v2.3.1.7 release notes
v2.3.1.7 release notes, DOKUMENTACJE FALOWNIKÓW, SERVO QUINN ANALOGOWY, QUINN, Quin, Quin02 2006, TK2KV2317 (D), ...
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Changes to PTS Toolkit V2.3.1.4 -> V2.3.1.7Last updated 18 July 2005-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version V2.3.1.5 December 2004================PTS Cmd Help: Find dialog fixed so it works with more than 2 characters (e.g. errors100+)PTS Editor: Now counts "active" lines in a sequence, i.e. ignores comment lines (soZZ data in PTS can be easily cross referenced)PTS Scope: Copes with up to 50 missing samples in a historical tracePTS Terminal: Ethernet connections now report more information if communication isn'tworking; so you know if it is a send or receive problem.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version V2.3.1.6 March 2005================PTS Editor: Find and Find/Replace dialog should work better with a 'string' ofcharacters that exceed the width of the text entry box.PTS Editor: Will now download a sequence which has a comment line immediately afterthe ES commandPTS Editor: Has scroll bars on the "connect to" dialog when choosing between multipleteminals during download.PTS Editor: works better with files containing more than 32000 lines.PTS Terminal: The title bar now displays the 'name' of the connection (as set in thenew/edit connections dialog box). This should help make identifing differentconnections easier.PTS Terminal: Issuing VN when connecting to a PTS system now waits for up to 8s of notraffic before sending the VN. This should cope with large systems booting up andthen running a complicated autostart.PTS Scope: Has scroll bars on the "connect to" dialog when choosing between multipleteminals during download.Operators Panel Editor: This is now a 32bit application and supports the ESA VT50panel as well as the Operators Panel and Mini Panel.QDrive Setup: French language version now saves QDrive data in English so it can bereloaded on both French and English versions.All programs: Changes to integrate the new operators panel editor.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version V2.3.1.7 July 2005================PTS Editor and PTS Terminal: Fixed "super fast" vertical scroll that can occur whentrying to place cursor in bottom row of text with mouse. This was particularlyevident in Editor after using the "goto" dialog.PTS Scope: Digital I/O traces are labelled with the line number.PTS Terminal: Ethernet communication now implements the "PTS in use by another PC"message - this is very useful in a large multi user environment.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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