us-crimintsum-2002-5-3, Wikileaks, Compleat Wikileaks Archive, Misc
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CRIMINTSUM 018-02 03 May 2002 CIOP-ACE (195) 260001R April – 022400R May 2002 WARNING 1. The Criminal Intelligence Summary (CRIMINTSUM) is intended to provide a periodic update of information of interest to law enforcement, security personnel, supported commanders, intelligence analysts, and others with force protection duties. It intentionally does not include any classified information. 2. Because the CRIMINTSUM is FOUO and because it contains information protected by the Privacy Act, further distribution of these summaries is restricted to DOD and law enforcement agencies only, unless approval from HQ, USACIDC has been obtained beforehand. Violations of the Privacy Act make both the releasing organization and the person involved in the unauthorized release liable in civil suits. 3. Information should not be released to the media, or other agencies within or outside DOD who have no valid need to know. This report contains privileged information, which must be protected. Further dissemination of the report should be limited to a minimum, consistent with the purpose for which the record has been furnished, i.e. force protection and effective enforcement of civil and criminal law. 4. Persons/organizations found violating these distribution restrictions will be banned from receiving all future USACIDC summary report. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DISTRIBUTION: This document is intended for law enforcement personnel, intelligence analysts, military commanders and other officials with a need to know. Further dissemination of this report should be limited to a minimum, consistent with the purpose for which the record has been furnished, i.e. effective enforcement of civil and criminal law. Additional release requires prior approval from the DCSOPS, ATTN: ADCSOPS, 703. 806. 0300 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CIOP-ACE (195) SUBJECT: Criminal Intelligence Summary 018-02 A. CURRENT ADVISORIES / BULLETINS 1. Current FBI Terrorist Threat Advisories (TTAs) / Bulletins. a. FBI TTA (Call for Continued Vigilance), 021203Z Jan 02. b. FBI TTA (State & Municipal Web Sites Used to Obtain Information on Infrastructure Facilities), 161927Z Jan 02. c. FBI TTA (Terrorist Threat Advisory Extension), 12 Mar 02. d. FBI Bulletin #10, 1 May 02 (For a complete copy see your local CID office). 2. The DoD threat level for CONUS is SIGNIFICANT. The SIGNIFICANT threat level is defined as follows: An anti-US terrorist group is operationally active and uses large casualty-producing attacks. There is a substantial DoD presence, and the operational environment is neutral. The Baseline Force Protection Condition as of 3 May 02 is: CONUS Bravo (MDW remains at Charlie) EUCOM Bravo JFCOM Alpha PACOM Alpha SOUTHCOM Bravo CENTCOM 3. Transnational terrorists have demonstrated the capability and intent to conduct attacks in the US and against US citizens, facilities and interests worldwide. The FBI possesses no specific information regarding any particular threat; however, the potential for additional attacks remains high in response to the continued US actions in Afghanistan. Law enforcement and security forces need to remain vigilant for the precursors of an attack. 4. The Council on Foreign Relations has launched an online encyclopedia of terrorism and the US response to the September 11 attacks to give the public an easy-to-read, authoritative primer on what the experts know and don't know. The site ( ) includes a look at state sponsors of terrorism, terrorist groups, the proposed US military tribunals and other aspects of terrorism (CNN). 5. The various CINC combatant and geographical commands, DoD agencies, some Major Army Commands (MACOMs) and the various DoD intelligence agencies produce classified threat advisories and assessments that are available on those elements’ classified web sites. Law enforcement and security personnel are encouraged to review those sites for valuable intelligence. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DISTRIBUTION: This document is intended for law enforcement personnel, intelligence analysts, military commanders and other officials with a need to know. Further dissemination of this report should be limited to a minimum, consistent with the purpose for which the record has been furnished, i.e. effective enforcement of civil and criminal law. Additional release requires prior approval from the DCSOPS, ATTN: ADCSOPS, 703. 806. 0300 2 Charlie FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CIOP-ACE (195) SUBJECT: Criminal Intelligence Summary 018-02 6. Homeland Security Advisory System YELLOW - ELEVATED AS OF 3 May 02 B. OVERALL TRENDS 1. There are no apparent overall terrorist related trends to report for this period. The theft of identity related items that might facilitate a terrorist intrusion onto an Army installation, facility, or activity remains a matter of concern. Identity related items include uniforms, official badges, military identification cards, government vehicle license plates, and DoD vehicle decals/stickers. C. TERRORISM / EXTREMISM ACTIVITIES 1. BOLO (BE ON THE LOOKOUT) ALERTS: a. Late Breaking Domestic Terrorism: Five people were wounded Friday (3 May) when pipe bombs placed in rural mailboxes along the northern border region of Illinois and Iowa exploded. US Postal Service (USPS) advised that it appeared the devices were intended to FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DISTRIBUTION: This document is intended for law enforcement personnel, intelligence analysts, military commanders and other officials with a need to know. Further dissemination of this report should be limited to a minimum, consistent with the purpose for which the record has been furnished, i.e. effective enforcement of civil and criminal law. Additional release requires prior approval from the DCSOPS, ATTN: ADCSOPS, 703. 806. 0300 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CIOP-ACE (195) SUBJECT: Criminal Intelligence Summary 018-02 detonate when they were removed from the rural mailboxes. The eight pipe bombs (six apparently detonated) were made from three-quarter inch pipes with a 9-volt battery attached. Each bomb was accompanied by a plastic bag containing a letter filled with anti-government statements and threats of more bombs. The bombs appeared to be set to explode when moved. The bombs did not go through the US mail, but appeared to have been placed in mailboxes at random. The FBI stated they were viewing the incidents as domestic terrorism. No threats were phoned in about the devices. The FBI, ATF and USPS have formed a joint task force to investigate the cases. USPS said all carrier and postal customers in the area whould be very cautious when opening mailboxes, and should take special care if wires, a pipe or a letter in a clear plastic bag are found. Found devices should not be touched nor should the mailbox doors be slammed shut. Customers who find suspicious items or notice someone putting things in mailboxes are urged to call their local police or the US Postal Inspection Service command center in St Louis at (314) 539-9310 and immediately clear the area around the mailbox (CNN News). b. On 23 Apr 02, the FBI released a warning to law enforcement officials that terrorists may be planning attacks against US supermarkets or shopping centers. The warning is based on information obtained from Abu ZUBAIDA, a senior al-Qaida official now in US custody. The information is unsubstantiated, and the warning did not include specific information about possible targets, timing, and numbers of people involved, or any particular method of attack. (Washington AP, 25 Apr 02) 2. BADGES, IDENTIFICATION, UNIFORMS, DECALS, LICENSES & VEHICLE THEFTS: a. The following identifications and DoD decals were reported stolen or missing during this reporting period: Identification Type Owner or # Location Reference DoD Decal HCU697 Ft Campbell, KY CID, Ft Campbell 0285-02 DoD Decal KBU016 Ft Gordon, GA CID, Ft Gordon 0157-02 DoD Decal IPA886 Columbia, SC CID, Ft Jackson 0155-02 Retired Military Dependant ID card Ms Beth A. WILLS 241-72-8005 Ft Bragg, NC CID, Ft Bragg 0487-02 Military ID card PFC Joseph L. BOWMAN 376-92-2375 Ft Bragg, NC CID, Ft Bragg 0486-02 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DISTRIBUTION: This document is intended for law enforcement personnel, intelligence analysts, military commanders and other officials with a need to know. Further dissemination of this report should be limited to a minimum, consistent with the purpose for which the record has been furnished, i.e. effective enforcement of civil and criminal law. Additional release requires prior approval from the DCSOPS, ATTN: ADCSOPS, 703. 806. 0300 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CIOP-ACE (195) SUBJECT: Criminal Intelligence Summary 018-02 3. POTENTIAL SURVEILLANCES & INTRUSIONS: a. Recently a woman contacted the FBI and reported that she observed four minivans parked in Mt. Nebo State Park, near Russellville, AR, while she was visiting. The minivans appeared to be identical and new. She could not remember the license plate numbers of the minivans, but did remember that one was from Pennsylvania and one from Virginia. The park is on a mountain overlooking Russellville and the surrounding area. From where the vans were parked, the occupants were afforded a view of Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO), a nuclear power plant just west of Russellville. As soon as the men saw that the woman was watching them, they hurriedly left the area. The exact date of this incident is unknown, but it took place between 14 and 16 Apr 02. Another incident was reported to have occurred at ANO approximately 3 weeks earlier. During that incident, four or five middle eastern men were observed surveilling ANO from a car parked on a nearby road. When the car was approached, the men drove off before they could be questioned. In Nov or Dec 01, a flight plan map was found in Afghanistan that contained detailed flight information for Little Rock National Airport, AR, an airport in Fort Smith, AR, and flight information directly over ANO (AFOSI, Talon # 427- 19-04-02-12). b. On 13 Apr 02, four middle eastern males requested permission to videotape and photograph Six Flags Saint Louis, Eureka, MO. When they were denied entrance, they requested permission to videotape and photograph the theme park from the parking lot. They were denied permission and escorted from the park. According to the Saint Louis Joint Terrorism Task Force, similar incidents have happened at two other Six Flags theme parks (47T16, CID, Ft L. Wood, MO, 0135-02). 4. ARMS, AMMUNITION, EXPLOSIVES AND SENSITIVE ITEMS a. On 25 April 2002, a roofing company in Las Vegas, NV, arrived at a construction site located near the interchange of Ann Road and US 95, Las Vegas, NV, and discovered a portable propane tank missing. The propane tank is a white, 250-gallon portable tank with "Vegas Propane" on the sides in red lettering. The tank was approximately 75 percent full and was used to heat tar for roofing. The propane company advised that the amount of propane remaining was approximately equivalent to four blocks of C-4 plastic explosive. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department notified local agencies of the missing trailer and is using air support and ground patrols to locate the missing tank (AFOSI Eagle Watch, 25 Apr 02). ACIC Comment : The cost of a new 250-gallon propane tank is approximately $750. The value of the gas left in the stolen tank is approximately $200. A financially supported terrorist cell, such as those of the 11 Sep attackers, would easily be able to afford to purchase the tank and the gas. It is possible, however, that a cell would choose to steal such an item. It may feel it is too difficult to develop a cover story for such a purchase, since a propane distribution company would expect to deliver such an item to a home or job site. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DISTRIBUTION: This document is intended for law enforcement personnel, intelligence analysts, military commanders and other officials with a need to know. Further dissemination of this report should be limited to a minimum, consistent with the purpose for which the record has been furnished, i.e. effective enforcement of civil and criminal law. Additional release requires prior approval from the DCSOPS, ATTN: ADCSOPS, 703. 806. 0300 5
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