us army explosives and demolitions manual,
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] 19-CommercialExplosives Commercial Explosives I have included here the essentials of the US Army FM 5- 250. Take the time to read this, it is like an undergraduate degree in explosive demolitions. This manual describes the characteristics and proper use of every type of explosive in military use today. The sections on specific demolition operations, such as destroying bridges, contain a wealth of information necessary to the White separatist. This Field Manual is reproduced without permission. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. file:///H:/edonkey/docs/old/anarchy/ebook us army f...anual/FM_5_250/FM 5-250/19-CommercialExplosives.htm [28/12/2002 16:17:36] FM 5-250 - 1 FM 5-250 Chapter 1 Military Explosives Section I. Demolition Materials 1-1. Characteristics. To be suitable for use in military operations, explosives must have certain properties. Military explosives— - Should be inexpensive to manufacture and capable of being produced from readily available raw materials. - Must be relatively insensitive to shock or friction, yet be able to positively detonate by easily prepared initiators. - Must be capable of shattering and must have the potential energy (high energy output per unit volume) adequate for the purpose of demolitions. - Must be stable enough to retain usefulness for a reasonable time when stored in temperatures between -80 and +165 degrees Fahrenheit. - Should be composed of high-density materials (weight per unit volume). - Should be suitable for use underwater or in damp climates. - Should be minimally toxic when stored, handled, and detonated. 1-2. Selection of Explosives. Select explosives that fit the file:///H:/edonkey/docs/old/anarchy/ebook us ar...olitions manual/FM_5_250/FM 5-250/FM5-250-1.htm (1 de 39) [28/12/2002 16:17:39] FM 5-250 - 1 particular purpose, based on their relative power. Consider all characteristics when selecting an explosive for a particular demolition project. Table 1-1 contains significant information regarding many of the explosives described below. 1-3. Domestic Explosives. a. Ammonium Nitrate. Ammonium nitrate is the least sensitive of the military explosives. It requires a booster charge to successfully initiate detonation. Because of its low sensitivity, ammonium nitrate is a component of many composite explosives (combined with a more sensitive explosive). Ammonium nitrate is not suitable for cutting or breaching charges because it has a low detonating velocity. However, because of its excellent cratering affects and low cost, ammonium nitrate is a component of most cratering and ditching charges. Commercial quarrying operations use ammonium nitrate demolitions extensively. Pack ammonium nitrate in an airtight container because it is extremely hydroscopic (absorbs humidity). Ammonium nitrate or composite explosives containing ammonium nitrate are not suitable for underwater use unless packed in waterproof containers or detonated immediately after placement. b. Pentaerythrite Tetranitrate (PETN). PETN is a highly sensitive and very powerful military explosive. Its explosive potential is comparable to cyclonite (RDX) and nitroglycerin. Boosters, detonating cord, and some blasting caps contain PETN. It is also used in composite explosives with trinitrotoluene (TNT) or with nitrocellulose. A PETN- file:///H:/edonkey/docs/old/anarchy/ebook us ar...olitions manual/FM_5_250/FM 5-250/FM5-250-1.htm (2 de 39) [28/12/2002 16:17:39] FM 5-250 - 1 nitrocellulose composite (Ml 18 sheet explosive) is a demolition charge. The PETN explosive is a good underwater- demolition because it is almost insoluble in water. 1-1 file:///H:/edonkey/docs/old/anarchy/ebook us ar...olitions manual/FM_5_250/FM 5-250/FM5-250-1.htm (3 de 39) [28/12/2002 16:17:39] FM 5-250 - 1 c. Cyclotrimethlenetrinitramine (RDX). RDX is also a highly sensitive and very powerful military explosive. It forms the base charge in the M6 electric and M7 nonelectric blasting caps. When RDX is desensitized, it serves as a subbooster, booster, bursting charge, or demolition charge. The principal use for RDX is in composite explosives, such as Composition A, B, and C explosives. RDX is available commercially under the name cyclonite. d. Trinitrotoluene. TNT is the most common military explosive. It maybe in composite form, such as a booster, a bursting, or a demolition charge, or in a noncomposite form. Since TNT is a standard explosive, it is used to rate other military explosives. e. Tetryl. Tetryl is an effective booster charge in its noncomposite form and a bursting or a demolition charge in composite forms. Tetryl is more sensitive and powerful than TNT. However, RDX- and PETN-based explosives, which have increased power and shattering effects, are replacing tetryl and composite explosives containing tetryl. f. Nitroglycerin. Nitroglycerin is one of the most powerful high explosives. Its explosive potential is comparable to RDX and PETN. Nitroglycerin is the explosive base for commercial dynamites. Nitroglycerine is highly sensitive and extremely temperature-sensitive. Military explosives do not use file:///H:/edonkey/docs/old/anarchy/ebook us ar...olitions manual/FM_5_250/FM 5-250/FM5-250-1.htm (4 de 39) [28/12/2002 16:17:39]
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