utopia thomas more, Literatura Angielska
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Utopia By Thomas More Published by . Visit the site to of classic literature, books and novels. his work is licensed under a INTRODUCTION Sir Thomas More, son of Sir John More, a justice of the King’s Bench, was born in 1478, in Milk Street, in the city of London. Ater his earlier education at St. Anthony’s School, in hreadneedle Street, he was placed, as a boy, in the household of Cardinal John Morton, Archbishop of Can- terbury and Lord Chancellor. It was not unusual for persons of wealth or inluence and sons of good families to be so established together in a relation of patron and client. he youth wore his patron’s livery, and added to his state. he patron used, aterwards, his wealth or inluence in help- ing his young client forward in the world. Cardinal Morton had been in earlier days that Bishop of Ely whom Richard III. sent to the Tower; was busy aterwards in hostility to Richard; and was a chief adviser of Henry VII., who in 1486 made him Archbishop of Canterbury, and nine months aterwards Lord Chancellor. Cardinal Morton—of talk at whose table there are recollections in ‘Utopia’delighted in the quick wit of young homas More. He once said, ‘Who- ever shall live to try it, shall see this child here waiting at table prove a notable and rare man.’ At the age of about nineteen, homas More was sent to Canterbury College, Oxford, by his patron, where he learnt Greek of the irst men who brought Greek studies from Italy to England—William Grocyn and homas Linacre. Lina- Free eBooks at .com 3 cre, a physician, who aterwards took orders, was also the founder of the College of Physicians. In 1499, More let Ox- ford to study law in London, at Lincoln’s Inn, and in the next year Archbishop Morton died. More’s earnest character caused him while studying law to aim at the subduing of the lesh, by wearing a hair shirt, taking a log for a pillow, and whipping himself on Fri- days. At the age of twenty-one he entered Parliament, and soon ater he had been called to the bar he was made Un- der-Sherif of London. In 1503 he opposed in the House of Commons Henry VII.’s proposal for a subsidy on account of the marriage portion of his daughter Margaret; and he opposed with so much energy that the House refused to grant it. One went and told the king that a beardless boy had disappointed all his expectations. During the last years, therefore, of Henry VII. More was under the displeasure of the king, and had thoughts of leaving the country. Henry VII. died in April, 1509, when More’s age was a little over thirty. In the irst years of the reign of Henry VIII. he rose to large practice in the law courts, where it is said he refused to plead in cases which he thought unjust, and took no fees from widows, orphans, or the poor. He would have preferred marrying the second daughter of John Colt, of New Hall, in Essex, but chose her elder sister, that he might not subject her to the discredit of being passed over. In 1513 homas More, still Under-Sherif of London, is said to have written his ‘History of the Life and Death of King Edward V., and of the Usurpation of Richard III.’ he book, which seems to contain the knowledge and opin- 4 Utopia ions of More’s patron, Morton, was not printed until 1557, when its writer had been twenty-two years dead. It was then printed from a MS. in More’s handwriting. In the year 1515 Wolsey, Archbishop of York, was made Cardinal by Leo X.; Henry VIII. made him Lord Chancel- lor, and from that year until 1523 the King and the Cardinal ruled England with absolute authority, and called no parlia- ment. In May of the year 1515 homas More—not knighted yet—was joined in a commission to the Low Countries with Cuthbert Tunstal and others to confer with the ambassa- dors of Charles V., then only Archduke of Austria, upon a renewal of alliance. On that embassy More, aged about thir- tyseven, was absent from England for six months, and while at Antwerp he established friendship with Peter Giles (La- tinised AEgidius), a scholarly and courteous young man, who was secretary to the municipality of Antwerp. Cuthbert Tunstal was a rising churchman, chancellor to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who in that year (1515) was made Archdeacon of Chester, and in May of the next year (1516) Master of the Rolls. In 1516 he was sent again to the Low Countries, and More then went with him to Brussels, where they were in close companionship with Erasmus. More’s ‘Utopia’ was written in Latin, and is in two parts, of which the second, describing the place ([Greek text]—or Nusquama, as he called it sometimes in his let- ters—‘Nowhere’), was probably written towards the close of 1515; the irst part, introductory, early in 1516. he book was irst printed at Louvain, late in 1516, under the editor- ship of Erasmus, Peter Giles, and other of More’s friends Free eBooks at .com 5
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