user-manual-for-esp-12e-devkit, ESP-12 IoT
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->User Manual for ESP-12E DevKitTable of Contents1.introduction2.Technical Specifications3.Mechanical Size4.Interface and Functions5.Start quickly6.Revision History7.Technical Support8.Schematics for ESP-12E DevKit9.Source Code10.How to Get it2User Manual for ESP-12E DevKitIntroductionESP-12E is designed and developed by Shenzhen Doctors of Intelligence & Technology (SZDOIT) based on the Ultra-lowpower consumption UART-WiFi ESP8266, which is specially for mobile devices and application of IoT (Internet of Things).Now, ESP-12E is widely applied to internet, communication in local area, intelligent home, industrial control, handed-devices, and etc.ESP-12E DevKit is used the design of on-board antenna and encapsulated by 2.54 direct insertion. It is very convenient todebug and install device.In ESP-12E DevKit, Hardware API operation is encapsulated by Lua language, which can avoid the hardware difficulty forsorfware engineers, and then can speed the develop of products.introduction3User Manual for ESP-12E DevKitTechnical SpecificationsSupport STA/AP/STA+AP 3 working modes;Built-in TCP/IP protocol stack, support multiple-channel TCP Client connection (max 5);0〜D8, SD1〜SD3: used for GPIO, PWM, IIC, ect; the driven ability can be arrived at 15mA;AD0: one-way ADC;Power input: 4.5V~9V(10VMAX), support USB powered and USB debug;Working current: ≈70mA(200mA MAX, continue), standby<200uA;Transmission data rate: 110-460800bps;Support UART/GPIO data communication interface;Support update firmware remotely (OTA);Support Smart Link;Working temperature:-40℃〜+125℃;Driven mode: double large-power H bridge drivenWeight: 7g.Technical Specifications4User Manual for ESP-12E DevKitMechanical SizePCB view for ESP-12E DevKitProduct view for ESP-12E DevKitMechanical Size5
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