variables-translation, Pluginy do Mirandy
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Miranda Language Pack Version 1Locale: 0809Authors: UnregistereDAuthor-email: unregistered@users.sourceforge.netLast-Modified-Using: Miranda IM 0.7svnPlugins-included:; Generated by lpgen on Wed Jun 16 22:48:53 2010; Translations: 36; Common strings that belong to many files;[Description];[Help];[Open String Formatting Help];[Variables]; ./Variables.rc;[Auto parse];[Automatically strip ];[Automatically strip all non-parsing characters];[Automatically strip white space];[Click on the help button to get more information];[Close];[Don't set a contact];[Notes];[OK];[Parse];[Parse options];[Parse the following string at startup];[Please enter your input below];[Set to the following contact];[Setting];[Tab1];[Test area];[The Variables plugin translates various tokens into a certain value. An example is: I'm running Miranda %mirandaversion%. The substring %mirandaversion% will be translated into the correct version number. The following list shows all available tokens.];[The token %extratext% is translated into a string which depends on the situation in which the string is parsed. Use this dialog to simulate the string to which %extratext% translates.];[The token %subject% is translated into a special contact, which depends on the situation in which the string is parsed. Use this dialog to simulate the contact to which %subject% translates. An example for using this token is: !cinfo(%subject%,display).];[Trigger when the following string changes];[Variables...]; ./help.cpp;[%extratext%];[%subject%];[Cancel];[Input];[Token];[Tokens];[Variables Help]; ./options.cpp;[Services]; ./parse_external.cpp;[Paused];[Stopped]
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