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uptodate4 24 7 transcript

uptodate4 24 7 transcript, Languages, English, Learning, bbc, BBC Radio Learning, words in the news, keep ypur ... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
Keep your English up to date
Gavin Dudeney
Most of my work is done online these days, and I’m always
surprised at how many people expect me to be available
24/7, answering emails as soon as they arrive, night or
It wasn’t too long ago that people tended to work a fixed
timetable – once the work was done they headed home
and that was it for the day, but the rise of the Internet,
online shopping and banking and other ‘always on’ services
has given us the idea that everything should be available
all of the time. And that’s where the expression 24/7
comes in.
When something’s 24/7 you can pretty much guarantee
that it’s always available, or that a service is offered all
day, without interruptions, around the clock. The Oxford
English Dictionary first included 24/7 way back in 1983, but it’s only in
recent years that it’s become so widespread, covering shops, websites
and even people.
These days you might even find 24/7/365, meaning that a service is
available every day of the year – which more or less describes my work
© British Broadcasting Corporation 2008
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