us-danish-pr-2005, Wikileaks, Compleat Wikileaks Archive, Misc
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] THIS DOCUMENT IS PRIMARILY FOR PASSIVE USE IN RESPONSE TO MEDIA QUERIES – IT IS NOT AN AUTHORITY TO ENGAGE WITH THE MEDIA PROACTIVELY RESTRICTED NEWSBRIEF MND(SE) NB THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT FOR RELEASE TO THE MEDIA LTT – DANISH SITUATION DATE/TIME: 5 Feb 06 1533hrs FROM: PIC DIRECTOR SOURCE : SO1 7 Armd Bde Info Ops RELEASE AUTHORITY: MND(SE) BACKGROUND (NOT FOR RELEASE) Following some media interest from UK outlets concerning any changed posture regarding the response to Danish media cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed, SO1 7 Armd Bde Info Ops confirmed that DANBAT are subject to the same movement restriction that are in place for all MNF following Op SHACKLTON. They are seeking to engage with locals where possible to explain the situation and have distributed leaflets setting out their position respectfully. Int has identified a high level of threat to DANBAT and an express kidnap threat exists. Atmospherics indicate that as the UK has not condemned the cartoons then to an extent we are ‘tarred with the same brush’. LINES TO TAKE We continually monitor the security situation in MND(SE) and adjust our Force Protection posture accordingly. All MNF personnel actively display their respect for local religion, traditions and culture. DANBAT is engaging with the local population in order to maintain its good relationship with the people of Basrah. If Pressed: Q. Are DANBAT taking any extra measures in response to the current situation? A. DANBAT forces are subject to the same movement directions in theatre as other elements of MNF. Q. What steps are DANBAT taking to explain the situation to the local population. 1 RESTRICTED THIS DOCUMENT IS PRIMARILY FOR PASSIVE USE IN RESPONSE TO MEDIA QUERIES – IT IS NOT AN AUTHORITY TO ENGAGE WITH THE MEDIA PROACTIVELY RESTRICTED A. DANBAT have been actively engaging with the local population and have distributed flyers explaining their position as well as appearing on local TV and meeting with local officials. Further queries should be directed to the Duty Press Officer, Danish Army Operations Group, Karup, Denmank – Tel 0045 7022 1999. 2 RESTRICTED
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