v585me48-lf, GBPPR 1 GHz RF Spectrum Analyzer
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] V585ME48-L B2 Rev PHASE NOISE (1 Hz BW, typical) 14118 Stowe Drive, Suite B | Poway, CA 92064 TEL: (858) 621-2700 | FAX: (858) 486-1927 URL: www.zcomm.com EMAIL: applications@zcomm.com Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Surface Mount Module Applications • • • CATV Headend Test Equipment Downconvertors Application Notes • AN-101: Mounting and Grounding • AN-102: Output Loading • AN-107: Manual Soldering OFFSET (Hz) Performance Specifications Min Typ Max Units Oscillation Frequency Range Phase Noise @ 10 kHz offset (1 Hz BW) Harmonic Suppression (2nd) Tuning Voltage Tuning Sensitivity (avg.) Power Output Load Impedance Input Capacitance Pushing Pulling ( dB Return Loss, Any Phase) Operating Temperature Range 950 2050 MHz dBc/Hz dBc Vdc MHz/V dBm -98 -30 0 15 81 1 4 7 50 500 pF MHz/V MHz °C 2 14 3 -40 85 Package Style MINI-16HL-SM Power Supply Requirements Min Typ Max Units Supply Voltage (Vcc, nom.) Supply Current (Icc) 10 19 Vdc mA 23 Additional Notes LFSuffix = RoHS Compliant. All specifications are subject to change without notice. © Z-Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of 2 FRM-S-002 B V585ME48-L B2 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Surface Mount Module Rev Tuning Curve, typ. 2150 2060 1970 1880 1790 1700 85 25 °C 1610 1520 °C 1430 1340 -40 °C 1250 1160 1070 980 890 800 0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 12 13.5 15 TUNING VOLTAGE (Vdc) Power Curve, typ. Footprint RECOMMENDED FOOTPRINT SEVERAL HOLES OF 0.015 ON GND. PLANE ARE RECOMMENDED FOR GOOD GROUNDI NG. 10 O 8 6 4 0.030 MIN. CUTBACK FROM LIVE PADS 2 0 894 1111 1264 1395 1516 1630 1740 1849 1956 2059 2151 FREQUENCY (MHz) 85 °C 25 °C -40 °C Physical Dimensions SOLDER MASK GOLD PLATED PADS PIN CONFIGURATION P1 Vt P2 RF OUT P3 Vcc Z-COMM XXXXXXXX-LF W/O# D/C REST GROUND BOTTOM NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOL: XXX: +/- 0.010 LFSuffix = RoHS Compliant. All specifications are subject to change without notice. © Z-Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 2 FRM-S-002 B
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