user, C-Map 2005
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Available maps C-eMap will accompany you by sea, rivers, lakes and along the coast thanks to the highly detailed E-MAX cartography developed by C-Map for Pocket PCs. E-MAX is a standard of electronic cartography for leisure boating, extremely rich of navigation-oriented information. • Mediterranean and Black Sea • France and Italy • Iberian Peninsula and Islands • Uk and Ireland • Benelux, Germany and Denmark • Norway and Denamark • Baltic Sea and Gulf of Bothnia • Finnish and Russian Lakes ENGLISH Index 1. Introduction 5 2. How to insert and remove the memory card 5 3. Getting started 6 3.1 The bar Menu 6 3.2 The Info Menu 7 4. Map visualization Functions 8 4.1 How to consult the map 8 4.2 Zoom in and Zoom out 8 4.3 How to centre the map on the boat 8 5. Navigation Functions 9 5.1 How to set a destination 9 5.1.1 Course Over Ground visualization 9 5.1.2 Track visualization 9 5.1.3 How to deactivate a destination 10 5.2 Managing Marks 10 5.2.1 How to insert a Mark 10 5.2.2 How to delete a Mark 11 5.2.3 How to customize a Mark 11 5.3 How to measure the distance from A to B 12 5.3.1 Measuring with GPS signal 12 5.3.2 Measuring without GPS signal 12 5.3.3 How to consult the Map when the measurement function is active 13 5.4 How to Visualize the Navigation data 13 5.4.1 Navigation data with no an active destination 13 5.4.2 Navigation data with an active destination 14 5.4.3 Full info on cartographic objects 14 6. Software settings 15 7. Legend of abbreviations and nautical terms used by the software 15 ENGLISH C-eMap USER MANUAL Warnings • The electronic charts used by C-eMap navigation derive from National hydrographical Institutes but they do not substitute the approved versions released by the Oficial authorities. The information contained in this manual has been checked carefully. The manufacturer and the dealer disclaim any liability deriving from an improper use of the device in a way that may cause accidents, damage, or that may violate the law. • Using C-eMap implies that the user accepts and follows all these warnings and all the instructions contained on this manual. Nota: the data contained in this manual are updated to October 2005. Any change in the system, in the functions, in the tools bar or maps introduced after this date cannot be present in this manual. ENGLISH C-eMap USER MANUAL Content of the Packaging • C-eMap Software with E-MAX maps on Secure Digital memory • Get Started User Manual • CD-ROM with User Manual, Catalogue of available maps and Legend of cartographic objects 1. Introduction If this is the irst time you use a C-eMap Software for marine navigation, it is suggested to read carefully this user manual to familiarize with the available functions and features. 2. How to insert and remove the memory card To insert the memory card switch on the unit, and then insert the Secure Digital memory card in the PDA or Smartphon SD slot with the C-eMap label facing up. The software will install automatically. To remove the memory card, irst close the C-eMap application then extract the memory from the SD slot without switching the unit off.
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