[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Module 1 Units 1-2 UNIT 1 Something to Shout About UNIT 2 Escape Artists 5 Module 1 Units 1-2 Before you start ... ñ What do you think of when you hear the word ‘success’? ñ How do you relax? Listen, read and talk about ... ñ success and how to achieve it ñ celebrations ñ happiness ñ successful people and their personalities ñ successful businesses ñ achievements ñ quality of life ñ unusual celebrations ñ getting a job ñ getting away from it all ñ relaxing & escaping ñ books and reading ñ travelling & holidays ñ weekend breaks ñ pastimes & hobbies Learn how to ... ñ give/respond to news ñ compare, contrast and speculate ñ interrupt ñ make/respond to suggestions ñ negotiate/reach agreement Phrasal verbs ñ carry ñ wear ñ put ñ set Practise ... ñ gerund/infinitive ñ the present tenses/ stative verbs ñ multiple choice cloze ñ word formation ñ gapped sentences ñ cloze ñ key word transformations Write ... ñ formal and informal letters ñ reviews 6 A Something to Shout About 1 C D B Lead-in b. Decide on three of the elements in Ex. 2a which you think are most important for success. Compare your list to your partner’s. 1 a. Look at the pictures showing people expressing joy on different occasions. What has happened to make them feel happy? 3 Look at the following list of qualities and, in pairs, discuss in which profession(s) you think each one is necessary and why. b. Now, in pairs, discuss success. Think about: ñ physical strength ñ quick thinking ñ determination ñ foresight ñ diplomacy ñ discipline ñ imagination ñ intellect ñ power of persuasion ñ team spirit ñ its importance in our lives ñ the happiness it brings ñ problems it causes ñ lawyer ñ business executive ñ firefighter ñ footballer ñ art director ñ teacher ñ politician ñ car salesman ñ doctor ñ novelist 2 a. Listen to some people talking about what they believe to be the secret of success and complete the gaps using 1 to 3 words. 1 Always ......................................................................... when other people doubt you. 2 Block out ............................................................... and keep going. 3 Channel your efforts in the right direction and don’t get ................................................................................... . 4 ................................................................... in different ways. 5 Practise being ............................................................... .................................... until it becomes second nature. 6 Be organised and ....................................................... . 7 Never ........................................................................... and believe you are as good as everyone else. A: I think strong powers of persuasion are essential for someone like a car salesman because he has to be able to talk people into buying from him. B: Politicians need this, too, in order to gain support for an idea or a policy, don’t you think? 4 Paraphrase the following quotations. Do you agree with them? Why (not)? Discuss in pairs. ‘Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.’ Henry David Thoreau (American poet & philosopher) ‘You always pass failure on the way to success.’ Mickey Rooney (American comedian) 7 hink! Think! Reading Reading – Part 1 A 1 You are going to read three short extracts which are all linked to the theme of ‘success’. a. Read quickly through the three texts. In pairs, match the three extracts with the text types below. ñ Extract from a sports science article Extract ……… ñ Advice leaflet Extract ……… ñ Extract from an autobiography Extract ……… Reading praise of me and my writing, I could feel within myself an inflation of self-esteem similar to my feelings as a child when I won school prizes or had poems published in the newspapers, and I thought as I walked along Thames Street, Oamaru, North Otago, New Zealand, the South Pacific, the Earth, the World, the Universe, ‘Everyone everywhere will know how clever I am!’ Now as I walked along Charing Cross Road I thought to myself, I wonder if these people know it is I whose photo was in the paper today, it is my writing they were praising, my book described in headlines? I’d glance at the literary types in Charing Cross Road and I’d think, ‘If only they knew! I know I don’t dine in fancy restaurants nor am I mentioned in the ‘About Town’ notes of the Evening News and the Evening Standard (‘promising novelist seen … etc’), but I’m in London, I’m here, I’m secret, and I’m in the reviews and some have compared me to Virginia Woolf !’ 5 b. In what way is each extract related to the theme of ‘success’? Make notes. 10 Extract A ................................................ Extract B ................................................ Extract C ................................................ 15 2 Read the extracts again. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. 1 How does the writer feel about herself? A She feels more confident than when she was a child. B She is proud and excited about her achievements. C She thinks she is very clever. D She is sad because she is a long way from home. STRATEGY POINT ñ In Part 1 of the Reading paper you will have to read three short texts which are all linked to the same theme. ñ Each text approaches the theme in a different way. This may be a different text type (article, novel, leaflet, etc.), a different style of writing (formal, informal, official, etc.) or a different angle on the same topic. ñ Look at the title of each extract and quickly read through all three texts. ñ Go back to the first text and read through the questions and the four answer options. ñ Read through the text again carefully and choose an answer to each question. ñ Move on to the second and third texts and repeat the process. ñ If you have time, check through your answers once more. 2 Huge success A is something the writer is used to. B has brought the writer fame and wealth. C is something the writer would rather keep secret. D is a new experience for the writer. B The research scientist, Coyle, set out to study and document the top cyclist’s remarkable physical abilities, but in the course of his study, Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer and underwent surgery and chemotherapy. Remarkably, Armstrong showed no ill effects from the cancer upon his recovery. It has been suggested that Armstrong lost weight from the cancer, making him a leaner (and better) cyclist. But Armstrong's weight eight months after his chemotherapy was the same as before his cancer treatment, according to Coyle. However, surviving cancer almost certainly made Armstrong a stronger athlete mentally. Sports scientists agree that Armstrong is one of the most disciplined and focused athletes in the world. ‘He is on top of the cycling world because of the combination and interaction of his genetic endowment, years of incredible training, competitive experience, and obsessive drive to achieve and persevere,’ said Phillip B. Sparling, a professor of applied physiology at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. It's a combination that's made Armstrong a rarity among men, but still just a man. ‘Most athletes are happy to perpetuate the myth of the superhuman,’ Coyle said. ‘But now that Lance is retiring, I think he'd be the first one to admit that he's not superhuman at all.’ 5 10 15 8 1 C The self-help techniques below are a guide to more successful and effective study. ñ Take responsibility for your own work and studies. Identify your areas of weakness, as well as your strong points. Be an active participant in the classroom and ask your teacher questions. It is a rare teacher who will be unwilling to offer help and guidance. ñ Your class attendance should be as regular as clockwork. Teachers and examiners formulate text questions based on material and examples covered in class as well as on the set texts for any given term or course. ñ A pro-active approach will help you to prepare for any potential problems and it will also give you more confidence in your own abilities. So ... get ahead in the course; try to read up and prepare some of the material in your text book before it is covered in class. Anticipate what your teacher’s next step will be. ñ Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Not only will you increase your own knowledge but you may well benefit other students who are also having difficult with the same point. ñ If you feel it is necessary, visit your teacher outside class time. He or she will be pleased to see that you are interested. 5 10 5 If you do not attend classes regularly A you will miss material which may be included in a test. B you will not be able to ask questions C your teacher will not be willing to help you. D you will not be able to identify your weak points. 15 6 The writer advises a ‘pro-active approach’ (line 14) because A it will please your teacher. B you will be able to anticipate possible difficulties. C it will benefit your fellow-students. D you will be able to cover more material. 20 Vocabulary Practice 25 3 a. Match the verbs with the nouns to form common verb-noun collocations. A B 1 undergo 2 offer 3 anticipate 4 lose 5 give 6 perpetuate 7 take 8 diagnose 9 show 10 formulate a somebody confidence b ill effects c responsibility d somebody with cancer e weight f guidance g a question h surgery i somebody’s next step j the myth b. Explain the highlighted words/phrases in the texts. Text Analysis 3 The writer thinks it is surprising that Armstrong A didn’t die from cancer. B didn’t suffer any damage to his athletic abilities after his illness. C lost weight during his illness. D regained the weight he had lost during his illness. 4 What does the writer mean by the underlined phrases? Discuss in pairs. Discussion 5 a. What do you think is the key to becoming a successful athlete like the cyclist, Lance Armstrong? In pairs make a list, then present it to the class. 4 Armstrong became a faster and better cyclist after his illness A because he had acquired a tougher mental attitude. B because he weighed less. C because he had recovered from cancer. D because he had both experience and natural ability. b. Tell your partner about someone you know who has become successful, saying what qualities and circumstances have helped him/her. 9 hink! Think!
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