling
code, built-in help facilities; good programming practise eg suitable comments, small unitary code blocks,
invocation, consistent indentation, descriptive identifiers
: use of program structures; syntax rules for the language; assigning values; operators; input/output
Be able to test and document a computer game
test strategy; test data; test plan structure eg test, date, expected result, actual result, corrective
action; error messages; specialist software tools eg debug
Presentation of documentation
: document analysis; design; implementation; professional standards eg
contents page, sections, headers and footers, binding
User documentation
: specified game applications; purpose of game; operation of game; FAQs
: basic eg user interface method design, playing guide, fault instructions, installation guide;
complex eg control methods (selection, iteration) data dictionary; algorithm designs; other eg action
charts, action tables, input-process-output tables, class and instance diagrams, data flow diagrams
Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Firsts specification in Information Technology
– Issue 1 – August 2010 © Edexcel Limited 2010
 Assessment and grading criteria
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that learners present for assessment needs to demonstrate that they
can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of
achievement required to pass this unit.
Assessment and grading criteria
To achieve a pass grade the
evidence must show that the
learner is able to:
To achieve a merit grade the
evidence must show that, in
addition to the pass criteria,
the learner is able to:
To achieve a distinction grade
the evidence must show that,
in addition to the pass and
merit criteria, the learner is
able to:
describe the features of
different genres of computer
discuss current game
development areas
compare the features of
different computer game
explain the impact of
computer games on society
and individuals
produce a design specification
for a computer game
use appropriate design
software tools to create
concept art.
test a computer game,
suggesting possible
[RL3, SM4]
produce basic documentation
for a working game.
present complex
documentation for a working
: This summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal,
learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate
effective application of the referenced elements of the skills.
IE – independent enquirers
CT – creative thinkers
RL – reflective learners
TW – team workers
SM – self-managers
EP – effective participators
Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Firsts specification in Information Technology
– Issue 1 – August 2010 © Edexcel Limited 2010
 Essential guidance for tutors
At this level, learners are not expected to be able to use programming in order to produce a working
computer game. The emphasis is instead on the concepts of the industry and the design stage of a product.
Tutors may implement programming code or help learners to finalise pre-compiled programs to illustrate a
working game, possibly including some learners’ ideas.
There is an opportunity to combine the delivery and assessment of this unit with one or more of the
programming units, for example
Unit 19: Object oriented Programming
Unit 21: Event driven Programming.
Learners could potentially achieve the assessment criteria for programming by implementing the design
produced for this unit. It should be reiterated that Level 2 learners are not expected to produced a working
computer game, but may produce working elements which fulfil the assessment criteria of the programming
This unit provides broad coverage of the development of computer games with an overview of the industry.
Learners should be able to differentiate the video game development cycle from that of a normal computer
application. Tutors should have an understanding of the chosen programming platform as well as a good
understanding of the video games industry.
Learning outcome 1 is concerned with knowing the different genres of computer games and it is here that
the tutor’s knowledge of the industry is most required. This part of the unit is an excellent opportunity for
learners to experience different types of platforms within the classroom. Any in-class game play should be
structured and if resources are permitting then the different genres and platforms could be made available for
experiential learning.
Whilst discussing the different development areas it is important that learners understand the scale of
development of a modern computer game compared to a normal software application.
Learning outcome 2 deals with the effects of games on society which takes the focus off industry and onto
groups of people and individuals. Learners may have difficulty initially transferring their attention from one to
the other and the tutor can aid their understanding with newspaper clippings or reports. Learners will need
to discuss and understand how video games are perceived by some and the affects that they can have, both
positive and negative.
For learning outcome 3, learners should be directed to explore design possibilities in terms of programming
language and platform choice, as well as the artistic and visual elements. Any appropriate language can
be chosen as the basis of the practical aspects of this unit. A game should include well-organised code,
appropriate modules, objects and data structures and suitable interfaces (screens, forms, printouts, etc).
Learning outcome 4 deals with the testing and documentation of a game. This could be a partly-functional
prototype of a simple 2D game provided by the tutor, or exemplar work from Level 3 learners, if available.
It would be appropriate show the prototype at different stages of development so that learners are able to
document the creation and testing of the game.
Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Firsts specification in Information Technology
– Issue 1 – August 2010 © Edexcel Limited 2010
 Outline learning plan
The outline learning plan has been included in this unit as guidance and can be used in conjunction with the
programme of suggested assignments.
The outline learning plan demonstrates one way in planning the delivery and assessment of this unit.
Topic and suggested assignments/activities and assessment
Introduction to the unit
Know the different types of computer game:
directed research – learners use tutor-provided sources to research what the different genres of games are
whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on games development, followed by whole-group discussion of
which areas are suited to a set of skills
directed research – use tutor-provided source materials to research different gaming platforms.

Understand the impact of computer games on society and individuals:
whole-class exercise – tutor sparks class discussion of computer games and their effect on society
whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on the psychology of gaming.

Assignment 1 – Understand the Games Industry
Be able to design a computer game:
whole-class exercise – tutor presentation on different design tools, followed by practical work on creating a
narrative for a computer game
whole-class exercise – tutor gives presentation on good coding, followed by practical exercises
individual exercise – learners present design specifications.

Assignment 2 – Designing a Game
Test and document a computer game:
whole-class exercise – group discussion of when to use testing tools
whole-class exercise – tutor-led discussion of how to document your work
individual exercise – learners write mock user documentation.

Assignment 3 – Test and Document
To achieve a pass grade, learners must achieve the five pass criteria listed in the assessment and grading
criteria grid.
For P1, learners should describe the different types of computer game. This could be assessed through class
discussion, in which case tutors are advised to guide learners through structured discussions based on the
content. Learners should be able to clearly describe most of the genres mentioned in the content. It is likely
that learners will have prior knowledge of certain types of computer games, but should be encouraged to
consider a range of genres and the features inherent within each.
P2 could be assessed by a written assignment, or by way of an extension to the discussion in P1. In this case,
learners could be divided to construct arguments regarding the positive and negative impacts of computer
For P3, it is suggested that learners are guided to illustrate the structure of the game and its code using any
suitable method. Diagrammatical and text-based methods may be used to provide evidence, eg storyboards,
Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Firsts specification in Information Technology
– Issue 1 – August 2010 © Edexcel Limited 2010
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