v2.1.0.1 release notes
v2.1.0.1 release notes, DOKUMENTACJE FALOWNIKÓW, SERVO QUINN ANALOGOWY, QUINN, Quin, Quin02 2006, TK2KV2317 (D), ...
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Details on Patch V2.1.0.0 to V2.1.0.1 of PTS Toolkit 2000---------------------------------------------------------This patch updatesPTS EditorPTS TerminalPTS 'ScopeQ-Drive SetupWith the following changes:PTS Editor----------$CQ=CQ flagged as error by PTS V2.1 parser. This hasbeen fixed.PTS Terminal------------When connecting to a SERVOnet axis module the VN detectkeeps trying even though it is obvious it won't succeed.This has been changed - the words "Axis Module" arecaptured and the VN detect aborts automatically.PTS ?Scope----------When communications are very busy and digital signalsare being traced the 'scope can sometimes keep askingthe user to confirm the channel number of digital inputs.This only happens if the 'scope trace data is beingcorrupted by continual error messages (e.g. referencing)or overloaded serial communications. The detection ofcorrupted trace information has been significantlyimproved.Loading trace data from a LOG file can result in an odddisplay - zoomed in to the start of the trace. Thishas been fixed.Q-Drive Setup-------------When relevant CSV file isn't found for the Q-Drive thatis being accessed the message box now tells you tolook to Quins WWW support site, and gives the name of theCSV file. The support WWW site now contains downloadableversions of all the CSV files we have produced fordifferent versions of Q-Drive.When saving a Q-Drive configuration to PC disk a filename with more than 39 characters in it causes aruntime error, number 5. This has been fixed.---------------------------------------------------------V2.1.0.1 release notes.txtMichael DyeQuin Systems Ltd.June 2000
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