v2.2.1.3 release notes
v2.2.1.3 release notes, DOKUMENTACJE FALOWNIKÓW, SERVO QUINN ANALOGOWY, QUINN, Quin, Quin02 2006, TK2KV2317 (D), ...
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Changes to PTS Toolkit V2.2.1.2 -> V2.2.1.3Last updated 14th September 2002-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version September 2002===============PTS Editor----------1. Analysers no longer cause a crash if you close the editor (or a PTS file) whilst the background analysis is still taking place.2. Analysers no longer cause a crash when you close the editor under Windows XP.PTS Terminal------------1. Clone no longer mistakes a QDrive for a Machine Manager during download. The cross- checking of PTS version information has been improved to correctly identifywhen the hardware is different or the firmware is different.2. When only a single PTS key is required during a clone the focus is correctly set in the list box.3. Works with Development Versions of PTS systems.4. Doesn't crash if you associate it with a file and then double click on the file(this is a meaningless association but now handles it neater)5. Clone doesn't crash during CRC upload check. Upload checking is first by lookingfor bell characters, then for the sequences section ONLY a CRC check is performed.6. PTScomm.OCX version displayed in Help/About dialog.7. QDrives are correctly detected by clone upload - and only the relevant channelsare queried for QDrive parameters.QDrive Setup------------1. Enforces read only on parameters 38 and 40 for a PTS equipped QDrive (PTSQ....).This is because internally PTS stops these two parameters being accessed; so now QDriveSetup doesn't try to change them. This primarily affects hiperface equipped drives.(Analogue QDrives, D2000 series - these parameters can be changed).(one known limitation, a D2000 connected via RS485 to QMotion 3 SERVOnet system)Toolbox-------1. No longer reports %s instead of program name in some of the message boxes.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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