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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Keep your English up to date 2 Teacher’s pack Lesson plan and student worksheets with answers Thirty-something BBC Learning English – Keep your English up to date Lesson Plan: Teacher's notes Thirty-something CONTENTS 1. Level, topic, language, aims, materials 2. Lesson stages 3. Answers 4. Audio script 5. Student worksheets 1, 2, 3 Level: Intermediate and above Topic: Media quality Aims: Listening skills – A short talk Language – ‘ Thirty-something’ and other phrases related to age Materials: Worksheet 1 – Introductory speaking and vocabulary exercises, Listening section 1 Worksheet 2 – Listening section 2 Worksheet 3 – Extra work: Vocabulary, language and discussion Audio script – Available in teacher’s notes Recording of the talk – Available online at bbclearningenglish.com This plan was downloaded from: bbclearningenglish.com/radio/specials/1130_uptodate2/page2.shtml © BBC Learning English bbclearningenglish.com BBC Learning English – Keep your English up to date Lesson Plan: Teacher's notes Thirty-something LESSON STAGES A Explain to the students that they are going to listen to a talk by Professor David Crystal, an expert on the English language, and that the talk is about the way English is changing. This particular talk is about the phrase ‘dumb down’. B Hand out Student Worksheet 1 . Students do Speaking, Exercise 1 in small groups or pairs. C Students do Vocabulary, Exercise 2 - without dictionaries at first. Practise the pronunciation of the vocabulary, as they will hear it in the talk. D Students read Listening: Section 1, Exercise 3 and then listen to Section 1 of the talk. They answer the questions ‘a’ and ‘b‘. Students listen again and do Listening: Section 1, Exercise 4 . E Hand out Student Worksheet 2 Students read Listening: Section 2, Exercise 5 and then listen to Section 2 of the talk. They answer question ‘a‘ and ‘b’. F Students try to answer Listening: Section 2, Exercise 6 . They listen again to Section 2 to check/complete their answers. G If you wish to do some extra work with the class, hand out Student Worksheet 3 For the vocabulary exercise, give the students copies of the audio script and play the complete talk as they read. The language work focuses on other phrases connected to different ages The final discussion activity is connected to the general topic of the lesson – life at different ages. © BBC Learning English bbclearningenglish.com BBC Learning English – Keep your English up to date Lesson Plan: Teacher's notes Thirty-something AUDIO SCRIPTS Listening Section 1 This phrase, ‘thirty-something’, it came in in the 1980s referring to people of an unspecified age between 30 and 40. These were members of the baby boom, the people who were born 20, 30 years before and entering their 30s now and not knowing how to cope – or at least, that was the idea. It was the name of a television series. It also became the name of a film. People who had lost their freedom, was the idea. Children, they’d got now, demanding jobs, approach of middle-age, gloom! There’s a website which says it’s ‘personal growth for thirty- somethings’. Listening Section 2 It’s used both as an adjective – ‘she’s a thirty-something career woman’. And it’s also used as a noun, as I just did – ‘the thirty-somethings’. And then, the ending got applied to others. We started to hear ‘twenty-somethings’. And now we’ve got ‘forty-somethings’ – that was a television show in 2003, ‘Forty-Something’. Well, it can be any age. The implication is always that there’s a set of values or problems associated with that age. Me? I’m sixty-something! © BBC Learning English bbclearningenglish.com BBC Learning English – Keep your English up to date Lesson Plan: Teacher's notes Thirty-something ANSWER KEY VOCABULARY Exercise 2 a. unspecified not described exactly or in detail b. baby boom a period of time when many babies are born c. gloom unhappiness, sadness and misery d. personal growth an individual’s psychological and life improvement e. implication a meaning which is not given directly f. values personal moral standards LISTENING: SECTION 1 Exercise 3 a. ii. how old someone is, perhaps 35 b. ii. people who had problems when they were young adults Exercise 4 a. True – The word appeared in the 1980s to describe people aged between 30 and 50 b . False – ‘It was the name of a TV series. It also became the name of a film’’ c. True – ‘demanding jobs’ LISTENING: SECTION 2 Exercise 5 a. As a noun and as an adjective b. It is used to talk about other age groups e.g. twenty-somethings Exercise 6 a. False – ‘she’s a thirty-something career woman.’ b. False – ‘that was a television show in 2003 – forty something c. True – ‘Me? I’m sixty-something.’ © BBC Learning English bbclearningenglish.com
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