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upper-intermediate audio scripts

upper-intermediate audio scripts, Angielski, MARKET LEADER, ML4 NEW, tests [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
Audio Scripts
Audio Scripts
The recordings of the material below can be found below can be
found on the Test Master CD-Rom, which is at the back of the
Teacher’s Resource Book. Play each recording twice.
Have you been offered another job?
No. Not yet. I’m looking.
It’s a bit unusual to resign when you haven’t got another
job to go to. There must really be some problem here.
[pause] Do you get on all right with your colleagues?
With most of them, yes.
But not all of them? How about Frank, your team leader?
How are you getting on with him?
Well, er ...
Don’t worry. A lot of people find him difficult to work with
at first. He can be really hard on new staff.
Yes, it’s true that he criticises my work a lot. I’ve tried to
work hard and to do things right. But he’s never satisfied.
I quite understand.
I thought you’d be on his side and say it was because I’m
not good enough for the job.
Not at all. I know that Frank can be very demanding. It’s
not your fault. You’re fine. You’re doing well. And it will
get easier. Can I suggest you think about it a bit more?
Well – I’m not sure.
Why not give it another month or two and then see how
you feel? If, after that time, you still feel unhappy, we
could maybe consider moving you to another team.
OK. I’ll think about it. Thanks.
Entry Test
Hello Sam, it’s Alison. I hope you’ve had a good
weekend. Sorry to start your week with a problem but
I’ve just had a phone call from the Berlin office, and
they’ve asked me to go over to Germany for an important
meeting on Thursday. That means I’ll be out of the office
on Thursday and Friday and we’ll have to make some
changes to the diary. I thought I’d let you know as early
as possible so that you can deal with the urgent things
So the first thing to change is the departmental meeting.
We can’t now hold this on Thursday morning, so I’d like
to bring it forward to Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Could I ask you please to e-mail everybody and check if
this is OK?
As you know, we have to get the monthly report ready
before this meeting. And that means we’ll need to
finalise it by lunchtime on Wednesday at the latest. So
could I schedule a meeting with you and Teresa at – let’s
say 9.30 on Wednesday morning? It’s just so that we can
go through the final details together. I’ll have to cancel
my lunch with Suzanne. But don’t worry about that – I’ll
phone her this afternoon.
The other urgent matter is the briefing meeting for the
new management trainees on Friday. I’m afraid I won’t be
back in time for this. So perhaps we could re-arrange that
meeting for next Monday. Can you please inform the
trainees as soon as possible about this change?
Well – those are the most urgent points. I’ll have to re-
schedule the meeting with the legal department for next
week. But that won’t be a problem. And I expect there’ll
be some other arrangements to be changed as well, but
we can discuss those later. As you know, I’m in a meeting
with the directors all morning and won’t be back at my
desk till after lunch. So we’ll talk then.
Progress Test 1
Excuse me, Mrs Watts. Could I have a word with you?
Whenever it’s convenient.
Yes, Jason. We can talk now, if you like. Come into
my office.
So, what would you like to talk about?
Well – er – the fact is, I’ve decided to resign.
Oh! I’m sorry to hear that. May I ask why?
Well … I don’t feel I’m the right person for the job.
I don’t know why you should feel that. You were selected
out of more than 40 applicants. And, as far as I
understand, your work has always been more than
I just don’t feel any satisfaction.
Well, you’ve only been in the job for six months. Perhaps
you should give it a little longer.
But I really don’t think it’s going to work out for me. So I
think I should make a move now and not waste time
doing a job I’m not happy with.
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Audio Scripts
Progress Test 2
Extract 1
deadline. There’s no point in sending you a design if you
have to send it back again to be re-drawn.
Think how much time we’d save. At the moment, I have to
go into the office to enter the orders on my PC. It means
a special trip which, quite frankly, I can do without after a
long hard day of selling.
I don’t think that would do much good. We might have to
change something later, and then all your planning will
be wasted.
That’s right. It would be much more efficient if we could
enter the orders after each meeting with a customer – if
we could get it done in the car before moving on to the
next visit, for example.
But if we can see the main concept, it doesn’t matter if
we have to make some small modifications later – we can
manage that. It would definitely save us time if we could
have the designs sooner.
OK then. I agree it’s a good idea, providing we can fund
it. So let’s see how much it’s going to cost and whether
we’ve got the budget for it.
You don’t understand the nature of the work we do. It
isn’t a question of main concept and modifications. We
have to see the process as a whole.
Well, we seem to have a difference of opinion here. How
do you think we should deal with this?
Extract 2
The biggest problem is the travel expenses. They’re out
of control right now. We really have to cut back on
travelling or we’ll never meet our spending target for
the project.
Progress Test 3
Part 1
But travelling to meetings is important. And I doubt that
the project would run smoothly if we didn’t meet with
each other on a regular basis.
So to summarise. In my talk this afternoon, I
have looked at the situation facing many small
professional partnerships such as accountancy
and legal firms, and I’ve described how poor
performance and lack of efficiency often result
from poor managerial skills among senior
partners. We have looked at three key issues that
impact on management style. Firstly,
communication – setting goals and making it
clear to staff what is required of them. Then,
control – being able to find the right balance
between empowerment and giving detailed
instruction. And finally, cooperation – working
with staff and understanding their needs.
Professional people have a high level of
expertise in their own field, but frequently
neglect the need to develop their expertise in
management too. Professional knowledge alone
isn’t enough if you want your firm to be
successful. Managing people is also a vital
ingredient. Thank you for your attention. Does
anyone have any questions?
But we’re overspending on travel by 20 per cent. If we
just eliminated one fifth of the journeys we make, we
could get back on track.
I think it’s going to be hard to cut travelling by 20 per
cent. Could I make a suggestion? Why don’t we look at
our expenditure as a whole? If we spread the cuts over
a number of different areas – cutting each cost by just
a small amount – it would be much less painful, don’t
you think?
Extract 3
I think the product is excellent. This jewellery is eye-
catching, it’s exciting, it’s different! Jacqueline is
obviously a brilliant designer. But she doesn’t have much
business experience. Will she be able to find a market for
her designs? How will she manage the financial side of
her business? These are the questions that worry me.
That’s just it. Without good entrepreneurial skills, the
chances of success are very small. How much does she
want to raise? Fifty thousand? I think it’s way too much.
We shouldn’t consider backing this venture.
Extract 4
Our website is certainly drawing in lots of extra business.
And the online ordering system is working really well.
We’ve got no problems there. It’s in the warehouse that
the difficulties start to arise. When there’s a rush of
orders, we simply can’t handle them fast enough. We
can’t dispatch the goods on time and a backlog starts to
build up. That’s when the customer complaints come in.
So why is that? Is it because there aren’t enough staff in
the warehouse?
I don’t think so. It’s more to do with stocking –
maintaining stocks of the most popular items.
So it’s because we don’t always have enough stocks to
be able to meet demand?
In other words, we need to be better at predicting sales.
I would say so, yes.
Extract 5
So once again we are behind schedule. We are ready to
start setting up production, but we are held back
because we have to wait for the designs to be finalised.
We always have to rush because our deadlines are so
tight. Why does this happen every time? It’s so
Well, can I just explain? We feel that it’s more important
to get the design right than to stick to an unrealistic
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But if you sent us the designs at an earlier stage, we
could start to plan how we want to set up production.
That’s right.
Audio Scripts
Part 2
on advertising – but this looks set to double within the
next few years.
Thank you for your attention. Does anyone have
any questions?
Questioner 1
: Yes. You mentioned that it’s important to
motivate staff by offering them opportunities.
But in a small firm, opportunities for promotion
are usually very limited. Could you suggest any
other kinds of opportunities that one might
Yes – in a small business the best way to give
people opportunities is to broaden the scope of
their job. So, rather than keeping someone in the
same limited job year after year, see if you can
extend their responsibilities. Find something new
and challenging for them to do. If appropriate,
you might send them on a training course to
learn new skills. Another way is to make people
feel that their work has contributed to the
success of the firm. So praising people for their
contribution is important and you might also
consider introducing a bonus or profit-sharing
scheme. Does that answer your question?
Questioner 1:
Yes, thank you.
Any other questions?
Questioner 2:
You seemed to be saying that because we senior
partners have had no formal management
training, we must be bad managers. I find that
insulting. Surely we’re intelligent people and can
learn from our experience. It’s mostly common
sense after all.
That’s a good question. Let me explain. Firstly, I
certainly didn’t mean to say that you must be a
bad manager if you’ve had no formal training.
Many people will learn from experience as you
say and become good managers. But my point
was that many partners are very busy with the
professional side of their work and don’t have
much time for running the firm. There may be
aspects of management that take time to learn –
and meanwhile there’s the risk of making costly
mistakes. Management training is valuable
because it can speed up the process of learning.
Questioner 2:
Have you got any figures to show what
percentage of small firms are failing because of
poor management?
I’m afraid I haven’t. That sort of detailed
information would be very hard to come by.
Questioner 2:
So how can you say that many small firms are
failing because …
By internet advertising, do you mean those ‘pop-up’ ads
that block the screen whenever you’re trying to search for
We think it’s not a good idea to irritate internet users in
this way. People today are very short of time. They don’t
respond well to ads that take up their time and attention
unnecessarily. An ad has got to be relevant to people’s
How do you do that?
Well, for example – a leading car manufacturer recently
launched a new model. And months before the launch,
they dedicated a special website to this model. The
website advertised a series of rock concerts – but the
date and venue of the concerts was kept secret. People
had to register their e-mail address or mobile phone
number if they wanted to go. Then, at the last minute,
the concert would be announced by e-mail or text
message. It made the concerts more exclusive, more
exciting. This attracted a lot of young people who then
associated the image of the car with a fast-moving,
music-loving lifestyle.
The advertising industry has picked up recently after
several years in decline. Is this growth set to continue?
Yes, I’m sure it is. We have seen a growth of 4.7 per cent
in the last year. The total value of spending on
advertising is 400 billion dollars worldwide. It’s a healthy
business and it’s going to go on growing. But not in the
same way as in the past. The use of media is changing,
as I’ve already mentioned. But also the way we work with
our clients is changing.
How is that?
Nowadays, it’s not just a question of developing a
campaign. There are many ways to promote a product
other than through direct advertising. Agencies have to
present the client with an integrated approach. For
example, we may even suggest that a company doesn’t
advertise its product at all – that they rely on word-of-
mouth to spread the message. So they offer their
products free to a number of individuals, and those
people tell their friends about what a great new product
it is. Their friends pass the message on to other friends,
and – gradually – that product becomes well-known.
Many people who are resistant to advertising will be
influenced by what their friends are buying. So this is a
promotional technique that can really work.
Exit Test
I understand your company is changing its name and
rebranding itself. Can you tell us more about that?
Yes. Our original name, Verner-Martins, comes from the
fact that we were founded by Nils Verner and Henning
Martins back in 1952. Within the Danish market, this
name is well-known and carries with it a strong
reputation. But abroad it means nothing. Now we’re
moving into a global market. So we want a name that’s
more international – in fact, an English name. So we’re
changing to Volcano. This name, we hope, sends a
message to our clients that we’re moving with the times,
that we’re in touch with changes in the global advertising
Nowadays, there is a much greater mix of advertising
media. The use of TV commercials, press and magazine
advertising is starting to decline. TV commercials are no
longer at the centre of every big campaign. They’re still
important, of course, but the internet, e-mail and text
messaging are often included in the mix. At present, the
internet accounts for about 5 per cent of total spending
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In what ways is the advertising industry changing?
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