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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] HANDBOOK NO. 08-15 MAR 08 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) Combined Arms Center (CAC) Ft. Leavenworth, KS U.S. UNCLASSIFIED REL NATO, GCTF, ISAF, MCFI, ABCA For Official Use Only 08-15 Handling Instructions for CALL Electronic Media and Paper Products Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) authorizes official use of this CALL product for operational and institutional purposes that contribute to the overall success of U.S., coalition, and allied efforts. The information contained in this product reflects the actions of units in the field and may not necessarily be approved U.S. Army policy or doctrine. This product is designed for official use by U.S., coalition, and allied personnel and cannot be released to the public without the expressed written consent of CALL. This product has been furnished with the expressed understanding that it will be used for official defense-related purposes only and that it will be afforded the same degree of protection that the U.S. affords information marked “U.S. UNCLASSIFIED, For Official Use Only [FOUO]” in accordance with U.S. Army Regulation (AR) 380-5, section 5-2. Official military and civil service/government personnel, to include all coalition and allied partners may paraphrase; quote; or use sentences, phrases, and paragraphs for integration into official products or research. However, integration of CALL “U.S. UNCLASSIFIED, For Official Use Only [FOUO]” information into official products or research renders them FOUO, and they must be maintained and controlled within official channels and cannot be released to the public without the expressed written consent of CALL. This product may be placed on protected UNCLASSIFIED intranets within military organizations or units, provided that access is restricted through user ID and password or other authentication means to ensure that only properly accredited military and government officials have access to these products. Regulations strictly forbid posting CALL “U.S. UNCLASSIFIED, For Official Use Only [FOUO]” documents to Department of Defense (DOD) Websites that do not restrict access to authorized personnel. AR-25-1, 15 Jul 2005, Army Knowledge Management and Information Technology, paragraph 6-4 n (2) (b) and DOD Web Site Administration Policy and Procedures (11 Jan 2002), Part II, paragraph 3.6.1 require appropriate mechanisms to protect sensitive information. When no longer needed, all CALL “U.S. UNCLASSIFIED, For Official Use Only [FOUO]” paper products and electronic media will be shredded or destroyed using approved paper shredders or CDROM destroyers. To allied and coalition personnel: This information is furnished with the understanding that it is to be used for defense purposes only, that it is to be afforded essentially the same degree of security protection as such information is afforded by the United States, and that it is not to be revealed to another country or international organization without the written consent of CALL. U.S. UNCLASSIFIED REL NATO, GCTF, ISAF, MCFI, ABCA For Official Use Only BATTLE STAFF NCO HANDBOOK Foreword Demands to produce timely and instructive staff products continue to increase exponentially. Full-spectrum warfare presents many challenges for the brigade combat team (BCT) and battalion-level staffs. Battle staffs must plan for and conduct multiple military operations simultaneously in their respective areas of operation. On any given day, units may be conducting stability operations in one sector, while engaging in small-unit fights in another. Key imperatives addressed in this handbook complement those outlined in Field Manual 3-24, Counterinsurgency : • Manage information and expectations (battle tracking). • Learn and adapt (flexibility). • Empower the lowest levels (centralized planning/decentralized execution). The role of the battle staff is a critical component to achieve mission success in a counterinsurgency environment. Battle staff noncommissioned officers (NCOs) perform a multitude of vitally important roles and functions in the tactical operations centers and command posts. They are the principal managers of battle tracking, which supports the timely analysis and processing of plans and orders, and they continually adapt these plans and orders to counter the threat. This handbook highlights the important roles that battle staff NCOs fulfill in BCT and battalion- level staffs and defines their key roles and responsibilities. The purpose of this handbook is to offer rehearsal techniques and troop-leading procedures as well as useful tactics, techniques, and procedures to maintain and improve battle staff efficiency. DAVID M. BRUNER CSM, USA Army Training and Doctrine Command U.S. UNCLASSIFIED REL NATO, GCTF, ISAF, MCFI, ABCA For Official Use Only i BATTLE STAFF NCO HANDBOOK Battle Staff NCO Handbook Table of Contents Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officers in the Tactical Operations Center/Command Post 5 Chapter 2. Roles and Functions of Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officers 21 Chapter 3. Battle Staff Rehearsals 41 Chapter 4. Troop-Leading Procedures for Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officers 55 Chapter 5. After-Action Review 59 Appendix A. Battle Tracking Enablers 63 Appendix B. References 71 Center for Army Lessons Learned Director Colonel Steven Mains Managing Editor George J. Mordica II Project Analyst Ralph Nichols CTC Analyst Gordie Davidson Contributing Authors CSM of the U.S. Army (USA, Ret) Jack Hardwick CSM Jeff Horne SGM (USA, Ret) Patrick Castin SGM Douglas Droesch MSG Steven Vigil MSG (USA, Ret) Robert Shoemaker David Nelson Publication Production Coordinator Valerie Tystad Editor Jenny Solon Graphic Artist Dan Neal Printing Support Liaison Carrie Harrod U.S. UNCLASSIFIED REL NATO, GCTF, ISAF, MCFI, ABCA For Official Use Only iii
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