vapalux 300 en rev 1.0
vapalux 300 en rev 1.0, Lampy naftowe
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->®INSTRUCTION GUIDEVAPALUX 300Trademark informationVAPALUX® and WILLIS & BATES® are registered trademarks of Vapalux Co., Ltd. Korea.NOTICENo part of the manuals included with this product may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, ortranslated into any language in any form, by any means, without Vapalux’s prior written permission.Vapalux reserves the right to change the specifications of the hardware described in these manuals at any time and without priornotice.Vapalux will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this product.For more information about VAPALUX accessories, please contact a local authorizer VAPALUX dealer.While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in these manuals is accurate and complete,We would appreciate it were you to bring any errors or omissions to the attention of the Vapalux representative in your area(address provided separately).2PACKAGE CONTENTBe sure all items listed here were included with your Lamp.Light Shades are sold separately.MANTLE Ref. V42SUPERIOR QUALITYFORVAPALUXLAMPNon RadioactiveNicht RadioaktivWithout AsbestosOhne AsbestMade in AustriaVAPALUX CO., LTD.BUCHEON KOREAVapalux and WILLIS & BATES are Trademarks of VAPALUX CO., LTD.VAPALUXISO 9001:2008©2011 VAPALUX CO., LTD. All rights reserved.VAP S UQV4 2Printed in Korea, Republic300 Hurricane Lantern2 Mantles(one fitted on the lantern)3WARNING NOTICEWHEN USING VAPALUX® LAMPS, OR ANYOTHER KEROSINE(PARAFFIN) OPERATEDAPPLIANCE, ALWAYS ENSURE THATTHE ROOM IS REASONABLY VENTILATED.4OVERVIEWThank you for your purchase of a VAPALUX Hurricane Pressure Lamp.Please be sure to read all instructions thoroughly to get the most from the lamp, and keep them where they willbe read by all those who use the product.Use Only Vapalux Brand AccessoriesOnly Vapalux brand accessories certified by Vapalux specifically for use withyour VAPALUX Hurricane Pressure Lamp are engineered and proven to operate within its operational and safety requirements.THE USE OF NON-VAPALUX ACCESSORIES COULD DAMAGE YOUR LAMP AND MAY VOID YOUR VAPALUX WARRANTY.5
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