Vagcom Manual - Vw-Audi-Seat-Skoda - 3112C, audi a4
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] VAG-COM Diagnostic Software for VW/Audi/SEAT/Skoda User’s Manual Version 311.2 See our Website for an Interactive Online version of this manual: Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Ross-Tech, LLC. 888 Sumneytown Pike Lansdale, PA 19446 Disclaimer: All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Ross-Tech, LLC. The information contained herein is designed only for use with VAG-COM. Ross-Tech, LLC. is not responsible for any use of this information as applied to this or other diagnostic equipment. Neither Ross-Tech, LLC. nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or failure to comply with Ross-Tech, LLC’s written instructions. By using VAG-COM, you acknowledge that this Program is provided "as is" and "with all faults, defects and errors" and that all use of the Program is at your own full risk. It has been extensively tested, but we cannot guarantee it will work correctly with every system in every car. We will make our best effort to fix any bugs and to enhance the program, but we specifically disclaim any liability for damage to your computer or your car, and we do not promise to have any particular enhancements available on any specific date. Copyright © 2003 by Ross-Tech, LLC VAG-COM Table of Contents Getting Started 2-5 Main Screen 6 Select Control Module 7 Open Controller Function Screen 8-9 Fault Codes 10 Measuring Blocks 11-12 Data Logging 13-14 Single Reading 15 Readiness 16 Login 17 7-digit PIN/SKC Dialog 18 Basic Settings 19-20 Output Tests 21 Recode 22 Adaptation 23-24 Security Access 25 Auto-Scan 26-27 Control Module Finder 28 OBD-II 29-30 Options 31-33 About 34 Appendix A: Problems & Issues 35-37 Appendix B: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 38-49 Appendix C: VAG-Scope 50-52 Appendix D: TDI Timing Checker 53 Appendix E: VAG Functions 54 1 VAG-COM Getting Started VAG-COM allows you to turn a Windows-based PC into a sophisticated diagnostic tool for VW/Audi/SEAT/Skoda models from 1990-2004. (Go to our website to download the latest version of VAG-COM. Click on: “Download VAG-COM Software”.) Connect the Serial or USB end of Interface to the Serial or USB port on your PC. If your PC is further from the vehicle than 6 feet, connect a Serial Extension Cable between the PC and the Interface (USB is not extendable). G H If you are using a Serial Interface, you can skip to page 4 of this manual. If you are a USB Interface, this message should pop up. Click on the Found New Hardware message and the Found New Hardware Wizard should start up. Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" then click [Next >] G H This dialog should appear. Select "Search for the best driver in these locations" Check "Include this location in the search:" 2 Getting Started cont. Use the [Browse] button to find the VAG-COM folder (Usually C:\Program Files\VAG-COM\, unless you chose a different folder when you installed the software) Click [OK] G H Click [Next >] and this dialog should appear, warning you that we haven't paid Microsoft a pound of flesh to certify the driver. You're going to have to click the [Continue Anyway] button..:-) When the dialog to the right appears, Click [Finish] : G Note: If, for some reason, you installed your HEX-USB or TWIN-USB without following the above instructions, and VAG-COM does not work correctly, go into your PC’s Device Manager while the HEX-USB or TWIN-USB is connected. Find the “VAG-COM Compatible USB Interface” and delete it. Then, unplug the HEX-USB or TWIN-USB from your PC, wait 5 seconds and plug it back in. Proceed with the installation starting on Page 2. 3 Getting Started cont. Connect the car end of your Interface to your vehicle’s Diagnostic Port. G H If your vehicle has a 2x2 port (some pre-1996 vehicles), then use a 2x2 Adapter between the Interface and the ports in the car. Start the VAG-COM program on your PC through either the Start Menu or the icon on your Desktop. G 4
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