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Committee on Standards Weekly Summary Report
(July 27-31, 2009)
Schedule of Upcoming Committee Activities
Monday, August 3
10:00 am Staff Briefing – Office of Cong. Gregg Harper, 307 CHOB (Carol Dixon will do briefing)
2:00 pm Todd and Blake
3:00 pm Staff Meeting
Tuesday, August 4
10:00 am Staff Interview of Damon Nelson Re: PMA
2:30 pm Rangel Subcommittee Staff Meeting
Wednesday, August 5
3:00 pm Staff Attorneys Meeting
Thursday, August 6
Cliff/Tonia travel to New York – (Rangel Investigative Subcommittee Field Trip)
Friday, August 7
Administrative Items
Travel requests IN - 22
Travel letters OUT - 17
Travel requests PENDING - 9
Travel requests OUT FOR SIGNATURE - 27
Advisory Opinions
Advisory opinion requests IN - 7
Advisory opinion requests OUT - 7
Advisory opinion requests PENDING - 5
Advisory opinion requests OUT FOR SIGNATURE - 22
Financial Disclosures
2008 FDs RECEIVED: Members: 419 Staff: 2,046 Candidate: 295
2008 FDs SIGNED-OFF: Members: 297 Staff: 84 Candidate: 0
2008 FDs PENDING FILING: Members: 21 Staff: 272 Candidate: 130
2008 FDs PENDING AMENDMENT Members: 41 Staff: 900 Candidate: 12
Financial Disclosure Issues of Significance
Stan Simpson
I had no meetings or briefings during the past week.
Phone calls & E-mails
I have handled numerous phone calls and e-mails this past week which were generally related to providing information to Members, staff and candidates about FD reporting
requirements, due dates, etc.
Significant Issues
Rep. Rangel’s attorney sent me draft amendments to his FDs for calendar years 1998 through 2007, as well as his draft 2008 FD, for pre-screening. In the course of my
review, I found 8-10 small errors that require correction/clarification. Overall, however, the drafts appear in good shape. I have also reviewed the delinquent FDs of Rep.
Rangel’s staffer Jim Capel. They are also appear to be in good order. Mr. Capel has now filed all delinquent FDs and paid late filing fees associated with each report.
Action Items
I am meeting with the chief of staff for Rep. Wasserman-Shultz Friday morning (7/31) to discuss the Member’s draft 2008 FD.
We need to determine how we are going to respond to Rep. Rangel’s request for pre-screening of draft amendments and annual FD in light of the pending investigation
which encompasses his 2006-07 FDs.
We continued to review Member FDs. To date, 297 Member FDs have been approved. There are 21 FDs outstanding due to extensions, 41 are pending amendments, and
the remaining FDs have been through the first review and have been found to contain errors. We continue to contact these Members to solicit clarifying information and/or
amendments to their FDs. All Member FDs are currently accounted for, i.e., all Members who have not yet filed FDs have been granted extensions and are within their
Deborah Peay Bethea
None to-date
Phone calls & E-mails
Retrieved about 25 final files for Detailee review
Prepared files & filed about 50 CC files for the 2010 primaries / elections
Reviewed about 20 CC files for the 2010 primaries / elections
Answered about 5 calls from CCs regarding reporting requirements

Consider establishing and funding an 18 month or 2 year formal training program (e.g., Administrative Staff) to improve workforce performance or as part of an
overall professional development program related to the mission and strategic objectives/goals of the Committee. This should be considered to build upon the
skills and strengths of the staff and implemented to maintain a talented, diverse, and versatile workforce.

Consider succession planning going forward by ensuring that all key positions and/or tasks have updated policies and procedures on hand.
Action Items

Discuss and determine the handling of remaining archive files (about 30 boxes) stored at the Ford House office building that were initially planned to be
completed by December 2009.
Investigative Issues of Significance
Rep. Alan Mollohan
FD disclosure issues; earmarks and
contributions; personal financial success;
loan from former staffer/now Foundation
DOJ requested that the Committee not move forward at
this time, and the Committee requested that the request
be put in writing and also requested an update from DOJ.
7/2/- RBC spoke to DOJ re written response.
Brown, Stan
Rep. Gary Miller
Profits on real estate investments potentially
tied to official acts; loans from campaign
contributor and business partner used for real
estate investing.
Chair and Ranking authorized further investigative
action. Peg preparing plan and file for transfer to
Donald (arriving 7/27)
In the Matter of the Coconut Road
Alleged misconduct related to highway
earmark in Florida. (Coconut Road)
Rep. Connie Mack response to request for information
expected August 28, 2009. Letter sent from Blake (cc:
C/RM) to Rep. Mack accepting revised timeframe.
Ken Kellner,
Peg Perl
Rep. Charles Rangel
1. Alleged solicitation using official
resources and related issues.
2. Rent-controlled apartment(s)
3. Tax filing errors regarding Dominican
Republic villa
RBC spoke to atty. re proffer on 7/20. Discussions
ongoing. Prepare for upcoming testimony and meetings.
Formal interview scheduled on July 30th. Prepare
binders for the Subcommittee members to take with
them during recess. Capel will be permitted to review
his transcript on July 29, 2009.
Ken Kellner,
Tonia Smith
Rep. Silvestre Reyes
Alleged contact with ICE re kidnapped
Staff reviewing and preparing memo with
Ken Kellner
Meeting between Committee counsel and counsel for
these Members occurred on June 1. Counsel for
Members submitted submitting letter with additional
information on June 19. Former staff member Caroline
Valdez pleaded guilty on May 18 to felony
embezzlement of official funds of Rep. Loretta Sanchez.
Staff has drafted closeout letters for consideration by
Chair and Ranking Member (expected to circulate on
July 10).
Shared transferred staff from one office to
other after embezzlement.
Ken Kellner
Rep Linda Sanchez
Rep Loretta Sanchez
Homeland Security Staffer
(Veronique Pluviose-Fenton)
Staff person dismissed from position
following raising concerns about certain
requests made by lobbyist.
Staff will prepare summary memorandum.
Ken Kellner
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