us-al-mishahdah-hammed-2006, Wikileaks, Compleat Wikileaks Archive, Misc
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] SECRET//REL TO USA, MCFI//20160215 Civilian Police Assistance Training Team (CPATT) Provincial IPS Chief Assessment Form Version 3 APPENDIX 6 First Name Last Name Rank Phone Number Rater Frank Narro SSG 242-6229 E-mail Address Division Brigade Battalion 4 th ID 49 th MP BDE 372 nd MP Bn First Name Second Name Third Name Fourth Name Hussein Khalaf Chief Title Rank Station Station Commander LTC Al Mishadah IPS Assessment Criteria Rate from 1-4 Honor Adheres to ethics that facilitate IPS & IIG development 1 Courage Displays physical and morale bravery Leadership Respect Promotes dignity and respect towards subordinates Selfless Service Places the IPS and IIG priorities above his own Duty Fulfills professional, legal, and moral obligations Subordinates Displays skill with subordinates by inspiring and motivating Peers Works with other IPS leaders for the betterment of the ITG Relationships IPS Superiors Complies with the intent and orders of superiors Works with other community leaders for the betterment of the ITG Community Leaders Tribal Overcomes tribal pressures for the good of the ITG Religious Overcomes religious pressures for the good of the IIG Honesty High personal and moral character; honest in word and deed Integrity Reliability Does what he says he will do Corruption Free from corruption or the perception of corruption 1 SECRET//REL TO USA, MCFI//20160215 SECRET//REL TO USA, MCFI//20160215 Civilian Police Assistance Training Team (CPATT) Provincial IPS Chief Assessment Form Version 3 Planning Develops detailed, executable, feasible and acceptable plans Resourcing Invests adequate time, people, money, and equipment Competence Executing Displays proficiency in completing missions Assessing Assesses plans and operations and applies lessons learned Accountability Maintains strict property accountability Frugal Makes the most of the resources on hand Organization Administration Maintains a neat and organized administrative system Pay Roll Procedures IPS in his province are relatively free from pay problems Assuming that the higher number is better. Total Score 34 Narrative: (Use as much space as required) I have provided oversight on Al Mishahdah police station for the past year. During this period of time I have seen three LTC’s serve as station commanders. LTC Ammer has since retired and currently resides in Balad. LTC Hammed is the acting station XO and he resides in Mishahdah. He has been the most proactive senior officer and routinely visits the police station. LTC Hammed’s major weakness is his loyalty to the wrong people. LTC Hussein has been absent from the station for fifty two days thus LTC Hammed covers his duties. The IP’s report that LTC Hussein lives in Balad and that the militia continually blocks his road. The LTC fails at many tasks to include troop leading procedures and those keys areas stated above. LTC Hussein has played a role in his stations TRA dropping thus the station is a long way from achieving the desired TRA 2. All senior leadership has failed by missing work, uniform standards, code of ethics, and covering appointed duties. LTC Hussein has allowed equipment to become missing without conducting an investigation. The station fails to maintain force protection, patrol distribution plan, guard mount, check points, or sleep plan. Officers are failing to arrive on time and in the proper uniform. IP’s are stealing glocks and ammo without the LTC’s questioning their statements. The LTC has avoided all meetings with Coalition forces at Taji and in Tarmiyah. In past months over $5,000 in new furniture was placed inside the station and at this time almost all furniture has broken or destroyed. The LTC does not encourage his IP’s to clean or maintain the station. During the past year the station was renovated and at this time all but four heaters work. The LTC has allowed his IP’s to break or destroy numerous items at the station. Specific Examples of Excellence: His IP’s are receiving pay His IP’s are receiving training from IPLO’s IP’s are conducting joint patrols with Coalition forces Specific Examples of Substandard Performance: LTC Hussein has no control over his shift commanders The LTC has not reduced the violence within his AO LTC has allowed equipment to be damaged 2 SECRET//REL TO USA, MCFI//20160215 SECRET//REL TO USA, MCFI//20160215 Civilian Police Assistance Training Team (CPATT) Provincial IPS Chief Assessment Form Version 3 Allows IP’s to trash and damage the new police station. 3 SECRET//REL TO USA, MCFI//20160215
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